A couple of questions........



  • paday
    paday Posts: 24 Member
    1. What was your motivation to start losing the weight?
    Just getting older and realizing that my health is important to me. I had gotten to my heaviest weight and knew if I didn't do something about it now, I'd end up a chubby old lady like my mother! Plus I was losing self-confidence and always second guessing what to wear and how I looked and I don't want to live a life where I'm not comfortable in my own skin.

    2. What was your activity level before?
    Pretty sedentary, a lot of TV watching and snacking with the hubby. Plus I work a desk job. I would attempt to workout from time to time but it never stuck. I was notorious for giving up after 3 months when I didn't see results fast enough. It was an ongoing cycle.

    3. Do you do the gym or DVD’s or neither or both?
    I run. We have a track in our city and I go there every other day. I'm doing Walgreen's Walk to 5K Cardio plan right now and once that is done (I'm on the last week) I want to work on speed and incorporate more strength training and yoga into my regimen.

    4. When did it really click for you?
    At the beginning of this year. I had lost 22lbs then gained it all back plus 10 more and was at my heaviest weight! I realized I couldn't lose weight and then go back to my regular lifestyle thinking I could maintain it that way. I also want to live a long, healthy life with my husband and the only way to get him motivated about his health, was to start working on mine.

    5. What NSV are you most proud of so far?
    My ability to run for 30 minutes with only a 1-minute walk halfway through. This week of the 5K plan is running a straight 30 minutes with no walk. That begins today. If I can actually pull that off, that will be my proudest NSV so far!

    6. How do you keep yourself motivated?
    I joined Tumblr about a year ago and follow other Fitblrs, runners, healthy eaters, and positive-thinking blogs. It's really helped in keeping me motivated and understanding that becoming fit is a lifestyle choice that takes time.

    7. What is your ultimate goal? (weight, bodyfat%, size)
    My ultimate goal is honestly to make healthy living last for the rest of my life. No more yoyo dieting or severely restricting calories. On top of that, I'd like to run a 10-minute mile (I'm slow right now) and add muscle tone to my body.
  • lavondrew
    lavondrew Posts: 19
    1. What was your motivation to start losing the weight?
    After seeing a picture of myself a couple of years ago holding my baby and looking so unhealthy, I lost 50 pounds. After a few emotional setbacks--including the justification and emotional eating--and wrecking my knee, I gained 49 of them back. Gasp!

    Motivation now: each pound of body weight is 4 pounds of pressure on a properly aligned knee when standing, 6 when walking. Given the weird Q-angle of my knee, the Dr says it's more like 15 pounds when walking.

    2. What was your activity level before?
    Before wrecking my knee, walks several days a week, some biking, dancing, playing with a toddler.

    3. Do you do the gym or DVD’s or neither or both?
    A few DVDs, mostly just playing & being active outside.

    4. When did it really click for you?
    The first time, it did immediately. This time, I'm really struggling with being motivated. It all just feels tedious and wearisome.

    5. What NSV are you most proud of so far?
    Buckling an airplane seatbelt without sucking in & praying.

    6. How do you keep yourself motivated?
    Ha. I'm really struggling with this, right now.

    7. What is your ultimate goal? (weight, bodyfat%, size)
    Size 12
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    My motivation was my doctor quizzing me to make sure I knew the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Yikes! I decided to do this the right way. I don't do anything that I know I cannot continue for the long term. I don't go to a gym. I walk at least 30 min a day. I bought some hand weights at a garage sale and use those at night while watching TV. Nothing excessive just 20 or 30 reps. I try to throw in 10 or 20 squats during the day. I eat calories to equal my BRM and I eat back exercise calories if I am still hungry. I have lost 28 and have 15 more to my goal. I am averaging a pound a week. I don't freak out if I go a week or two without losing, eventually it comes off. I try not to eat junk food, but if I go to a bbq, I am going to have a burger and chips. I feel fantastic right now and have plenty of energy. Good luck to you.
  • Maejee212
    Maejee212 Posts: 1
    1. My motivation was several things: my clothes were all getting to tight and all the fat was going to my belly; I was tired all the time and I want to get healthy so I can be around to see my granddaughter grow up.
    2. I am a paralegal/legal assistant, so a lot of sitting at a computer during the day. I would try to walk or do treadmill occasionally but there were always other things to do at home.
    3. I try to go to gym 3-4 days a week.
    4. I found classes I enjoy. I get bored with treadmill after 10 minutes, but taking classes, they are usually different enough that I don't get bored. Plus I find I am able to do more each week as I get more flexible and am losing weight.
    5. I can hold a plank for the whole 30 seconds -- I could hardly do it at all when I started.
    6. Clothes are getting lose and I feel so much better, more energy too.
    7. I would love to get down to the weight I should be for my height, but right now I'm just shooting for under 200. Getting real close.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I am having a hard time really getting motivated and digging in. I have a couple of questions for people who are doing well with the weight loss/and or those who have reached/exceeded their goals. Please feel free to say more, here goes:

    1. What was your motivation to start losing the weight?

    2. What was your activity level before?

    3. Do you do the gym or DVD’s or neither or both?

    4. When did it really click for you?

    5. What NSV are you most proud of so far?

    6. How do you keep yourself motivated?

    7. What is your ultimate goal? (weight, bodyfat%, size)

    1. I got a minor sickness (some sort of stomach bug) and lost a few pounds while I was sick. I thought I looked better after losing a few pounds so I decided that I would make an effort to (intentionally) lose more.

    2. Mostly sedentary, but I used to walk to and from the metro a couple times a day which was .7mi from my house and I'd walk to therapy 2-3x a week which was 1.5mi away.

    3. Gym. I lift every day.

    4. When I got into a comfortable routine. I fast all day (maybe a cup or two of coffee with 2tsp cream and splenda) and go to the gym around 6pm. Then I come home and eat a big, delcious dinner. It's easy, comfortable, and sustainable for me.

    5. Breaking 20% body fat was nice (around 16% now, maybe slightly under), getting my arms to 12", and the other day this big guy (clearly a competitive power lifter) at the gym saw me squatting and asked me if I compete.

    6. Seeing results keeps me motivated. Whether it's gaining inches, more muscle definition, or adding weight to the bar, I love seeing progress.

    7. I want to be as big as possible while maintaining a low BF%. Ideally, if I could get to a minimum of 130-135 with sub 10% body fat I'd be very happy. I know this will take a lot of time though.
  • princessnik7
    princessnik7 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing!! I'm just trying to get a feel of what works, and then try somethings and figure out what works for me personally.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    1. What was your motivation to start losing the weight?

    On Thursday, August 2, 2012, I received a serious talk from my doctor about my sugar levels and my blood pressure. It was either lose weight or be put on medication. She wanted to put me on meds then but I refused. It was that talk that scared the crap out of me to do something about it. I have both diabetes and heart disease in my family at at 38 I don't want to be like that too.

    2. What was your activity level before?

    None. I couldn't even walk down the driveway to the mailbox without pain in my feet and back.

    3. Do you do the gym or DVD’s or neither or both?

    I work out at home. Started walking on the treadmill and worked up to running. Eventually added in squats, planks, lunges, crunches and work with dumb bells.

    4. When did it really click for you?

    I took a couple days after the talk from the doc to feel sorry for myself and then got to work on Monday, Aug 6. It took about 2 weeks before I finally felt like I was doing some good. Until that point is it was plain and simple fear that kept me going.

    5. What NSV are you most proud of so far?

    I can run almost 2 miles now and lift as much if not more then my 16 yo daughter. Glucose is normal and BP is better then it has been in 16 years. I feel great, strong and healthy.

    6. How do you keep yourself motivated?

    This is the toughest question. My motivation comes from determination. I have lost large amounts of weight before but gained it all back plus more. I know what my numbers were last August and I don't want to go there. I want to set a good example for my girls and that keeps me going to. What would they think of me if I did all this work and quit now?

    7. What is your ultimate goal? (weight, bodyfat%, size)

    My ultimate goal is to get to a healthy weight and BF%. Size 10 jeans would make me happy as I started at a 22. I want my legs to be strong and lean enough to be be comfortable in shorts. I have not worn shorts in 16 years. I want to run a 5k and eventually get to a 10K. I want to be fabulous in my 40's and beyond.

    **Edited because I had the "quotes" wrong so I took them out.
  • RockingThis
    1. What was your motivation to start losing the weight?

    2. What was your activity level before?
    I am active at work mostly.. but i am very active..i work in a deli/ cheese shop. I am always pulling heavyy carts, lifting slicing loads of meat, squatting and everyone says i walk really fast! I actually sweat at work. heh

    3. Do you do the gym or DVD’s or neither or both?
    I don't feel comfortable at the gym.. someday i might join a gym though. I do Dvds and make up my own work outs from research from learning how my body works with each move. I also just put on on some music and just let go! I've burned 900cal (with HRM) from dancing before.

    4. When did it really click for you?
    It clicked for me when i was fed up with my lifestyle and when my doctor said my degenerative discs will get much worse if i don't lose weight. I've also go PCOS, High BP.. i had juvenile diabetes and also asthma. I learned a lot about nutrition from my doctors but you really have to learn by eating and seeing the out come too. I have always been a trying to lose weight but until you really know what you are doing and putting into your body you won't feel as motivated (at least that's how i think)

    5. What NSV are you most proud of so far?
    My wedding ring is almost falling off. ^.^ Let's just hope i don't lose it somewhere! I would cry for ...ever. lol

    6. How do you keep yourself motivated?
    Motivation can be very hard sometimes! MFP and even Pintrest help me, any weight loss blogs ect.. If someone comments on you looking better or if they can see you are feeling better emotionally is great too. You have to feel good in your mind too!
    I don't really have any motivators at home it can be a drag sometimes.. but I know i can talk to others that actually want to cheer me on and make me feel like i am awesome for putting out the effort to make myself feel better and look better. I also like to read quotes.. a couple favorites are : "no matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch" and Yesterday you said tomorrow" There's alot of them out there. Also keep a pair of jeans a size smaller and think I'll be wearing those soon!
    All the new duds you'll have to shop for! lol I like to shop.. more so when it's sizes smaller. That's all i can think of..right now. lol

    7. What is your ultimate goal? (weight, bodyfat%, size)
    My Goal weight.. i think i put it down for 140? but, really i don't know. It all depends on what my body looks and feels like as i go. I don't know what my body is like my muscles or bones ect.. All i know is my body shape is blob. lol But i am working on that! How exciting to see what it reveals , like a butter fly coming out of a cocoon. Okay, so body fat.. yet again.. not sure, but I'll make a decision when the time comes. As for size.. I wouldn't mind being a 6/8..not sure if i want to venture into a 4 though, we'll see how it goes when i get closer. Just keep an open mind but have some sort of goal to get healthy, feel great (mind and body) and look great as well.

    Add me if you like! I am always in need of fiends!