SARBelgians Member


  • Yes, I eat them back...50-80% depending on the day, the exertion, & the food available. I'm always amazed at the number of people that are afraid to eat back their calories or even eat more than 1200 calories. 'Baby', you didn't get to your weight by eating 1200, 1400 or even 1800 calories. You were probably eating…
  • One couch potatoe and 2 working dogs. They are fed raw: veggies, nuts, goat meat, lamb meat, salmon, trout, deer, elk, beef, goat milk, chicken, etc. Healthy, high energy, high drive dogs. Great coats, great teeth, small poos and no odor. As Search & Rescue dogs, they have to put in a lot of time and energy to find their…
  • Still in the 20s here at no planting outside until May at the earliest. Have several trays of plants going in the house. 5-6 varieties of tomatoes, 2-3 peppers, carrots, onions, spinach and peas started so far! Just lost my watermelons to "damping off" syndrome!!!! UGH! Got to get my next 3-4 trays started...and…
  • If you don't want to eat it, donate it to the local Search & Rescue K9 unit for cadaver training! It's difficult to get human material to train the dogs with, so we rely heavily on donated placentas. It allows us to train the dogs to recognize human tissue scent, human decay scent and appropriately alert on it. We also…
  • April 4th Jamie - 50 hours - 2 hrs =48 hours left Jessica - 30 hours Jackie - ( 30 hours) - 0 hrs =2 hrs = 1.5 hrs = 1.5 hrs 25 hours left Serena - 40 hours - 1hrs =39 hours left Alicia - 30 hours - 23 minutes= 29 hours 37 minutes left Ginny - 30 hours - minus 40 minutes - 30minutes - 40 minutes - 30 minutes Olive - 30…
  • Don't get to hard on are losing inches...that is a WIN! I started at 252, currently 232. I've had good weeks and bad weeks...gains, no losses, slight loss. I found the best thing for me is drink lots of water (10+ glasses), eat back most of my exercise calories, net between 1450-1800 calories. I try to net…
  • Didn't get online in time for my April 3rd reporting it today....I'll report my April 4th tonight before midnight. April 4th Jamie - 50 hours - 2 hrs =48 hours left Jessica - 30 hours Jackie - ( 30 hours) - 2 hrs = 1.5 hrs = 1.5 hrs 25 hours left Serena - 40 hours - 1hrs =39 hours left Alicia - 30 hours - 23…
  • Jamie - 50 hours - 2 hrs =48 hours left Jessica - 30 hours Jackie - 30 hours - 2 hrs = 28 hours left Serena - 40 hours - 1hrs =39 hours left Alicia - 30 hours - 23 minutes= 29 hours 37 minutes left Ginny - 30 hours - minus 40 minutes = 29 hours 20 min left Olive - 30 hours Taylor-40 hours Jillian- (30 hours) 28-1 = 27…
  • April 1st Jamie - 50 hours - 2 hrs =48 hours left Jessica - 30 hours Jackie - 40 hours - 2 hrs = 38 hours left Serena - 40 hours - 1hrs =39 hours left Alicia - 30 hours Ginny - 30 hours - minus 40 minutes = 29 hours 20 min left Olive - 30 hours Taylor-40 hours Jillian- 30 hours - 2 hrs = 28 hours left Becky 30 hours -…
  • I'm in for 30 hrs (beginner). Looking forward to this challenge. Jillian
  • Add a good fitting backpack with 10# in it....calorie burn goes way up....even on a simple walk.
  • Thank you for doing these weekly goal logs. For me, this week is walking 10 miles, 2 workout sessions with JM video, 3 felting projects finished (my arms will be jello!), and 4 batches of soap made. I've got a craft event at the end of the month and I'm trying to build up inventory. Also, Saturday, I've got water cadaver…
  • Checking in. Ate under calories, too high on carbs, too low on protein. Did the chores (livestock) which burns about 400 calories and unloaded 2.5 tons of hay. Didn't turn on my HRM so don't have an accurate count on the hay stacking. Starting back on JM videos tomorrow for exercise. Tomorrow is another day... Jillian
  • I'll play. I'm looking for a good challenge. Let us know the parameters and rules. Jillian Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi, my name is Jillian and I'm a fiber addict. <LOL> I'm not a knitter...but I saw fiber arts in the group description and decided to join anyway. You can chase me away with your needles if you'd like. I do wet felting with wool, silk and other luscious fibers. I've started to do some needle felting as well. I make purses,…
  • Wasn't keeping track today but walked about 5 miles today....we did a building search today with the search dogs looking for cadaver odor. Plus a 1/2 urban trail for the bloodhound (I was the tracklayer) and a 1/4 mile urban trail for the Cheaspeake (I was also the tracklayer). My own girls did awesome on the cadaver…
  • <Shakes head> do you all think a 100# person doing ellipical for 40 minutes burns the same calorie count as a 150# person, as a 200# person, as a 250# person? For me, per MFP, my 241.6# frame burns 658 calories for 40 minutes of ellipical. Every persons numbers are going to be different, each machine (brand) will give a…
  • Naked and Odwalla fruit smoothie drinks, granola bars (kind, nature valley), rice cakes and rice snacks, pumpkin seeds, nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruit....for starters. Explore the shelves....try new products, develope your own list of "love:must have" foods.
  • Concentate on your net being that 2030 or close to it. Exercise gives you additional calories to eat. For example, I'm 34, 5'8", starting 252#, goal to lose 2# per week. So, MFP told me to eat around 1700 calories. I wasn't eating my exercise calories back in week 2 and part of week 3, so my net was around 1000. Bad news.…
  • Yes! Honest reporting of exercise and food. MFP already has a built in deficit. Exercise calories are earned! Enjoy them! We all didn't become heavy from eating....we became heavy from not moving enough. Concentrate on your net calorie target, not actual calories. Athletes eat tens of thousands of calories during training…
  • Did my normal daily feeding chores. Then did another 2 hours tearing down old pens for tractor walked another 2 miles. Had to build a new quick pen to hold the kids released from the old pen. *Kids, as in goat babies. They had fun running around the farm, exploring, bouncing, running and in general being…
  • I'll join this week. Sunday, I walked for 60 minutes doing chores around the ranch. Loading hay into the wheelbarrow and pushing it to the animals, filling feeders, checking water levels. Lift 100# bales into wheelbarrow and then lifting out flakes at destination. All in all, walked about 1 mile and 2400# (lift in,lift…
  • Welcome aboard! Feel free to friend me. I just started in January. Jillian
  • Hi Natalie, Welcome aboard! Feel free to friend me. I'm 34, 5'8. Looking to loose 50# by July1st and my remaining 50# by the end of the year. I'm taking it 1# at a time, one inch at a time. Jillian
  • Hi! It sounds like you might not be eating enough calories for your activity level. For example with me, I weighted 252 when I started. Was given around 1700 calorie limit to eat (set up to lose 2#/week) because of my height, weight and age. I'm 5'8". That 1700 has nearly a 1000 calorie deficit built in to it already. So,…
  • I'm in! I'll post my stats on Wednesday. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Having had RLS for over 15 years, the past 3 years I have been symptom FREE! I had it before it was officially named. It was agonizing and had nerve pain attacks every night. Nothing helped. Doctor was recommending drugs and such...but i could not go there...didn't want to go there. One day, I stopped drinking soda. All…
  • Hello- Glad to find an artist group on here. New to MFP...finished first week today. I'm 34, from Oregon. I do wet felt and needle felt. Wall hangings, handbags, vests, etc. I also make handcrafted goats milk soap. Plus I'm a photographer when I can steal the Sony Alpha from my husband. Many years ago...I use to do…
  • Not Firefighter, but Search & Rescue K9 handler. Feel free to Friend me! Jillian Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods