Mkstehle Member


  • I put in a 1/2 tbsp. of natural peanut butter & 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder. Good mix of carbs & protein and tastes so good. Got this from Eating For Life recipes.
  • Fitness Blender has a bunch of great workouts, with different levels. They are free and have everything from weight lifting to hiit to yoga.
  • Working Mom here with 2 boys, 12 & 14. I wake up before them to get my workout in. I know if I don't, it won't get done. I realized (finally) that I really need to work on my eating above everything else. That's the hardest part. Working out is easy for me, eating well is not!
  • I would like to join. I'm 44 (45 next month). I'm 5'6" and weigh 215 pounds. I'd like to lose a total of at least 60 pounds. I'm married and have two boys, 14 & 12. I'm good while at work, but then I get home and eat out of boredom. Working on that. Probably need to find some hobbies, but don't really have any besides…
  • Add me! I'm in a similar situation at 44 years old. Need motivation also!
  • You sound like me Debbie. I gained quite a bit when I was pregnant 14 years ago and always makes excuses for not losing the weight. I also LOVE food and I eat when I'm hungry, bored, emotional, etc. I just got back on MFP after being gone for about 6 months, so ready to start again. Will send you a friend request.
  • Been there. Way to not give up! You can do this. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Great job on getting started. This is a great place with great people. Add me if you like. I will help and cheer you on!
  • Hi! I also am over 200 pounds. Hoping to be under in the next week. Fingers crossed. I'll send a friend request. Its definately easier with people to cheer you on.
  • You can add me. I took about 2 months off and am ready to start again. Would love to have more friends.
  • I started MFP in December, lost 20 pounds and then didn't do very well this summer with logging. Didn't lose weight, but at least didn't gain weight. I am looking to get back on track. Will send a friend request. It's so much easier with support.
  • I did this workout a year ago. It was really good. I still use her cardio workouts almost every week but have moved on to heavier and different weight workouts. Good luck with it!
  • I'm 5'5", but I'm not so worried about what the scale says. I've always been heavier than what I look because I easily gain muscle, it's just the fat over the muscle I have to deal with. So, my goal is to be a size 8, no matter ow much I weigh.
  • First I have to say, love your picture. Miss Piggy is the best. Anyway, I am also a mom of 2 boys and I also am a stressful/emotional eater, something I have been working on for a long time and still struggle. I am lucky that I do have some time after the kids go to school and before work that I can workout. I don't have a…
  • Can definitely relate. I also have 2 kids, but realized I can't blame my weight on baby weight since my youngest is 10. Having the support helps a lot. I will send a friend request. You can do this!
  • Congratulations on losing the weight. I've been at the same weight also for a long time. Why I rejoined MFP. I'll send friend request. We can do this!!!!!!
  • Need to lose about the same amount of weight. I'll send a friend request. Having people to talk to and motivate you helps a lot.
  • I only count my exercise calories if I do a weightlifting or hard cardio, and then I won't use all of them, only half at the most. My work is a lot of walking and I walk my dog, but I don't count them.
  • Do you weight lift? That will burn more calories during the day but it will also,help shrink you. May not lose as much as you want, but you will get slimmer.
  • I am right where you are. I start off great, then motivation stops. Low self esteem also. MFP has helped a lot, even though I've only been on it a few weeks. I'm sending you a friend request.
  • Hi! I just turned 43 and have 2 boys. I have tried to lose weight, but within a few weeks, i lose motivation or have a bad week and then give up. I figured just working out would help me lose weight. Well, not true, it is what you eat, which is hard because I am an emotional and boredom eater. I also started an account a…
  • I'm on the same boat, have about 70 pounds to lose. This is my first week on MFP in a year. Would love to a part of your group! :happy:
  • Please add me. You seem like a lot of fun. I am 43 and have been struggling since I got pregnant. Gained 40 to 60 pounds with each pregnancy. Now my youngest is 10 and I can't blame baby weight anymore...right? I also don't always eat well, I eat fast food & drink... I have 2 boys... but I want to get healthy.
  • I have been off & on for 2 years. Do well for a few weeks, then lose motivation for awhile. Get back on the "kick", lose motivation again. Tired of this yo-yo. I have about 70 pounds to lose before February of 2015. Will be going on a cruise. Hoping that will give me enough motivation, but know I need more, especially when…
  • Hi, I have been off & on with MFP for over a year, but need to make a definite commitment. I gained about 20 pounds 2 years ago (already had 50 to lose) and can't seem to lose it...... however, don't think my eating habits are helping much. Need to reign in the eating. I am a boredom, emotional eater. Working out is not…