How do you eat your oatmeal?



  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    I like it with Maple Syrup and/or Brown Sugar.
  • rstebner
    rstebner Posts: 11 Member
    I eat a few variations. Maple Syrup is a great sweetener with flaked coconut and black berries on top. Or I'll do banana on top and mix in some PB2. You can also make it more like dessert and add chocolate chips and strawberries on top (not as healthy though). Adding cinnamon or vanilla while they are cooking is really the key though. It soaks into the oats so they taste less plain compared to the toppings.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    With my mouth.

    Seriously though, I have to put one TBLSP of PB2, sliced banana and 5 chocolate chips. Any more chocolate than that, it becomes a blobby mess, but just a small amount, stirred until melted, literally make it taste like I'm eating a gooey cookie in the morning.
  • jennifervfoster
    jennifervfoster Posts: 21 Member
    rstebner wrote: »
    I eat a few variations. Maple Syrup is a great sweetener with flaked coconut and black berries on top. Or I'll do banana on top and mix in some PB2. You can also make it more like dessert and add chocolate chips and strawberries on top (not as healthy though). Adding cinnamon or vanilla while they are cooking is really the key though. It soaks into the oats so they taste less plain compared to the toppings.

    Agreed on cooking. I was going to ask what kind of oats are you using, and how are you making it? Stovetop or overnight are gads better, and using steel cut or scottish yields a nice texture. I cook mine with almond milk and always add in different spices (ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, etc) while it cooks. Top with fav fruits and drizzle of honey if you like it sweet!
  • illusion2269
    illusion2269 Posts: 95 Member
    I used to mix steel cut oats and quinoa, it would have a slightly nuttier flavor and a bit more texture. I'd mix in a bit of protein powder and yogurt as well.

    I switched things up a bit ago and started having muesli (which is oats mixed with nuts, seeds, raisins and dates) mixed with yogurt and protein powder, let it sit overnight.

    Both are very tasty, but like someone else said, if you don't like oatmeal, there's no rule saying you can't do something else for breakfast :)
  • raylo1313
    raylo1313 Posts: 20 Member
    I use one packet of Quaker Weight Control oatmeal (less sugar) and one packet of Quaker plain oatmeal together with water. Throw in some dried cranberries (Great Value brand) that I keep in the freezer. Sometimes I'll throw in some walnuts for crunch. No fancy ingredients.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    I noticed on someone's dairy they added butterscotch pudding to it. That sounded interesting.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2016
    I like it with just blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries and maybe some milk (or coconut/cashew/almond milk), so we just may have different tastes, but what I like (beyond that): vanilla protein powder (with the berries or banana), or (new discovery) that powdered peanut stuff -- PB2 or one of the other similar brands. Hemp hearts or flax seeds add a bit of additional texture, as do walnuts or chopped almonds. Dried cherries are great, but kind of high sugar if that's an issue (they usually add some if you don't make them yourself -- then again, if you want it sweeter anyway!). Finally, I greatly prefer the texture of steel cut and find it tastes as good sweet, savory, or just as plain as possible (oatmeal + milk).
  • gottagetitoff11
    gottagetitoff11 Posts: 122 Member
    I put yogurt, raspberries, cinnamon, and a little pudding in mine.
  • Mkstehle
    Mkstehle Posts: 25 Member
    I put in a 1/2 tbsp. of natural peanut butter & 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder. Good mix of carbs & protein and tastes so good. Got this from Eating For Life recipes.
  • SaraMA1
    SaraMA1 Posts: 410 Member
    I cook a big batch of gluten free oats on the stove, with almond milk, cinnamon and a can of 100% organic pure pumpkin mixed in. I like my oatmeal thick, and this is awesome. After heating it up for my bfasts in the AM, I add a drop of honey and some chopped dates on top for a bit of sweetness, really good.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Brown sugar and whole milk. Sometimes i add chopped pecans or almonds. Anything else and the texture makes it inedible.
  • merryward13
    merryward13 Posts: 1,662 Member
    I don't.
  • Jujugetsfit
    Jujugetsfit Posts: 1 Member
    Breakfast bars! I love porridge/oatmeal but here is an alternative if the texture or taste isn't for you. There are lots of recipes online but I like the simple one: mash 2 bananas until almost liquid, then add 2 cups of rolled oats, 1/2 cup of milk, then nuts, dried fruit and spices as desired (recently had sultana and almond with cinnamon). Bake in a medium oven for 30 mins. Slice into portions (approx 4 at approx 300cals depending on your additions)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited August 2016
    I eat it a million ways, but my usual simple go-to is just oatmeal and brown sugar with a bit of butter. Almost all of my variations are cooked in milk.

    If you don't like it don't eat it, though. There is not one single food that you HAVE to eat while dieting. There are plenty of other nutrient rich breakfast options, or even just leftovers from yesterday's dinner.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    edited August 2016
    I always bake my oatmeal in individual ramekins (for portion control!) because I prefer the texture of baked over creamy. This last time I mixed in cinnamon applesauce and pecans. It is so yummy! I am really getting excited for fall, so I think next time I might do some pumpkin!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I only like it with a ton of toppings in it... Sigh.

    I cook it in almond milk usually, then add some almond butter (but you have to add a lot to really taste it)/nuts/fruit, and yes, it needs sugar. Protein powder helps the most with taste though (and adds sweeteness).

    But frankly I rarely eat it anymore, it always disappoints me somewhat, and it often comes up to 400+ calories with all the toppings. Kinda sucks because it helps my cholesterol, but oh well.
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,112 Member
    i alternate old-fashioned rolled oats and steel cut, depending on what i have stocked. as the mood suits, i alternate between skim milk (a "rich" one, like stoneyfield) and almond milk (original, unsweetened). i alternate, also as the mood suits, between microwave (3:00-3:30 min for rolled; 4:00-4:30 for steel cut - but they're still chewy), overnight (soaked in liquid in fridge), and overnight-slow cooker (really the best for steel cut). On overnight oats, i sometimes add raisins or, yes, prunes, and they rehydrate and sweeten in the overnight timespan. when i add fruit fresh, is usually bananas, sometimes berries if i have them on hand. never other sugars/sweeteners or flavors, except for maple syrup on snowed-in type mornings - "just because."

    i am also trying various types of oat no-knead breads - mixing oat flour, oat flakes, etc.

    funny - in my local cable market - alton brown's "good eats" just last night had an oats episode. sufficed to put oats in the top of my brain for today. i think if we think of oats as a grain, and not as "oatmeal" there might be some creative things to do with them.
  • grammageegee
    grammageegee Posts: 78 Member
    What is PB2