

  • 1. What was your motivation to start losing the weight? After seeing a picture of myself a couple of years ago holding my baby and looking so unhealthy, I lost 50 pounds. After a few emotional setbacks--including the justification and emotional eating--and wrecking my knee, I gained 49 of them back. Gasp! Motivation now:…
  • Pet Semetary had a much better ending in the book. The ambiguity was perfect; the movie tells you which way it went.
  • Figuring out what to eat and still get enough protein while losing weight is a challenge. :) My go-to items are: 1. Hard-boiled eggs - I boil a dozen at a time. When I'm hungry & can't decide what to eat, it's my default food. 2. Premier Protein shakes - these are ready-made & sold at Costco. They have 30g of protein & 160…
  • Congrats! Grad school, baby, kids & you still managed to lose weight?!? You have so much discipline & so many reasons to be proud of your work. Hooray for you! :glasses:
  • Just the motivation I needed on this cold morning. :) Wonderful job!
  • Several of my family members have had various bariatric surgeries, with various results. My mom's surgery was the most successful with the least amount of side effects, and she had it in Dec 2006. She had the Mini-Gastric Bypass and lost about 150 pounds. You can find more info about it at They won't do…
  • Peanut butter cookies, warm. Instead of the cookie, when I'm craving them, I get a small spoonful of peanut butter and lick it like a lollipop. It's a disgusting image, I'm sure, but it works.
  • Not just a WEWT WEWT but also a Hallelujah! ;-) Everybody can join this group. If you want to be, *ding* now you are. I don't care what day of the week we report weigh ins; I weigh every day so I can see what a normally fluctuating range is. Whatever day you want that info, I'll post it.
  • Mine's a bit of the opposite approach. When I start whining (even just mentally), I think of this great Nike ad. if the link doesn't work, search YouTube for "Nike no excuses"
  • I confess that: a. I do a better job at taking care of everyone & everything else than I do taking care of myself. b. The evangelical zeal that some formerly-fat-now-skinny people have grates on me. Their unsolicited advice makes me crazy. For example: "Don't eat too much corn on the cob or too many peaches. It has too…
  • When I met with a bariatrician, she said that if you are 3% dehydrated, your body is 20% less efficient in burning calories. The bad news is that you don't start to feel thirsty until you are 5% dehydrated. There are lots of guides about how much water to drink, and she suggested 1/2 ounce per pound of ideal body weight…
  • Last week, I started trying to cook several days ahead for the crazy days when there's no time for anything but drive-through. I bought a family pack of chicken and grilled it all at the same time, then put each portion in a ziploc. I can grab it on my way out the door and throw it in my lunch cooler. It's saved me a ton…
  • Nothing is better motivation than looking into your sweet daughter's eyes and hoping the best for her future. Kudos to you for making it happen. My little motivator is 11 months old, so she's wanting a bite of everything I eat. That's great incentive to only eat healthy things; it's hard to imagine feeding her a Cheeto, so…
  • First, congrats. What a wonderful problem to have! :0) An idea we did in college... invite all of your friends to a clothes party. All of us brought all the clothes that don't fit us, that we don't love, and we just never wear, then we laid them all out around the room. Everyone went "shopping" with everyone else's…
  • Yes, you'll still lose weight. I hate to admit it, but I only get a 30-minute walk a couple of times a week. That's it. :0( However, by tracking my food, I've lost 19 pounds in 6 weeks, so it's apparently still effective to just track what you eat. :0)
  • My daughter is 11 months old. I've lost 19 pounds in the past 6 weeks just by journaling what I eat on this site. When you realize the peanut butter cookie is 250 calories, and you only want to eat 1200-1500 a day, it doesn't taste quite so good. My exercise is still really minimal. At most, I do 30-min walks with baby a…
  • I'm so in! I've broken my ticker into smaller goals, then as I reach each, I decrease the goal weight. I have another 113 pounds to go to hit my final healthy range. You've all inspired me that I'm thinking about putting the whole damn thing on the ticker at once. (Gasp - that seems very overwhelming.) Thanks to each of…
  • I have this red dress that fits me perfectly about a hundred pounds less than what I am now. That dress is actually a huge motivator, so I understand the deal about Anna's jeans. :0)
  • My babycakes is 10 1/2 months old. To be fair, a few days after she was born, I was within 5 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight. However, 9 months of sleeplessness, working crazy hours, and falling for the ease of fast food, I was 30 pounds over my pre-preg weight! Yikes! So, about 5 weeks ago, I decided to get my act…