snuffybitts Member


  • I think repeating it helps learn the moves. I run a Turbo Jam challenge group in facebook because I am a beachbody coach, and always give my group a challenge. You know that Chalene has what is called the "Elite 11" moves. I challenge them in the beginning of the program to take one of the moves and repeat it continuously…
  • Hi Amy, I have been doing my routine of exercise and calorie counting for 7 weeks now. I have never lost 7lbs in one week so that is amazing on its own. Plus, I always lost weight before my last two TOM's and gained immediately after....not a lot, but it was a explanation on that one. But, I know exercise and…
  • I measure every week because if I do not lose it in numbers it is usually inches. Like this past week for example. I didn't lose any pounds, but I lost a half inch from my waist and a half inch each from my arms and thighs. The results keep me going.
  • You will be amazed by the difference it makes. I love it. Let me know if you want more information.
  • I use them in some of the workouts. If you are still getting results without using them you should be fine, but once it is not challenging enough I would go to Walmart or something and grab a pair. I love mine...and sometimes think that I need a heavier pair.
  • Welcome to the group. I love Shakeology. I have tried and bought all three. My favorite is Tropical Strawberry, with Chocolate right there. If you want more information on it I have included the link. It is so worth it. (you will need to add http:// in front of the myshakeology) I used to spend…
  • thomassd1969, your body definately needs a rest day, it helps your muscles relax and losen up. We all love TF and the moves will get easier as you go along. I know it can be frustrating in the beginning, usually the first couple of weeks, but you will pick it up and you will rock it out. Good luck and keep posting.
  • bj, that is awesome....3 pounds in one week....great job. I love the dancier moves, especially seeing as though I am doing it in the privacy of my own home...hahaha. Shar, you won't be winded for long as your body gets stronger and used to the moves. You are doing great.
  • I do not always do the stretch and just do either cardio or HITT instead. The only time i really focused on the stretch was when I just started and no flexibility at all. The stretch helps with that. Do what is right for you, you are doing awesome.
  • I love those kind of high's....they are the best!! Congrats for rockin it out today....I love it!!
  • I love Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire....both were/are challenging until you get the groove of it. Chalene is so awesome and so inspiring. Her team makes it easy to work out and the videos are fun. if any of you also want to join our Facebook challenge group let me know. We have so much fun in our groups and I have listed some…
  • It is a lot of fun and I hope to get as many as possible to do it from here as well. We can do both simultaneously and that would offer two places of encouragement. check it out and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
  • I agree with Jbella...processed dinners are bad for you....try to do most of your shopping in the produce isle and stick with lean meats, such as pork, chicken and fish. Also, it is better for you to eat 5 small meals a day than it is just three. I drink shakeology for breakfast, which I love and could give you more…
  • From your posts, it seems as though you are doing great. Try not to get discouraged and keep an open and positive mindset. We don't think about the weight gain until its bothersome and then we try and try and try to lose seems like a battle, but the battle is so worth winning and you are on your way. Just remember…
  • That is awesome. I love our coaches and our groups. Ask your coach if she offers any challenge groups and join one of them. It's such a great motivator. i would love to start a Turbo Fire challenge group....and if you ever choose to switch over just let me know. Good luck and keep pushing play!! you can do it!!
  • Hi everyone! Let's start a free challenge group with all of you as members. I know that i have posted several times, but I would really like to have all of you in a Turbo Fire Challenge group. It sounds as though all of you want to start one and I would love to facilitate it. I am a beach body coach and you can sign up for…
  • Join one of our Turbo Fire challenge is awesome. Contact me and I will let you know how to get started. It is free and a lot of fun.
  • It is always a great motivator to take before, during, and after really helps you gauge were you were and where you are.
  • Hi Claudette, You are not alone in the frustrating world of weight loss. I have not neccessarily had the yo-yo effect, but obesity runs in my family and I have decided that I will not be a statistic in my family history. Have you tried they have a ton of programs, one that sounds like it might be a great fit…
  • Hi Paige, I am one of many beachbody coaches and we have a Turbo Fire challenge group starting and would love to have you join us. Our groups are fun and we have monthly contests for free prizes. do you have a free beachbody account? you can log in and log your workouts, progress and have the motivational support all of us…
  • Low Fat Banana Muffins Fill your kitchen with the aroma of these sweet banana muffins. Enjoy them plain or add in some raisins or a sparing amount of mini chocolate chips for an indulgent treat. Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 22 minutes Total Time: 37 minutes Ingredients: •2 cups all-purpose flour •3/4 cup sugar •2 tsp…
  • Don't give up...I was the same way and the weight just stayed. I finally found a great way to calculate my caloric intake on my own by reading a book that came with my beachbody workout. I will use my stats as an take your weight (208) and add a zero (2080) then add 300 for normal daily activities, such as…