Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Someone mentioned we needed a chat room. I can set up a chatzy if anyone is interested.
  • lavondrew
    I'm so in! I've broken my ticker into smaller goals, then as I reach each, I decrease the goal weight. I have another 113 pounds to go to hit my final healthy range. You've all inspired me that I'm thinking about putting the whole damn thing on the ticker at once. (Gasp - that seems very overwhelming.)

    Thanks to each of you for the inspiration to keep going. :0)
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    Don't feel bad Ellen sometimes the scale just doesn't move fast. I just keep telling myself at least it is not going up. I am thinking anyday now my scale will move a couple of pounds.
  • thecrimsonking1319
    I'm in! I've lost 53 so far but I've got another 100 to go.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i"m in i need to lose 102 do we check in were do we post are weight loss are successes stories
  • seejay
    seejay Posts: 4
    I need to lose to 100lbs or more count me in , hi am a real durd when it comes to how this works comp and boards and messages I mean bless ya seejay
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ahhhh the end of the day is here. It was a rough one. We were so tired when we got home last night I completely forgot to give my son his medication and boy could I tell it today. He was talking about 100 mph and so loud I am sure the people at the end of the street could hear him. He was bouncing off the ceilings. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! So glad it is bedtime for him!! So I had my little bbq and I had bought these dutch potatoes. They are small and their skin is not real thick and they are a yellowish color. I cut them in half, drizzled some olive oil, salt, and pepper on them, then wrapped them in foil. OMG they were so good. And so I looked at the nutritional guide because I remember when I used to get them they were low in ww points. Six of these potatoes are only 80 calories! Ahhh and I grilled corn on the cob which I love straight off the grill, no butter, nothing, just plain. I had forgotten how good and sweet it is on its own. :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Oh, Stephanie - your description of your potatoes made my mouth water! :smile: I love it when I read through the forum and there's wonderful tips like that!
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    Boy now I want those potatoes and corn. Yum.
    This week my goal is to exercise at least 5 times and to keep eating good.
    Does anyone else have any goals for the week?
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ok so I'm a little frustrated. I have the Wii EA Sports Active and the more workouts and the Biggest Loser for the Wii. Well, my Wii broke. I am suppose to send it in with $85 and wait 3 weeks for it to get fixed. Problem is, I don't have $85 right now because I am a struggling single mom/student. So, I need to come up with other ways to work out. I could go walking, but then would have to listen to my son complain the whole time.

    Ok, the potatoes are called: Melissa's Dutch Yellow Potatoes. They come in a small red bag and everything is written in English and Spanish on the label :)

    Have a good day!
  • tfagler
    tfagler Posts: 30
    Well I have over 125lbs to lose (prob more then that) But I am starting with a long term goal of 125 short term reward goal will be in 50lbs. I noticed there are not to many men joining this group but lets make it fun for everyone!
  • tfagler
    tfagler Posts: 30
    Well I have over 125lbs to lose (prob more then that) But I am starting with a long term goal of 125 short term reward goal will be in 50lbs. I noticed there are not to many men joining this group but lets make it fun for everyone!
  • abailey82
    Yes, Please add me!!
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    I am sure we want anyone, man or woman, who needs to lose. We all know it is hard here otherwise we wouldn't all have over 100 pounds to lose.
    I made it to the gym today and did my workout. Yeah. Still hate:explode: it with a passion but I am sticking to it. Boy the weekend went way to fast.
  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    hi everyone, I've been working real long hrs. the last few day. 12 and 16 hr. night shifts I'm tired and have been doing poorly on my eatting. The most of my exercise has been happening at work, and I just feel out of sorts and need some encouragement to get back on track! I'm going to start my day now with a nice health breakfast and then go for a walk, maybe that will help me feel better. I have one more night of work to go but hopefully it will just be my 8hrs. Then a few days off to get back on track!!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I have been craving nachos. Anyone have a good easy, healthy recipe for nachos that I can subsitute for nachos with beans, cheese, tomatoes, onions, sour cream, and guac?
  • seejay
    seejay Posts: 4
    Hi Everyone

    Well I got here struggle finding out where you were but found you through my topics well just loving the encourgement that I am getting from all you ladies nice to know I am not alone anymore todays really my first day of now putting into motion all that have learnt but I am going to do it one day at a time because I have a great habit of looking at my problems for a quick zap as an immediate solution but I am trying to digest doing it one hour at a time now bless you all seejay
  • seejay
    seejay Posts: 4
    Amen Amen and Amen buddy Love in Christ seejay
  • skylersnanna
    Hi everyone, count me in also I have a massive 140lbs to lose and just overwhelmed by it all, so looking for friends for that extra push and encouragement we all need that we dont get from family and friends who dont understand our dispair
  • kathy52
    kathy52 Posts: 4
    I will be happy to join. I have around 140 lbs to lose and it has been a real stinker getting anything to stay off!