

  • Yes definitely - I can usually have a shower and things when I get up and have breakfast afterwards but on the day after a fast I need food as soon as I wake up and the hunger is never fully satisfied! Which makes sense I suppose considering I'm working on around a 1600cal deficit from the day before! I would need to have…
  • I watched the horizon program too - very interesting! I mentioned it to someone I work with and he told me he'd been doing the 5:2 diet since February and had dropped from 56kg to 49kg (he is teeny btw). I have now done two weeks on the 5:2 and have lost 5lbs and 1.25in off my waist, amazing! I try to eat my maintenance…
  • I found out the other day, to my horror, that my cinema treat of chocolate covered brazil nuts contains 171calories in 3 nuts!! I get through soo much more than that. So thats one way of clocking up the calories without thinking... oopsie :S Best problem to have ever btw! I'm jealous :P Just have fun with making yummy…
  • I'm 5'6, 129
  • Definitely do it! It is such a fun way of getting exercise and it improves strength massively. I took lessons a few years ago and loved it so much I bought my own pole, but now I have no room in my new flat to put it up and I miss it :( Go for it, you'll love it!
  • mmmm love hummus! Bumping this - gonna have to try the roasted red pepper idea! I like to add a drizzle of honey/agave nectar to mine, its surprisingly good :)
  • I generally think of it as your body getting rid of all the crap! I could be wrong but if I've had an unhealthy stint its not until I start eating healthy again that I start breaking out. I think toxins tend to make their way out thorugh the pores and can get clogged if your dehydrated - which is more likely if your doing…
  • I can completely relate to this. My bdd is not centred around how fat I think I am but around my face and how ugly I think it is. I used to spend 3hours every morning scrubbing away at my face in the shower and then putting on huge amounts of makeup to cover it up and was terrified of getting caught with no makeup on. The…
  • I was very shy and anxious and was diagnosed as having low level bdd a couple of years ago, so I had a couple of months of cognitive behavioral therapy, which has made a world of difference to my confidence with people! For me, the problem was that I was preoccupied by what other people were thinking of me, and I was…
  • I LOVE my fitbit! Since I've been wearing it I've become determined to spend as much of my day on my feet as I can, just to see the big numbers and the extra calories I'm allowed to eat at the end of the day! On average I've been burning 400-500cal more a day because of this. And I just earned my 500km 'badge' which is…
  • You probably do need to introduce some strength training. This was a very helpful post on plateauing which might be of use: Really explains it all very well! Good luck!
  • Noo don't get the pizza!! The more times you resist the easier it becomes to resist!! Your future cravings will go away if you stay strong now!!
    in PIZZA! Comment by castle88 March 2012
  • Bump! Thankyou! :)
  • You ladies are incredible!!! Every single one of those after pictures is such an amazing sight!! Looking at them you'd never even begin to believe that people that fit and amazing were ever anything other than that! HUGE respect :)
  • I think having one day off a week is fine, so long as you don't go too overboard! I have this problem as well - I want to lose weight but I'm not going to sacrifice having fun with my friends for it! If I decide to have a night out with my friends and a day off the healthy regime then I will be good and restrained with my…
  • I'm 5'6 and 122lbs too! I don't have a set goal because I don't want to set it too low, I just want to get to a point where I look skinny yet healthy - so I think peoples comments on strength training may be the key. I seem to have hit a plateau, as I always do at the 56kg mark. Can't seem to get below that ever! But I am…
  • ^^^ Yes please! I seem to fluctuate a lot and looking at my eating this does seem to coincide with the amount of carbs, would be nice to understand why!
  • You will probably find that eating them back actually helps you to lose more weight since your metabolism will still be high and any muscle you have built will be able to heal properly, boosting your metabolism even more since more muscle = higher BMR. If you don't eat them back, especially when you are only on 1200 cal to…
  • Made this today, was soo yummy! I couldn't seem to shape the mixture into nice cookies so I just filled a brownie tray with the mix and cut it up afterwards. They are lovely and squidgy on the inside and the hint of banana really works!
  • If I were you I would get rid of all of those little tempting things in my kitchen and replace with fruit and nuts and healthy snacks, so if you do need something you are at least not tempted by the naughtier things!! The snacks themselves may be less tempting then also, and you may then be able to make it until dinner!…
  • Im the same all of a sudden!! Following a very chocolate-laden christmas, when the chocolate ran out I got huge cravings. Now, after only a couple of weeks resisting using MFP I don't crave chocolate at all. I think I would still enjoy it though if I do have some, but I don't feel the need to, so I wont! I think once you…
  • I'm cooking one today which is really easy and very tasty! Its just whole chicken legs, sprinkled with rosemary and covered in chicken stock and left on low until I get back home from work. Then I take the chicken legs out, shred the meat off and add back to the broth (can be topped up with water if there isn't much) with…
  • I did diet chef and lost 2kg in 2weeks, even though I went out at the weekend, had a takeaway pizza one night and went to a brazillian restaurant one night (all you can eat meat!). I just replaced any meals I could with the diet chef meals, and they were always really tasty and quick so I had time to get to the gym also!…
  • I was just about to post the same thing! If anyone has an answer to this it would be great.. I went well over my daily limit yesterday as I went for a meal at a friends house, but for the rest of the week I have been below my target so I'm hoping this makes up for it...?