Rambling Random Hot Moms (Closed)



  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    I had a "repeat" of Thursday night. Found I was over my calorie limit by 617. (Thanks a lot, Fast Food.) So I came home, strapped on my heart rate monitor, and told myself to clean, clean, clean until I burned those extra calories. I burned 640 calories in 84 minutes of cleaning, so I finally get to call it a day.

    I'm kind of liking my clean-n-burn catch-ups. Seems to be helping, too. I started the week at 197.0, went up to 199.2 by Thursday morning weigh-in, and I was down to 196.4 this morning. I'm hoping I can hit 195 by Monday!

    Maybe one of these days, I'll choose not to eat the calorie-rich fast food because I won't want to spend 45-90 minutes doing clean-n-burn catch-ups after dinner. But until then, at least I'm proactively tracking my calories and making sure to burn off all the extras so that I can stay within my limits.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Way to burn off those calories! You will get it figured out. It is hard not to eat fast food when the family is eating it. I am very thankful that we live out in the country with no restaurants around-or delivery. It is still a challenge though, kudos for making sure you burn off those calories. It will come together. I did walk the dogs for a mile last night and after a hard workout, gardening/watering outside for four hours AND a massage in the morning, my legs are feeling it still this morning. I also hope to be down a pound by tomorrow, hopefully more:) I was 179.4 this morning. So I will drink tons of water and watch what I eat today and hopefully not post a gain from last week. Sigh-this is hard when you are ten pounds away from goal! It goes down, then up, then down, etc... ugh. School starts this week though and I hope to really hit it and get back into the routine of eating well. Dinner will be my challenge, but I can do it!!!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395

    Gained 2 pounds. I don't know what to do. I know for a fact there is no way I overdid it by 7000 calories this week... not even 3500! Yes, I overdid it a little, but not like that! On Wednesday I peeked and was down to 194.6~ I don't know whether to give up or practice getting fat and see if I lose weight that way. I have no willpower. I been trying. But when my husband brought in the EL Fudge double stuffed last night... I ate 4 of them! Not terrible... but they were his, he sayd so, and I had my WhoNu?s. But I couldn't resist... so to keep myself off of them I ended up with a bowl of sweet cereal and left over dinner.... before I had to go to bed to stop the cravings.... and get this.... he didnt take them to work, they are sitting out on the counter. You would think he would get the hint after the chocolate incident Friday that made me actually cry! No matter... how could I possibly gain 4 pounds since Wednesday??? There's no freaking way. and now I'm sposed to be motivated to go do my workout when my daughter leaves in 20 minutes~
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I didn't weigh in this morning, I was running late. so last weigh in was Friday at 176.6lbs.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    So, I managed to get through my workout ~ yay~
    Called my friend down the street that keeps saying she wants to work out with me, but getting our times together is a nightmare... and she told me I couldn't give up, so I did it :smile:
    Afterward, I weighed again cause I forgot to tell the scale to save today's weight, and now it says 197.4... which is still up 1.4, but looks a little better... I don't know. Not gonna get discouraged, or at least try not to.
    If I'm trying, I'm making progress!~
  • badbrat2005
    I weighed in this morning at 195.6 pounds. I know I have been slacking terrible and I only ever did the first day of the beck diet soluction so I need to get back on track. I mentioned needing to run to the convenience store here in town to my fiance and he was like we'll walk down when I get back. If we actually walk it, it will be about a mile or so of a walk. Well see how things go.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Who has Facebook and wants to be friends on there as well?
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Checking in at 195.8 this week. Nice to be going down again!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Ugh-I am not making much progress girls! I need to try harder. Kinda glad school is back in...keeps me busy and on an eating schedule-plus, I am up walking around ALL day-between teaching and coaching. I will get 170 by the end of the year!!! So, weigh in today is 179.4. Grrr... off to drink my water.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    lol we shoulda went with the up and down moms!~
    waiting on a couple more. Just checking in, cause I'm avoiding my Netflix. Everytime I turn it on, my off button gets pushed!
    My daughter seems to think its my job to clean her room, or at the very least help her clean it. I am right that it's her job right? She's 7....
    I think imma do another workout, just cardio later. Jillian Michael's is tough and all but I want more cardio. Maybe I will do a short video next time the cookies call my name? A dance one.... so the kids think it's fun... and they might let me do it :tongue:

    The 30 day shred... did one on Friday, got sore as hell all weekend. And did day one today. I am going to attempt an everyday date with her. In the morning, between kids. Today could be day two, except I just did it Friday to maybe minimize the pain for the next week lol, we will see how that works out!~ Either way, she is gonna be my reason not to go back to sleep for an hour. My something to do between getting girl to school and boy waking up. My every day I'm gonna freaking do this when nobody can stop me! lol ya!

    The diet will get better as my attitude is uplifted from all the wonderful exercise endorphins I will be pumping into me each morning. Right?? It makes sense, I think. Exercise is supposed to increase your mood, and since I eat depending on my mood...woohoo,

    yea, check-in, ramble for a bit, realize my insanity and apologize. LOL
    Brat~ Love that your hubby is suggesting some together activity! :love: They don't know it, but the support is how we know we are loved :heart:
    Sugar~ I am so on Facebook all the dang time... too much really. But I don't have it connected with MFP anymore. Was driving some friends crazy, even made a dear one leave me :frown: My name is Daisy Link though~
  • badbrat2005
    Who has Facebook and wants to be friends on there as well?

    I do. badbrat2005@yahoo.com Add me if you want to.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    188 today

    My new scale will keep me on whole numbers. Now I just need to keep the work up so I see good changes!!

    Sorry I took so long to post. I have been tackling my daughters bedroom today. What a task!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Another thing from jonathon roache. Thought we could use this today

    Jonathan here: You deserve to have an amazing
    week and Monday’s set the tone for the week. 

    So nail your Interval Workout, drink your water,
    eat every 2-3 hours and Win Today and the repeat
    it again tomorrow!

    No Excuses Quote of the Day!

    "Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you
    were to die tomorrow." - John Wooden

    Exercise & Nutrition are only half of what leads to

    Yes, what exercise you do or what you eat is
    important as far as getting fit and losing weight. 

    But if your head is not in the right place you will
    never get and stay fit and lose weight for good!

    I believe that your attitude is 50% of what dictates
    your success and I would place exercise at 25%
    and nutrition at 25%!

    This is why most of my posts are focused on
    helping you shift your thinking so that you can
    build the mental muscles to be successful for good.

    More than likely you already know how to exercise
    and eat right.  Yes, I can guide you on how to
    maximize your fitness results and eat right but
    that is not how I can best help you.

    Here are a few key areas that are at the core of
    having the positive attitude you need to thrive:

    Being grateful for being healthy enough to walk!

    Ditching all-or-nothing thinking!

    Believing you are worth investing your time and
    energy into!

    Avoiding the temptation of quick fixes!

    Taking 100% ownership of your weight loss and

    I care about you and want to help you become
    the person you deserve to be so please follow
    my lead!

    When you have the mental muscles built and the
    healthy habits in place you will free yourself to
    stay fit and lose weight for good!

    So please follow my lead and get ready to shock
    yourself with who you become!

    Today's Fitness Mission: Intervals
    Interval Workouts help you burn up to 30% more
    calories than exercising at a set pace and increase
    your post-workout metabolism for up to 12 hours. 

    So pick your favorite activity (it is your choice –
    walking, running, hiking, biking, etc.) and have fun!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hey all of you! Sound like we are all ready to tackle this week positively! Yea us:)
    @Daisy-way to get back on track! I'm not sure about your daughter being able to clean her room ALL by herself. I have and 8yo boy, and a little guidance does much for the sanity. They are able to make sure clothes are off the floor and in laundry basket ( put one in his room so he can "shoot" his clothes in), make sure trash is picked up and get blankets somewhat thrown on the bed and out of the living room:)
    @Helen-way to really turn it around! You said you were, and look at you! Keep it up!
    @ Deb-love the quotes-especially the John Wooden one-I love him.
    @Brat-that is great your fiance wants to help you out without the nagging. So cool...he sounds like a supportive guy.
    @Sugar-hope your birthday was great, your new hairstyle is amazing, and your date with your man was even more amazing!

    I also heard a quote driving to work yesterday that I actually repeated later on in the day when the janitors hadn't put up my blinds correctly-"If you have time to whine and complain about something, then you have time to do something about it" I decided a little stretching and lifting would do me good and I switched those blinds out to the correct windows so I could raise and lower the blinds next to my desk much easier!

    Gotta run-pack the lunch and make the breakfast before the kids wake up! Have a great day all!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    My daughter is eight and we finally cleaned her room yesterday. I have given her two weeks of cleaning time by herself. Nothing changed. So yesterday we started with a game of picking out tasks from a bottle like pick up clothes, pick up garbage etc. It worked to begin with but then I realized it needed a little more help sO she started sorting into piles and I helped we had several boxes. Put away for other rooms, give away and throw away. I was amazed at how well she was doing with getting rid of things she no longer loved or used. I plan on a 5 min clean up every night where she can work on her room with a timer and then a 5 minute room rescue where I go in and help with the timer of course.

    Now I need to finish my room so I am a good example. :).

    I have decided to do the 100pushup challenge. I need something to excite me into exercise and I think it will be perfect! Google it and you can too do 100 pushups in six weeks!!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    Hello, Hot Moms!! Check out the weekly stats below.


    Another interesting week! Sometimes we lose together, and we gain together.

    Here's a quick summary of the past 5 weeks.


    We have fewer and fewer members reporting each week, and as a result, our weekly weigh-ins are suffering. We seem to have lost that Week 1 & Week 2 momentum, where each group saw BIG numbers. Now we're not even averaging a 1/2 lb per member weekly weight loss!


    Many of us had end of the summer barbecues, as well as school start days for our kids. Life's been busy, and our schedules are changing. It's time to regroup and refocus!


    Let's make this week our new "Week 1." Jump in with the same GUNG HO you had 5 weeks ago!

    We can do this, HOT MOMS!!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Daisy~ There are several Daisy Link's on FB I wasn't sure which one you were. my name is Courtney Spradley, if you want to add me or anyone else who wants to add me.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I did not know my name was so popular.... I found two Courtney Spradley... both had a second last name?

    I think I forgot to post our group chart this week :embarassed: Lucky for us, Helen is great with math :flowerforyou:

    My daughter has a habit of pulling out all 30 of her princess dresses and leaving them in a pile between her bed (with drawers underneath) and the wall. So, I can't get to her drawers (to put away laundry) without picking up the stupid dresses. That's what her room looks like right now. Monday I bagged up all of her 25 baby dolls that she left sitting on the couch for 2 days and sent them to the attic. She thinks they are in the trash. I can only nag for so long until I have to do something about it right.... The dresses are sposed to be shoved into the cabineted shelf above her bed. I think I will give her a chance when she gets home today, tomorrow they will have to be bagged up :angry:
    We are having a garage sale this weekend...

    On a positive note! ~ Daisy has actually been under calories, met her water goals, And did early morning 30DS for 3, yes Three, days in a row. It feels great! I feel like I'm actually back on this. My friend and I are going to take our toddlers to the park later. Stroll them around the walking path for some more cardio and let them play themselves tired. Unless she cancels... then I have a backup plan... bike ride!~ lol I don't know where the motivation popped up from, but I'll take it!

    I'll start that 100 push up challenge with ya. I'll do the test tonight and first trainer on Friday night. Are you doing it in the morning or evening? I think I need to do it separate from other workouts, just to make sure I'm giving out from the right workout, right? Once we get the pushups down, we can do the 200 sit up challenge too :devil: There is also an 100 squat challenge out there, and 50 pullups... but now I'm just getting ahead of myself.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    I'll join you on the push-up challenge! I started it at the beginning of the summer but never made it past week 2. It was cool to see how much difference it made in my upper body strength! I'll start week 1 again, with my initial test at "2." (Yes, I'm a wimp.) I also do them on my knees. I'd like to finish the 6 weeks on my knees and then start another 6 weeks of "man push-ups."

    So for me, today is Week 1 Day 2, for the 100 push-up challenge. I downloaded the app on my iPod and love tracking it there. Here's the link to the app, if anyone else is interested:

  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hooray. I have companions!! I had a whopping 6 knee pushups and can't even get low to the ground the other way. So let's start tomorrow! I wanted to say Monday but why wait?

    I am still working on a lot of things and didn't realize how stressed I was until I came down with a cold sore yesterday. I have not had one in years! I am trying really hard to be organized. Not an easy feat for me. Now it really shows!