Rambling Random Hot Moms (Closed)



  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I didnt get to do my initial test last night. My heels were hurting so bad I laid on my bed all evening with my feet propped up. i did do it this morning, before my shred and got to 11 before I gave up. The funny thing is, I'm pretty sure I did more than that with my 30DS. Nonetheless, that's where I was.
    OH, and I'm doing girly pushups too~
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hey girls! Sounds like we are back on with motivation!!! That is great! I haven't looked, or had time (whew!) to look at the push-up challenge, but am interested. When I started lifting every other day, I could barely do 10 speed push ups (knees). Since April, I have change my hand position every 4-6 weeks and two weeks ago i stopped the knee push ups and can now do two sets of power (man push ups)! It is so hard!! But so fun when you build your strength. So, 100 in six weeks? It took me 4 months to be able to do ten! Haha.

    Great idea on the timer! And the trash bag. We went through a stint like that with our boys. We set the timer for 20 minutes on the stove. They had until it went off to pick up their stuff throughout the house. When it went off, they were finished and anything I found on the floor or not put away went into a thrift store trash bag. It was great! The best was, that the lesson still works. When they are supposed to be picking up and they give me the "I got everything", all I have to say is "Fine, then whatever I find is going in a bag to give away". They somehow find other items to put away:) However, they are now 8 and 10 and finally getting a little more independent. So it gets better (now I just have to figure out how to deal with what I think are the beginnings of those pesky hormones in my forever growing 10 year old. Man that kid keeps growing-it is hard to remember he is 10 sometimes. I get frustrated when he gets whiney.

    So, if I can't get my butt through my workout tomorrow, I will have completed the week. I am thinking of waiting till Sat. morning tho. I have volleyball practice at 6:30 am each school day, then teach all day, then sport activities with the boys, then try to log my calories and not be on MFP till late. I WILL DO THIS! I made the commitment.

    @Helen-love the quotes! And thanks for the chart.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    I may have jumped in too quickly with the push-up challenge. My push-ups are few and weak, so I can always repeat Week 1 on Monday, if we want to all start together. Just so you know, there's a HUGE difference between Week 2 and Week 3, and I may have to repeat those weeks before advancing to the next round. I got a feeling that this "6-week challenge" is gonna turn into "12-weeks" for me.

    In the spirit of full disclosure, I have fallen off the wagon this week. Skipped workouts on Tuesday and Wednesday, and eating WAY over my calories every day this week. I got on the scale this morning to see what the damage is and was relieved to find that I'm only up 1 pound. I'm re-focusing today and getting myself back on track.

    Why the downfall? I started job hunting, and it's STRESSING me out. Big-time stress eater here!!! But I realized that this job hunting process can last for WEEKS, if not months, and I really don't want to put on extra pounds during this time. Back to regular workouts, back to tracking calories, and back to staying within my limits.

    And back to being accountable to my Rambling Random Hot Moms! It would be SO easy to say, "Who cares?" if it wasn't for you ladies. Thanks for sharing your ups and downs and inspiring me to try harder.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I got in my pushups this morning, and amazingly had 12 for my max. Go figure!!Hope you are having a great weekend! We are decluttering and cleaning like crazy. DD starts school Monday and I want a clean house. My older son (3) woke up vomitting at 4:30 this morning so it has been a long day. I caught up on laundry and held him today. I don't like my kids being sick.

    Take care!!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Nice job on the pushups Deb! I hope your boy feels or is feeling better. It sucks when they are sick. Hope you all are having an amazing weekend.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Posting weigh in before I forget ~ 196 even ~
    So, that's a loss :) Believe it or not, I was expecting slighter better. I think my last night stress is to blame though.
    Anywho, gonna go do my 30DS... took 3 days off, was supposed to be just Friday, but then the weekend came and my husband stayed home, and yadayada, getting back to it today though!
    And doing first day of push up challenge tonight.... With 11 logged on initial test ... 10, 12, 7, 7 sets, then my max of at least 9.

    Oh Helen! After each week of pushups, you are supposed to do another test to see where you are for the following week. You may be in the same column, or not.

    Will post again later, better get to it before the boy wakes up!~
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    177 this week..damn it!

    This week was a horrible week. the freaking DQ ice cream cake for my bday did me in!! That I didn't do my 30ds this week since I hurt myself on monday then again on friday. I am going to start again today though.

    on a side note: I have saved my bday cash and I will be getting a new tattoo. I'm pretty stoked about it!
  • badbrat2005
    So I weighed in today at 196.2 pounds. Hate seeing the number keep going up, but I am finally back to my own apartment. Got my son already for his first day of school and walked him to school. So here is a good start to the week.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I weighed several times this morning since my scale is a dial--had to make sure I had zeroed it correctly. 187. Hard to believe but its there. I guess I have picked up on my exercise lately. I did pushups this morning with a max of 16 again. I think I did 6 sets instead of 5 but thats ok. I was plagued by a monkey who thought it was really fun to climb on top of me or under me while I was doing them. He's feeling much better--luckily it was just a 24 hour thing. I planned out my meals for today and am excited to start this week with a better routine. My daughter's first day of 3rd grade was today. I'm not that old! She didn't want to go and I ended up walking her all the way to her classroom door. Luckily the teacher helped her go in. The first day shouldn't make me cry any more, should it?

    I am eating my snack of grapes and a cheese stick. Very tasty. Keep up the great work everyone. :bigsmile:
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Ha, finally have a moment to sit down and log on. It looks like school starting is throwing us for a bit of a loop. We will adjust though:) I finally had a slight loss. Not too much, but better! 177.8
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Weighing in at 196.8 this week. SIGH. Never lost that extra pound I gained last week. :frown:

    So, once again, I'm reviewing life in general and trying to figure out what changes I can make NOW that will help me reach my GW by the end of the year. It's been so easy to make excuses (family outings, sickness, school starting) and not make a real effort in losing weight. But honestly, that's what I've done for the past 10 years. When is it ever going to be, "Enough!" Let's face it. Life is always gonna have its ups and downs, and there will ALWAYS be reasons to skip a workout or to overeat. I keep waiting for the dust to settle, but it's not happening. This is it. The dust is my life moving on, and I don't want to spend the next 10 years making the same excuses and missing out. So here's to a fresh start (again!). Let's hope it sticks this time.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I removed the moms that haven't posted in a couple weeks. If either of them post before morning, I will update the chart accordingly.

  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So ladies. When we reach our challenge goal how are you going to reward yourself?? I am trying to figure out a good one. So let me know what you are doing.
  • badbrat2005
    So I have come to realize all I needed to get motivated was to move back into my apartment instead of staying with my fiances parens. Since I moved back Sunday night, I have walked every day for at least 30 minutes. I make it a goal to either walk my son to school or to walk him home from school. I would like to do both, but depends on my motivation that day. I have also been doing pretty good on drinking more water.

    I have thought many times about rewards, so that is a good post. I know when I reach my overall goal of 135 pounds, I plan to reward myself with getting my belly button pierced. As for the goal by December 31 which is to be at least 165 pounds, I am thinking maybe a new outfit or a tattoo.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Speaking of rewards....

    Last month I read the cutest story of a lady who lost 80 pounds in 8 months. (WOW!) She rewarded herself with a new pair of shoes for every 10 pounds she lost. I thought it was a GREAT reward, since you can usually fit into the same shoes after losing your weight. Since then, I've been trying to figure out a 10-lb-reward for me. I have just over 30 pounds to lose, so that would mean 3 rewards. But what could they be? A new pair of shoes? Maybe just a whole new outfit -- who cares if it doesn't fit when I reach my GW? A pedicure? What in the world is really going to motivate me to drop 10 pounds in 1 month? Cuz let's be honest -- who wouldn't want to lose 10 pounds a month?! Let's hear ideas! I could really use that extra reward motivation.

    Here's the story if you want to read it.

  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    Hello, Hot Moms!! Check out the weekly stats below.


    We have lost over 200 pounds!!

    Here's a quick summary of the past 6 weeks. I re-did the numbers to account for all the late check-ins.


    Way to knock it out of the park!! As a group, we lost more pounds this week than the previous 4 weigh-ins! This is going to make a HUGE difference in reaching our goal weights by New Year’s.

    Is anyone wondering what happened to Group 5? Their captain hasn’t checked in since August 1, and they only had a couple of members who checked in regularly. Their posts were fewer and coming days apart, and I was afraid we’d lose them. Group 7 “adopted” the active Group 5 members – :flowerforyou: many THANKS to Group 5's captain, wanna_be_fit!!:flowerforyou: And look what happened when the groups joined together!


    As a combined group, these ladies are losing more together than they were apart! And they are more active on their group postings as well. Having a larger active group can make a big difference. If you want to see how the other groups are doing, then check out their threads below.

    Have a great week, Hot Moms!!

    GROUP 1:

    GROUP 2:

    GROUP 3:

    GROUP 4:

    GROUPS 5 & 6 – Discontinued. Active members of Group 5 moved to Group 7.

    GROUP 7:

    GROUP 8:

    GROUP 9:

    GROUP 10:
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hey girls! Glad to see us back to exercise and the posts!:) Rewards? New clothes are great, but I know I am really close to my goal weight because it is getting harder and harder to lose. I'd have to be a perfect saint with the eating and exercise. Honestly? Life is too fun to miss out! I am feeling so good where I am at-this group has provided me with the motivation to stay on track. So, clothes-fun...but now I am rewarding myself with a monthly massage. My girl gives me a sweet deal-1 1/2 hours for $60 bucks and she is AMAZING!!! Every workout I do I "pay" myself. But only if it is a hard workout. I save throughout the month by not buying coffees and other needless crap that we find ourselves buying and get the massage. It is my "time of the month" haaha!!!
  • badbrat2005
    Ok everyone. I am getting a little frustrated with the scale. I have been walking these last few days, where the rest of this challenge I really have not done much exercise at all. Well, I stepped on the scale and havent lost an ounce this week. I did a good zumba workout today, although I will never do that workout in front of anyone cuz I suck so bad at it. I am going to try to exercise even more and try to really cut down on me eating cuz that has to be where my problem is. I am determined. If my weight reachs 200, I will go absolutely insane.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Ok everyone. I am getting a little frustrated with the scale. I have been walking these last few days, where the rest of this challenge I really have not done much exercise at all. Well, I stepped on the scale and havent lost an ounce this week. I did a good zumba workout today, although I will never do that workout in front of anyone cuz I suck so bad at it. I am going to try to exercise even more and try to really cut down on me eating cuz that has to be where my problem is. I am determined. If my weight reachs 200, I will go absolutely insane.

    Do not get frustrated! :) Your body needs time to adjust to the new routine, so your muscles may just be figuring it all out. Make sure to drink tons of water and eat the right foods-do not severely cut your calories or your body will trick itself and store fat. I know I stall for about a week with weight loss whenever I change up my lifting routine. It takes time to adjust:) Great job on working out!!!
  • helena98
    Ok everyone. I am getting a little frustrated with the scale. I have been walking these last few days, where the rest of this challenge I really have not done much exercise at all. Well, I stepped on the scale and havent lost an ounce this week. I did a good zumba workout today, although I will never do that workout in front of anyone cuz I suck so bad at it. I am going to try to exercise even more and try to really cut down on me eating cuz that has to be where my problem is. I am determined. If my weight reachs 200, I will go absolutely insane.

    I know how you feel, Jessie! My weight went over 200 this year, and I hated it! Someone told me the other day that losing weight was 20% exercise and 80% what we eat. I know this to be VERY true for me. No matter how much I exercise, it's SO easy for me to go over my calorie limit by 1000s of calories if I'm not being mindful about what I put in my mouth.

    AND it's such a pain that each week feels like a new experiment, just because the weight loss isn't consistent every single week. So we're told to mix it up, change your workouts, eat more protein and less carbs, and so on. Makes me feel like I'm playing "scientist" each week, trying to figure out the best weight-loss diet/exercise combo for me.

    Speaking of scientists, I LOVE this quote from Thomas Edison, who tried thousands of experiments when inventing the light bulb. He said: “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.”

    So we're not failing! We're just learning what doesn't work. As long as we keep moving forward, we'll figure out what does work, and the weight will come off. The key is to be persistent and don't give up. We're in this together. We can do this!