babyrover Member


  • I do Zumba 3x's a week, Aqua Zumba 2x's a week and Hot Hula 1x a week. If it is a high intensity class there will be necessary recovery...lots of squats, lunges, jumps takes a toll. I find the Aqua Zumba to also be effective just in a different way. The resistance gives you a work out but the water allows it to be gentle…
  • I take 3 land Zumba classes and 2 Aqua Zumba classes a week, that combined with diet and I have lost over 50 lbs. I have never left a land Zumba class dry. It is a hard workout, you will break a sweat but most of all if you allow yourself will have FUN!!!
  • You are fully sedated. It is placed via endoscope, the balloon is wrapped in a sleeve inserted the sleeve is removed. then they fill the balloon with the specified cc's for your height. I think this is too arbitrary. that means 5'4" or less received 300 cc's and 5'5" or more received 450 cc's. that means at 5'7" I receive…
  • I have been participating in the Spatz3 Gastric Balloon study. The balloon was placed on Sept 30 2016 and will be removed Friday, May 12, 2017. The Spatz3 is adjustable and can remain in for up to 12 months, which is why it is in clinical trials for FDA approval. The process is not for the faint of heart but has done what…
  • I have been participating in the Spatz3 Gastric Balloon study. The balloon was placed on Sept 30 2016 and will be removed Friday, May 12, 2017. The Spatz3 is adjustable and can remain in for up to 12 months, which is why it is in clinical trials for FDA approval. The process is not for the faint of heart but has done what…
  • I have found the best motivation for me is weighing 3 days a week...I weigh Monday (to see if I caused any damage over the week-end) Wednesday and Friday. I weigh the morning after a gym visit..this seems to keep me motivated to get to the gym so I can see some results the next morning! Probably all in my mind but if it…
  • SW: 224.5 CW: 223.3 GW: 215.0 Weigh in dates: Start of the month 224.5: 01/03 Sat:223.3 01/10 Sat: 01/17 Sat: 01/24 Sat: End of the month(01/31 Saturday): Total weight lost:1.2
  • "If your building muscle from working out it's okay that the scale doesn't budge Muscle weighs more than fat" No it doesn't...a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscles or a pound of bricks. It all weighs ONE POUND. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space.
  • I weigh and measure on the 28th of every month....Just make sure i log my intake and exercise...try to monitor trends in my diet . I found it a lot less frustrating than to weigh weekly and I could never have the fortitude to weigh daily like some people(God Bless them)
  • Fantastic...what a ONEderful gift to yourself!
  • It is a hard adjustment from monitoring weight to monitoring inches..I know I am still struggling with it. Went one month no weighing or measuring...Gym 4 days a week, following a pretty strict alcohol (UGH!) got on the scale at the end of the month and had lost 5.3 lbs. Quite disappointed until I got out the…
  • Fantastic! Congratulations on all of your hard work paying off!
  • I was advised that my weight loss stalls may be helped if I quit drinking as I pledged to remain alcohol free for 28 days That is 3 week-ends of NFL playoffs with NO BEER! I will be partaking on Super Bowl week-end. At the end of 28 days I am curious to see if this makes any difference......
  • Be glad to help in anyway I can... I may have a little more than 50 to lose but losing is losing regardless of the amount!
  • I agree...I am insulin resistant so if I allow my carbs to go up above 100 a day regardless of the calorie count I will not lose. Through trial and error my doctor and I have found that the best nuber for my success is between 50-100 carbs a day and those need to be from fruits and vegetables.
  • Whether it is the comic or the new on screen heart belongs to THOR!
  • I started 2 weeks ago with a weight program on my doctors recommendation. For those of us ladies that have pushed further into our "years of experience" it is important for our overall health to incorporate a strength training progam to prevent deteriation of our bones and muscles through life's cycles. The peri-menopause…
  • SW: 244 CW: 239 GW: 234 Weigh in Dates: 9/6 - 239 9/13 - 241 9/20 - 236 9/27 - End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost:
  • Have not completely completed the program was through W7D2 when my 5k came up. Ran/walked the NFL 5K Run Series for the Ravens last night. Ran 70% of the time and completed in under an hour (which is great for this old lady) I can only get better from here and have my next chance to improve on Saturday morning in the NFL…
  • SW: 244 CW: 239 GW: 234 Weigh in Dates: 9/1 239.0 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: Just for fun: What is your favorite fall exercise? hiking and biking
  • SW: 244 CW: 239 GW: 234 Weigh in Dates: 9/1 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: Just for fun: What is your favorite fall exercise? hiking and biking
  • Killeen, Texas..currently live in Baltimore, Maryland
  • Fabulous and inspirational....I too am 5'10" starting at 241 lbs and have 80 lbs to lose!!! I am a tad bit older than you (i am 50) but thanks for giving me hope that it can be done!
  • I am in this for a loss of at least 75 - 80 lbs...and the more freinds for encouragement and support...the better!
  • After a week break to attend my neice's wedding in the hollars of West Virginia...back to the program. I was supposed to run while I was there but we were working from sunrise to sunset on the wedding and reception decorations. So although I did not run...I must have made 200 trips up and down stairs at the reception hall.…
  • My husband I are huge football fans...Since I wanted my first official 5K to be the Ravens run...he only agreed to go with me if I ran the Redskin run with him on Saturday! (yes we are a house divided, actually in thirds as our son is a Cowboys fan) A true glutton for punishment!
  • Feel free to put me on the list, I have about 80 lbs to lose. I am on several times a day. i would be happy to help in any way I can, and while doing it keep myself on track as well.
  • Completed W6D1 ....found it to be difficult. My husband even commented that I was struggling more than he has seen since week 3. We are signed up for my first races on Sept 4th and Sept 7th for the NFL run series....So I will actually be running 5k's for W9D2 and W9D3.. its not about being first...just finishing!