Rambling Random Hot Moms (Closed)



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    The real question is since we are almost the same weight, are we around the same height? I'm 5'5"

    Helen, best of luck with your interview! I went to the U's nursing program, graduated 11 years ago now. Wow time flies! You can always exercise tonight, or just do what I did yesterday and stand all day while cleaning. I went to bed exhausted but in a good way!

    Keep it going--We can do this--Positive thoughts--I am getting thinner, happier and healthier!
  • badbrat2005
    On the height thing, I am 5'4. I was just doing some figuring and I had said I was going to walk an hour a day outside or on the wii. My wii fits batteries are dead, so I decided to figure out what exercises equal up to the calorie burn this shows as a daily goal for an hour of working out. So tonight, I am going to try 20 minutes of junping jacks and 20 minutes of situps. It is too icky outside for an outdoors walk. I am also splitting this workout up into 10 minute increments from now til bedtime.
  • helena98

    Hello, Hot Moms!! Check out the weekly stats below.


    Here's a quick summary of the past 7 weeks.


    After 7 weeks, we have a solid number of moms checking in.

    Did any of you realize that we crossed the quarter mark on August 29th? We are more than 25% through this challenge!! The time is flying fast! In order to reach our goal weights, we need to remember that EVERY DAY counts. Right now, there are 115 days left in this challenge. Let’s keep moving and losing!

    Next week, on our 8-week mark, I’ll run another individual assessment to see how many members are on track to reach their December 31st goal weights.

    Have a great week, Hot Moms!!

    GROUP 1:

    GROUP 2:

    GROUP 3:

    GROUP 4:

    GROUPS 5 & 6 – Discontinued. Active members of Group 5 moved to Group 7.

    GROUP 7:

    GROUP 8:

    GROUP 9:

    GROUP 10:
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hi girls! Haven't forgotten you all. Looks like we are all having a better week. I am finding myself so busy that I don't even have time to log food. I am keeping track throughout the day. I feel comfortable enough now with portion sizes and calories attached. I have done really well these last two days. I have exercised and eaten well and have drank lots of water. I do not want to gain this week! All of you seem good. Glad sugar is back inthe saddle-daisy way to go on the quitting smoking and the positive thoughts-badbrat is really sounds like you are feeling better, which is helping your journey. Helen-hope you get that job!

    Haha-so throw off you weight and height theory-I am 6'2"! Also, is it just us four now? Anyone heard from deb? Or jalapeño? Just curious. U gotta get to bed-practice at 6:30am, up at 5:30 to stretch, coffee and leave at 6. Night all!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Im still here. Just crazy busy this week. How's everyone doing with the pushup challenge? I'm on day two week two it's already made a difference.

    So much for all being the same height. I just thought it would be funny.

    I can't believe we are a quarter of the way through. I need to get cracking!
  • badbrat2005
    I think I have been posting to much so I have been trying to cut back, but some awesome news. Well start with the weight part of the news. I got really strict on myself starting Tuesday and in two days I have lost 3 pounds. Go me! I am a little hungry during the day, but am making myself hold off til whatever my next meal is. So that is the best part of my news.

    In other good news today, I called about a job posted online yesterday just to see what shifts were available and ended up going for an interview an hour later. The lady seemed like she really wanted to hire me, so I am hoping for a call back. If I do not hear back from her by Monday, I am to call her.

    I have been thinking and am going to try to be prepared food wise for the weekends at my fiances parents house. I am going to try to make sure I have small snacks or whatever to eat throughout the day, but let his mom handle dinner and just watch how much I eat. I thought about telling his mom what to make for dinners because she is always looking for ideas, but until I try the new recipes I am finding, I do not want to recommend them and have them be horrible. Done with my rambling for today, or for this post anyways.
  • helena98
    There's never too much posting! I always love to hear what's going on.

    BTW, I'm 5'9" -- I think that lands me right in the middle of the group's heights.

    @badbrat -- Way to go with the weight loss! And a last minute job interview! I hope you get the job.

    @deb -- I'm on week 2 day 2 on the pushup challenge too! Week 1 was HARD for me, and I'm surprised how quickly my muscles are adjusting. Week 2 seems to be way easier, even with the extra pushups. Here's hoping I can stay on target and not have to repeat too many days.

    And in general, my weight keeps jumping up & down. My biggest problem this week seems to be constipation, and it's REALLY effecting my weight numbers. Last, year, I was taking prescriptions, fish oil, and red yeast rice for high cholesterol, and I put on 20 pounds due to constipation! I was able to figure out that it was the red yeast rice. Whenever I took it, I just wouldn't "go," causing my body to retain EVERYTHING and turn it into fat. (Sorry if it's TMI.) Now I feel like the same things happening, and I haven't had any changes in my prescriptions or supplements! I read that the most natural constipation remedies are fiber, exercise, and lots of water. I KNOW I got the exercise and water down. Guess I'll just watch my daily fiber and make sure I'm getting at least 25 grams a day. SO frustrating. Hopefully I can make a big enough change before Monday's weigh in.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Helen. Try beans and quinoa. The beans are like sponges. They will soak up the cholesterol in your body and flush it out. They are also full of fiber and will get things moving! I also love the fiber plus bars. They are really tasty!

    I did 20 pushups yesterday. :). I am excited to see what I get tomorrow!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    So, I been reading the Eat Clean diet book, but I don't think my husband is gonna let me get away with it. It's gonna be just like smoking, it's all about my willpower. Dinner is the only one holding me back, cause he is gone all day, but he's not gonna go for me throwing away all bad stuff that tempts me on a daily basis. Very good read though, for someone that can do what they want.

    Went to the doctor for my feet and was still sick and stuffy. Antibiotics and steroids for a week~

    Is quinoa like couscous or oatmeal? I keep hearing great things about, haven't come across it at the store though, so maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. I was thinking it was a breakfast thing, but I don't know about beans for breakfast. Maybe I should step out of my box?

    Oh, I haven't posted in forever! I am 5'5" also

    How are the job hunts going? I so want to work outside the house, but I totally don't want to be out there looking! Sometimes I'm scared that I haven't retained enough from my college classes to actually do a job if I was to land one. Luckily, I don't have to worry about that until the little one gets to school.

    I'm gonna get back to the pushups today I guess. Kinda forgot all about them when I got sick. So glad ya'll are here and on the ball!

    My challenge to the team this weekend? Get out there with the kids, enjoy the cooling weather before it get cold! Get moving in the sunshine, fresh air, and enjoy your families!

  • mamaDaisyJ
    check-in ~ 196.8... up a pound
    My husband thinks I am obsessing my success away, I don't know. There is a cycle.
    Headed to the dermatologist, bye~
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I'm here! I weighed in at 177.0 this morning....

    Can't chat too much this morning, I will check in at my lunch break.
  • helena98
    193.4 today! FINALLY out of the upper 190s. :happy:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Bad news and good news this morning. Bad: I weigh 190

    Good: I did 21 pushups for my max!!

    Off take the kiddo to school. Chat at you later!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Can someone tell me I am fat and look pregnant, so I can get back on track?!?! I can not get motivated to work out or to eat right again!?!?!

    the hubs told me the other day, "You know I am not going to love you more if your smaller." I don't know how to take that. Do I take that as I will love you no matter how big or small you are, or stop with the weight loss maddness. I am in a tight 12 and I want to get down to an 8, is that too much to ask??!?! My goal is not to be a size 2, but an size 8.

    I am struggling so bad right now....
  • helena98
    Can someone tell me I am fat and look pregnant, so I can get back on track?!?! I can not get motivated to work out or to eat right again!?!?!

    I hear you!!! I've spent the last 10 years at this weight, which I am so sick and tired of, only to never find the motivation to truly make a change. Some days I think, "Well, maybe this is my 'happy weight,' and I should just learn to be happy here." Except I'm so miserable wearing size 16s and sometimes size 14s! CLEARLY not my happy weight! I'm slowly turning things around. Lost 2.6 pounds this week, and I haven't had good numbers like that since week 1, where I lost 3.2 pounds. What really made the difference for me this week is realizing that my weigh-ins were effecting the overall group numbers. I really didn't want to let the group down, so I made more of a conscious effort in making better eating choices.

    Let's remember we're all in this together! And let's make it happen together! I think what will REALLY help us is to have weekly challenges that aren't focused on losing a certain number on the scale. Let's make this our new week 1!

    **************************Week # 1 Challenge*************************************
    To kick off this challenge, I'm bringing it back to the basics.
    Without a good foundation how can we succeed with achieving our goals?

    FOOD - This week is all about the water. Drinking water throughout your day helps keep you hydrated and can reduce the amount of extra eating you might be tempted to do. Your challenge this week is to drink each day 10 glasses of water.

    EXERCISE - Some of us might be looking for that little kick in the rear to get us going. Your challenge this week is to exercise at least 30 minutes each day (or 210 minutes a week).

    Let's report our daily progress toward this week's challenges.

    Today, I exercised for 34 minutes, and I also drank 5 glasses. 5 glasses to go!

    By next Monday, we can pat ourselves on the back for achieving these challenges, regardless of what the scale says. All of these non-scale victories will help us reach our scale victories! Let's go, Rambling Random Hot Moms!!!!!!
  • badbrat2005
    Weight in this week is 196.2 pounds. It is sad though I was losing good at home, then go to my boyfriends parents and gain it all back. But it was also a weekend of being sick, drinking, and being on my period. I am going to weigh in daily to see if it helps some.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I have drank 7 glasses of water so far today before 3p. I will walk for an hour hopefully tonight!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I am glad I have you all to commiserate/celebrate with! Ugh...I was doing so wonderful, then haven't worked out the last few days, my mom makes and amazing choc. zuch. cake, and blah, blah, blah...one excuse rolls into another. I have been drinking water, and eating overall decent. But I feel so good when I am doing better. Time is the biggest issue here-we are CRAZY busy and it is just going to be bad for awhile. Flag football practice starting this week-3x a week. Takes a total of 1 hour drive time for and hour of practice. Big kids football practice 2x this week for 1 1/2 hours. Three volleyball games. Husband coaches JV and Varsity football so Jv on Thurs. night, varsity on Friday night, then our boys have games on Saturday. WheW! Now, throw our day jobs in there and trying to get decent food thrown together. What do you get? A psycho me!!!! I am starting to slowly unravel and on my way to lose my schmidt....okay, I'm done. Thanks for reading.
    I weighed 178.0 this morning. Sorry for the gain, I am Debbie Downer this week. Helen-you rock! Thanks for the nudge, yet again.
  • helena98
    Weekly Challenge Check-In!

    Days of Exercise = 1/7
    10 Glasses of Water a Day = 1/7

    Day 1 is done! Here's hoping I can keep this up the rest of the week......
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I exercised this morning hooray! I couldn't bring myself To go downstairs to the treadmill so instead I watched the news and walked, punched, and moved around for 30 mins. My lazy man exercises! I didnt meet either goal yesterday but I will today. I already have two glasses down! Thanks for the challenge Helen. You are awesome! I'm so glad I am in this group!!