Rambling Random Hot Moms (Closed)



  • badbrat2005
    Thanks for the encouragement girls. I know i got frustrated enough to get my butt in gear today. I did 20 minutes on the wii zumba and about a 35 minute walk. I have also done well on my eating. If i dont eat or drink anything other than water for the rest of the night, i have met my calorie goal only using 35 calories I earned from exercising. I like starting things fresh when I feel discouraged and I always start stuff on Mondays or Wednesdays or the first of the month. Today happens to be the first of the month. So fresh start and challenge. I am going to keep at this drinking water and exercising. I will be down to 165 by New Years. That means I need to lose almost 8 pounds a month and I believe I can do this or be very close. I think I can. I think I can.
  • badbrat2005
    I wanted to add too real quick that when I diet I seem to have trouble with my blood sugar dropping very low. Any tips to help with that issue?
  • helena98
    @ Jessie - 165 is my goal too! And I'm right where you are -- 196's. 8 pounds a month, eezy peezy. :smile: Not sure what you can do about low blood sugar. Typical treatment is to eat something with sugar in it ASAP. Don't skip any meals, and make sure to eat your snacks, eat snacks pre- and post-workout, and hopefully that will keep your blood sugar stable.

    Are any of you fans of "The Biggest Loser?" (Premieres on 9/20! So excited!!) I just read an interview with one of last year's contestants, Courtney Crozier. I'll post the link below, but I LOVED these quotes from the interview:

    -- My goals for my journey are to continue to better myself DAILY for the rest of my life.

    -- I have tried really hard to keep my eating right because I know if I splurge too much and can’t work it off, then I’m not doing all that I can do to better myself daily.

    -- Bottom line is that even if you are on the most popular weight-loss show on TV and you have the best trainers in the world, if it’s not coming from WITHIN you—from in your own mind that you want to change—then none of that will matter.

    -- Always remember that it might take you a while to change your body on the outside, but it only takes ONE SPLIT SECOND to change your MIND! And when you do that, your entire life will change for the better.

    -- You will have weeks you work soooo hard and won’t lose a dang pound. Ask yourself if you’ve done all you could that week and how you FEEL on the inside. As long as you know you did your best, that’s what matters! Keep pushing, and the numbers are sure to go down again.

    -- Just remember that it doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, what your life looks like, what struggles you may be going through, how much you weigh, what your struggle in life is…just remember that it all starts and ends with your MIND! Have a strong mind, and you can do absolutely anything.

    So inspiring! Read the whole interview when you have a few minutes.

  • helena98

    Hey Daisy! I just noticed you have my intermediate goal set as my challenge goal on this chart. I want to hit 182 at the half-way mark (Oct 9), and my challenge goal is 165 by the end of the year.

    Yikes! I didn't realize that half-way mark is so close! Looks like we passed the quarter-way mark earlier this week. I am so, so, so tired of the 190s, ladies! September's a new month, so I'm ready to work hard and turn this around. I would LOVE to be as close as possible to 182 by Oct. 9. That's 14 pounds in 38 days. Impossible, given my last 38 days, but very possible if I make big changes. Who's with me?

    Let's make September our Biggest Loser Month! How about we set a team goal this month? As a team, we've lost 18.4 pounds in six weeks. I say, let's lose 20 pounds in September! 4 weeks left! Each of us only has to lose 3.4 pounds to reach a team goal of 20 pounds lost. This is EASY!! We could totally reach that number BEFORE the month ends! Let's see how many days it will take to drop 20. Who's in?????
  • badbrat2005
    When I get some money to get more food in my house, my dieting should be easier because I can get healtier food in the house for meals and snacks. Orange juice is the best thing to bring sugar up. And I used to watch Biggest Loser but havent watched the last couple seasons.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    LOVE "The Biggest Loser"-last season was my favorite ever, and I am SO sad that Jillian is gone and they replaced her with stick girl Ana-really? I have to change my attitude, I may really like her. Okay-I will get in on this challenge-3.4 lbs? That puts me four pounds away from my goal weight. I can tell I am getting close-they say the last ten pounds is the hardest-I am finding that to be so true!!!! Add to that the crazy business that is football/school starting/canning & freezing the garden products (oh, and homework, family quality time and working out)-whew, I am tired already. I am running out of hours in the day. Seriously. Yesterday I was up at 5:15 for volleyball practice at 6-then work all day and right after school had to be taking tickets for football games starting at 4 p.m-got home at 10. Pizza and granola bars for dinner. Didn't even bother to log in and was too busy the day before to pack dinner.

    Excuses aside-I'm in!!! I can do this-let's go girls:) Thanks for keeping us inspired Helen-you are the true captain:) Come on hot moms!!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm in. I have been focusing On my motivation or lack thereof this week. Giving myself excuses to be a sugaraholic. I just realized that saying I have no motivation is like a crutch or a major excuse. If I don't feel like doing it then I don't have to. But really this whole journey is about setting yourself up for success whether you are motivated or not!! It is easy for me to talk myself out of anything. Exercise. Veggies. You name it. Time for me to pull out my noexcuses card!!

    For low blood sugar the best thing to do is eat frequently. About every three hours have protein and some carbs. So have eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. An apple and cheese for snack a turkey sandwich with whole grain bread and veggies for lunch. Etc. Fiber and protein help to level your blood sugar so you don't have peaks and valleys. I have had gestational diabetes twice and am a nurse just so you know where I am coming from.

    I can lose four lbs this month! It'll be fun. Time to get moving!

    Thanks for all the thoughts on rewards. I am going to get a pedicure when I am down 5 lbs. (I really need it). Let's reward ourselves when we reach our September goal. As that would be five lbs for me. Keep up the great work!!
  • badbrat2005
    Im in on the challenge. Seems doable. I know this weekend has got shot to hell on diet and exercise and tonight I may br going out for drinks, so tomorrow is a fresh start. I definitely figured out when I am at my fiances parents I consume alot more calories. No more excuses. I will plan meals for when we stay here even if I have to to do this. Also, thank you for the tips on the blood sugar issues. I am going to try to plan meals and snacks for each week to help get my body regulated.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Happy labor day!! I am celebrating by getting up early and exercising.

    My weight. 188 :(. Serves me right. I bought and ate the red velvet cake from Costco. Soo good. And not healthy!!

    Take care and have a great holiday!!
  • badbrat2005
    I am not at home today and will be doing my weigh in tomorrow morning. Hope everyone has good losses this week.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    Weighing in ~ 195.8
    A whole 0.2 loss... but at least it wasnt a gain. Had a bad head cold, TOM, and birth mom stress this week. So, I'm happy with it :wink:

    Still sick though.
    Ya'll are doing great at posting and sharing and staying active in life and the forum too. I hope to join you all here soon. But my head is already aching from looking at computer this long.
    I am back to logging food as of today though!
  • badbrat2005
    I have a question for everyone. Does anyone else on here ever go on Sparkpeople.com or is anyone else a member on there?
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    178.6--ugh sorry! I guess it is good I am not in the 180's, but still would have liked a little bit of a loss to help out the group.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I've never joined spark people. I always figured being on here was enough. :). Are you a member? Do you find value in it??
  • badbrat2005
    My weight for this week was 196.2 pounds so a small gain. I already planned this out laslast night. Im going to eat the lowest calories possible, walk an hour a day outside or on the wii, and im going to take a multivitamin. Oh and drink water water water.

    On the sparkpeople site, I was a member before and decided to join again because they will plan your meals and stuff, but I mainly like the recipe database and helpful information on the site.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    I fixed the goal error I had for Helen, sorry about that. Hope it's all correct now. We are missing two... well actually four... this week, I will be happy to update if there are late check-ins though. And here is the chart.

  • mamaDaisyJ
    I have a couple of friends that use sparkpeople, but I figure one calorie counter is good for me.
    I'm ready to get back to daily walks too. This weekend we had a cool front come in and we are no longer seeing triple digits, and we have actually had the windows open for two days. The electric bill is gonna thank us!
    Do you guys eat exercise calories? I try to eat at least half of them, but sometimes I'll eat them all if I'm just like, HunGry!

    I've seen a pattern with my weigh ins... I'll have a really good loss, then a gain, then a decent loss, then a gain, then a really good loss, then a gain..... so! I'm considering this week an ok week. Just cause it's a little out of sync with my ugly pattern there. I didn't lose alot, but I didn't gain either. If I can keep from gaining during the week I had, I can totally lose this week.

    Did you guys know I quit smoking in March? I totally quit smoking, almost without a problem. My husband has even been smoking in the house, and I can totally resist that.... bring some chocolate ice cream and I melt faster than it does! Cigarettes never did really taste good though.... Anyway, point is, I beat an addiction. Is it really that much easier to quit an addiction than it is to build healthy habits? Been thinking about this.

    Oh, and positive A.M. affirmations.... I've been depressed and just sick with my life. Of course, I have a great life, and really not much room to complain. But it's hard to break that funk once I'm there. I am trying a new exercise to help. Before getting out of bed in the morning, or while in the shower if I slept late, I mentally picture all the things I am thankful for in my life. My kids, my home, husband, overall general health, I can walk, see, speak. I have a wonderful yard to enjoy nature, and the time to do so with my family.
    I think this has improved my mood a bit (I used to wake up thinking of all the chores I had to do and sinking into a poor me, I had to quit school and move out here without any of my friends, kinda attitude).

    Still all stopped up today, but I think I will try to get that walk or maybe a bike ride in. LOL tried to jump on the trampoline with the kids this weekend and thought my face was gonna bounce out into the clouds... it was painful. So, jumping jacks (and the 30DS) are off my list for now.
    I hope everyone feels as positive and motivated as I do today!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I fell off the wagon... I am getting back on it today. with the long weekend and my daughter's 2nd bday yesterday I lost track of what I am trying to accomplish. My husband and daughter better eat all the cupcakes fast!! they are my weakness!! I love frozen cupcakes!!!

    I forgot to weigh in yesterday and thought about it this morning on my way to work thinking it was Monday and was like oh crap!

    I will give myself this week to get back on track and weigh again monday.

    on a good note... I have an interview tomorrow after I take Hannah to her well baby check up. Wish me Luck!!
  • helena98
    So sorry for the late check in! 196.0 yesterday! Small loss, but happy to contribute to the group's efforts.

    sugarlovebug! We're doing the same thing! Birthday celebration for my daughter yesterday (5 yrs old), and interviewing for a job today! So crazy! Totally had me distracted this week, even though I did manage to weigh myself. I started job-hunting about 2 weeks ago, applied for 1 job on 8/30, and got a call for an interview on 9/2! It's for the University of Utah's school of medicine, where I'd be heavily involved in advising their students, and I want it SO bad. But what are the chances that you get the very first job you apply for? Trying to be cautiously hopeful and not give in to stress eating.....

    And now I have my hair and make-up all done, and the last thing I want to do is workout and get all sweaty. Oh well. The day's still young!
  • badbrat2005
    I just had to point out an interesting fact....anyone else notice half our team is about the same weight? lol