Why am I not losing weight??



  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm in the same boat kinda. I lost a bunch of weight at first then this last week I haven't lost any. Why?????

    the why's I can't say but I know it happens, so try not to stress over a week with no loss, your body will catch up if your still working at it. If you've gone more than a couple of months without a loss then you may want to change something up.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I have been following a 1580 calorie diet for the past almost 21 days. I do my food diary daily and I am usually either under or just a bit over and when I'm over I use my recumbent bike to work those calories off. I have a chronic illness that causes me exercise intolerance so I am unable to work out daily. I haven't even lost a pound yet. Does anyone know why??

    the overwhelmingly most likely explanation is that your logging is inaccurate.

    assuming your TDEE is properly calculated and your calorie goal is properly set... then you have to look at your food and exercise logging as the first culprit.

    if you're not logging everything, or if you're not weighing everything, or if you're relying on "guesstimates" and "quick adds", or if you are using MFP exercise calories (notoriously wrong), then that's the reason.

    if you are absolutely sure that the above is being done correctly and completely, then you have to understand water retention and how it affects the weight you see on your scale. your weight can fluctuate during the day or from day-to-day by 3-4lbs EASILY. i have seen my weight vary by 7lbs in 24 hours. normally, when somebody first starts dieting, they'll shed water in the first week or two and see a misleadingly large loss on the scale. did you see that and then see it all come back? if so, then whatever fat loss you may have earned in 21 days could be masked right now by water retention. if you have medical conditions that lead to water retention or if you are at that time of the month, the effect of water retention is amplified.

    let's say you lost 3lbs of fat in 21 days, but you are retaining 4lbs of water compared to your weigh-in 21 days ago. if you weighed in today, you'd think you'd gained 1lb. you haven't. you've lost 3lbs, but it's being masked by the water. when your body sheds the water, you'll see that loss. so early on, when your weight loss is small compared to water fluctuations, you have understand that the # on the scale is misleading.
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    Are you eating healthy or just eating the calorie amounts? Even if you only eat the 1500 calories you may not lose weight because of other factors like the carb content or fat content. There is a report on MyFitness pal that tells you how many of each you should have. I would look at that. I have problems losing if I go over my carbs that are reccomended. Also If you eat an apple every day it will help because of the fiber that is in the apple. :)

    Um, WHAT??

    Please do not listen to this, is person is clearly very misinformed. Carb and fat content of food have nothing to do with weight loss. If you are eating at a calorie deficit, you WILL lose weight, no matter what those calories are from.

    That being said, I suggest you double-down on your food tracking, it can be really easy to overestimate a little here and there, and over 21 days, that can really add up. Invest in a kitchen scale, if you don't already have one (mine was $5) and be meticulous in every bite you eat. See if that helps.

    I actually lose better keeping my COMPLEX carbs to a min. She may be the same. Just because you don't have an issue with carbs does NOT mean that someone else doesn't. I also found that cutting out those carbs have helped me with my sugar cravings.

    I agree...I am insulin resistant so if I allow my carbs to go up above 100 a day regardless of the calorie count I will not lose. Through trial and error my doctor and I have found that the best nuber for my success is between 50-100 carbs a day and those need to be from fruits and vegetables.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Sounds like water retention.

    3 questions to ask yourself:

    1. Do you sleep 8 hours a night?
    2. Are you allergic or sensitive to anything in your environment?
    3. Do you think you may have actually dropped your calories too low?

    When your body is stressed, it retains water. Those 3 questions (plus emotional stress) are generally what keeps the scale from moving. I am sure you illness has something to do with it (what is it by the way?).

    It depends on the night. I definitely do not do it every night...some nights I only get like 4-6. I am allergic to trees, grass, pollen, dust, mold, dogs, cats, cockroaches, horses, cod fish, and latex. And according to that TDEE thing I am 100 calories under where I should be a day...so maybe?

    My illness is dysautonomia. It is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. My branch of dysautonomia is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. My BP is all over the place and my HR is usually above 90-100 even while laying down. I also have GERD, PCOS, IBS, and chronic migraine.

    Having PCOS can significantly lower your BMR (basal metabolism Rate) and TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), so yours may be quite lower than the online calculators tell you.
    Lowering your carbs,in your case, might very well help you with the insulin resistance, and help you lose the weight. It will be slower, so don't compare yourself to someone without PCOS.