

  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Make you a deal, you do the workout that allows you the 2000 calories you need for a pizza, then order it.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    i wonder if the OP appreciates that her thread has just caused 1/2 of the MFP userbase to relapse.

  • KiiAttitude
    KiiAttitude Posts: 207 Member
    yeah make your own or just think about how long you will benifit from having it for after the first bite? Not long at all and the junk in it will bring more cravings , or like someone mentioned workout and earn it but its guna be a whole lot of working out LOL.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Had two slices of pizza yesterday, it was awesome.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Wait, that personalized pizza AND wedges are less than 1000? What is this personalised pizza is it a piece of cardboard with a fleck of cheese on it?! I'm sure when I checked domino's one of the medium pizzas was over 1000 on it's own!
    it's true! And it's just like a normal pizza, but smaller. Dominos are quite good at putting their calorie counts on their website, so you can look it up first.

    Texas BBQ personal pizza is 564 cals (518 with light cheese), full box of potato wedges (officially 2 servings) is 300 cals and BBQ dip is 44 cals a pot.

    High in sodium, carbs and fat though.

    And the OP still can't have any, unless she has burned off at least 600 calories since starting this thread...
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Wait, that personalized pizza AND wedges are less than 1000? What is this personalised pizza is it a piece of cardboard with a fleck of cheese on it?! I'm sure when I checked domino's one of the medium pizzas was over 1000 on it's own!
    it's true! And it's just like a normal pizza, but smaller. Dominos are quite good at putting their calorie counts on their website, so you can look it up first.

    Texas BBQ personal pizza is 564 cals (518 with light cheese), full box of potato wedges (officially 2 servings) is 300 cals and BBQ dip is 44 cals a pot.

    High in sodium, carbs and fat though.

    And the OP still can't have any, unless she has burned off at least 600 calories since starting this thread...

    Yeah although that's an "option" I'd still end up getting a large and it being 2500 cals lol..
  • castle88
    castle88 Posts: 27
    Noo don't get the pizza!! The more times you resist the easier it becomes to resist!! Your future cravings will go away if you stay strong now!!
  • xchinad0ll
    xchinad0ll Posts: 101 Member
    "I just need the will power.. and i think because of all the info this site has it will spur me on to keep at it. My goal is to be 67 kilos in no more than 5 months. I'm sure i can do it."


    oh dear...

    lol =]
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm having pizza tonight. *smug*
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    How has your diet been lately? If you have been a good girl, then have a piece of pizza. BUT, stop at one.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I'm not thinking pizza cause it's 6am here. I work 4am to 1pm so I eat lunch at 9am... crazy eating schedule, but I still don't think I could do pizza this early. :noway:

    You have never had cold pizza for breakfast?
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Do you have a place that sells by the slice? That is a better option then ordering a whole large for yourself and chowing on pizza for two days!
  • pabocat
    pabocat Posts: 10
    If you just have to have pizza,try weight watchers pizza.That will calm your cravings:smile:
  • Latona38
    Latona38 Posts: 111 Member
    Awesome idea!
  • I gave up pizza for Lent, this thread is KILLING me!

    Yes, I know, I could just not read it but it's a good test of strength to see if I can beat the cravings :)
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    If it helps folks to know what actually happens... I used to work with people that had mental illnesses and one of my clients worked at Pizza Hut. There were some days he struggled and I had to help him at work...they put the frozen dough in the pan, use a huge pump to pump an insane amount of grease onto the dough just to get it started- ewwww!!!

    It was sooo gross! After that while I am tempted by pizza I love it, never any like that:) Good luck!
    I use the Fabulous Flats Multigrain crust, brush with olive oil and fresh herbs, onion red pepper, garlic and spinach sprinkled with feta- yummy and way healthier!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I think that if you're really craving something you should have it, but in moderation, otherwise you may end up eating it anyway and going crazy by eating too much. ( I would!)
    I buy a frozen pizza (yeah I know, fresh is better. but) that's pretty low in calories. It's called Palermo bruschetta (Walmart) and just has cheese and tomatoes on it. I end up adding a bunch of veggies to it, mainly multi-colored bell peppers, mushrooms and onions. You could even add your pineapple or diced canadian bacon and still stay on track. Just add the calories you put on top. I eat half of a 12 inch pizza with no guilt. It's not something I'd do often though, as I'm sure the sodium is a little too high. The pizza is in MFP's data base. Also, if you have Schwanns in your area, they have a 6 inch bruschetta pizza and another ham/pineapple pizza that is also low cal. I haven't tried the ham/ pine. one yet.