
Ok just out of curiosity how many lbs have you lost by doing Zumba?? Do you combine with other workouts?


  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    I take 3 land Zumba classes and 2 Aqua Zumba classes a week, that combined with diet and I have lost over 50 lbs. I have never left a land Zumba class dry. It is a hard workout, you will break a sweat but most of all if you allow yourself to..you will have FUN!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,310 Member
    I did Zumba for a little while.

    It's fun!

    Weight loss is about eating fewer calories than you use on a long-term basis. No exercise is better than another for weight loss, but the one you enjoy and will continue to do is always the best one. It is recommended that you do some form of resistance work, in addition to the cardio.
  • katsheare
    katsheare Posts: 1,025 Member
    I have no idea how much weight I lost doing Zumba, but I know how much better my workout clothes looked (loads) and how much more I was able to do in the course of a class (also loads). You'll hear this a lot on MFP, but exercise isn't the key to weight dropping, calorie deficit is. Exercise is key to overall health (not just muscles, but mental/emotional health too), so find something you like and do it!
  • fbchick51
    fbchick51 Posts: 240 Member
    Couldn't say from Zumba alone, but it's been part of my exercise routine while I've lost 25lbs. I just enjoy doing it, plus it's a great workout