newbiee in need of some help

Hello everyone,

Im new to MFP and was hoping for a bit of help/advice on a plan of action. Im 5ft 6" and currently weight 165lbs and would like to get down to near the 150lbs mark, as i have a couple beach holidays/weddings and events coming up this year and do want to be hiding away in the photos.

So i cam across MFP and think its great, however im not sure if im using it correctly as i says i will weigh the same in 5 weeks if i continue.

so i thought i would jot down what i eat, and you can let me know if im doing something wrong

2 x tesco wheat biscuits
semi skimmed milk
a teaspoon of sugar

Mid morning snack

Small jacket potato drizzled with extra virgin olive oil
a mixed lettuce leafs
cherry tomatoes
and a small amount of lighter choices coleslaw

a weight watchers ready meal (generally between the 280-350 calorie mark)

I also sometimes have a bowl of sugar free jelly if i need something sweet but not always

im planning on exercising 3 times a week for around 30-60minutes. Just a mixture of an aerobics DVD i have and some sit ups etc

The first event i have coming up is my birthday in a month, realistically do you think i could lose 10-12lbs in that time.

Please be brutal if you think there is more i should be doing or things you think i shouldn't be eating please say. Im defo up for the challenge and will give it 100%

the two areas i want to see the loss from is my upper belly (my belly above my belly button) it sticks out more than below my belly button, and the top of my thighs (need to get a small gap back!) so if anyone can recommend any exercises specifically to target those areas, i would be very grateful.

Thank you in advance.

Amy x


  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    you cannot target specific areas to lose weight (we all wish we could :) ) are you eating more than the calories that MFP has set for you ? are you logging in your excercise so you can count the calorie burn into your allowance ?

    my first couple of weeks on here i didnt lose anything but now since feb 16th i am down almost 4 lbs, seems like my body took some time to adjust to the change and also show some improvement from the increased excercise.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Unfortunately like the above poster said, you can't target your weight loss to specific parts of the body, but if you lose fat, it will eventually go from those areas.

    Without being able to see your food diary (you can change your setting so that it's public, which may help people advise you), it's hard to comment on whether you're eating too much or too little or whatever. That said, your list posted here seems like it's fairly low-cal. What have you set your weight loss at per week, and what has MFP set your daily calorie intake at? With only 15 lbs to lose, you should probably aim to lose about 0.5 lb a week. It might be possible for you to lose 10-15 lb in a month, but being fairly close to your goal, don't be surprised if it takes longer.

    Since your motivation at the moment is to look good in photos etc, you might consider focussing less on the scale, and more on changing your body composition. Have you thought about strength/resistance training? Building some muscle would change the way your body looks, and you would probably find yourself fitting into smaller sizes. Even if you can't get to the gym or don't have weights at home, there are exercises you could do using your body weight, which would be a start. You don't have to worry about bulking up; check out this thread: for the kind of results you could get with weight training.

    As well as using the scale to measure progress, it's a good idea to take measurements of your body, as you may see more inch-loss than weight loss, and take pictures too.
  • amiz87
    amiz87 Posts: 10
    Turns out my app was faulty. I deleted it and re-installed it and now it shows my calorie I take and showing I would lose weight.

    It's says I'm under eating by 200ish calories will this cause a huge problem?

    I don't want to eat for the sake of eating I need to lose the weight safely but I'm not exercising very much...

    Amy x
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Weel first of all I would stay away from the processed dinner foods. They have alot of sodium and processed chemicals. This can cause bloating and excess water weight. Do a google search for Clean Eating Dinner ideas.
  • sundropc14
    sundropc14 Posts: 37 Member
    i've been on since January and not loosing at all. My eating habits are great. I exercise regularly. I too was having a hard time eating 1200 cal. and thinking I was smart that I'd lose it faster. Well it has only been the last 2 weeks that I have finally lost 4 pounds. Why? because I upped my calories to 1370 to allow for .5 lbs lost instead of 1 lb a week. and bingo. Its what my body needed. but it took 3 months of playing around to find out what it was going to take for my body to drop 10lbs.
    good luck. and eat. its weird but you really need to eat those calories.
  • snuffybitts
    snuffybitts Posts: 25 Member
    I agree with Jbella...processed dinners are bad for you....try to do most of your shopping in the produce isle and stick with lean meats, such as pork, chicken and fish.

    Also, it is better for you to eat 5 small meals a day than it is just three. I drink shakeology for breakfast, which I love and could give you more information on if you want it, and then I have an A.M. snack which is usually fruit, veggies, cottage cheese or a hard boiled egg and then lunch, which consists of 3 oz lean meat some veggies or fruits and water. 2-3 hours later a P.M. snack..same venue as earlier, but different from the first or maybe a cheese stick. Then dinner, consisting of 4 oz lean meat, steamed veggies, etc.

    Do NOT eat three hours before you go to sleep. This way it puts your body to work while you sleep to burn fat. They say that you should eat your breakfast within one hour of waking up.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Also, it is better for you to eat 5 small meals a day than it is just three.
    This is not true. It's perfectly fine to eat 5 small meals, but it's just as fine to eat 3, or even 1 if you're comfortable with that. As long as you stay within your calorie goals you can eat as often as you like.
    Do NOT eat three hours before you go to sleep. This way it puts your body to work while you sleep to burn fat.
    Also not true. Meal timing has no effect on weight loss. It may disturb your sleep, of course, but this varies by individual.
    They say that you should eat your breakfast within one hour of waking up.
    It's true that "they" say this all the time. But who are "they"? You can eat breakfast whenever you want, or not at all.
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    Unfortunately like the above poster said, you can't target your weight loss to specific parts of the body, but if you lose fat, it will eventually go from those areas.

    Without being able to see your food diary (you can change your setting so that it's public, which may help people advise you), it's hard to comment on whether you're eating too much or too little or whatever. That said, your list posted here seems like it's fairly low-cal. What have you set your weight loss at per week, and what has MFP set your daily calorie intake at? With only 15 lbs to lose, you should probably aim to lose about 0.5 lb a week. It might be possible for you to lose 10-15 lb in a month, but being fairly close to your goal, don't be surprised if it takes longer.

    Since your motivation at the moment is to look good in photos etc, you might consider focussing less on the scale, and more on changing your body composition. Have you thought about strength/resistance training? Building some muscle would change the way your body looks, and you would probably find yourself fitting into smaller sizes. Even if you can't get to the gym or don't have weights at home, there are exercises you could do using your body weight, which would be a start. You don't have to worry about bulking up; check out this thread: for the kind of results you could get with weight training.

    As well as using the scale to measure progress, it's a good idea to take measurements of your body, as you may see more inch-loss than weight loss, and take pictures too.

    I heartedly concur. Strength training yields fast, dramatic results in terms of size, feeling good, but not necessarily on the scale. I've lost 26 pounds in six months, which may seems kind of slow, but through strnegth training, I've dropped about two clothing sizes and even then, everything fits, looks and feels better on me.

    Also, stay away from processed foods AMAP. Convenient, but loaded w/ sodium which makes you retain water weight. I've read that adults should aim for less than 1,500mg/day (I try for 1,200). Once you start to track it, you'd be AMAZED how much extra sodium you consume. And those frozen diet meals are skimpy (volume wise). I always feel hungry after eating them. Expensive too.

    Here is one of my favorite dinners. Pan sear in a couple of teaspoons of olive oil 3 oz of salmon, seasoned with pepper, fresh dill or red chili seeds, load it up on a big salad (as much as you want) organic spinach, baby greens salad with strawberries, red onion, and homemade balsamic vinegar dressing (one tables spoon energetically tossed in the salad distribute the seasoning and minimizes the fat/calorie consumption if you direct pour and eat without tossing). Top it up with home toasted (not salted) sprinkle of sunflower seeds. Yum! And it only takes about 12 minutes to make. Compared to 4-5 minutes microwaving frozen stuff. And for the extra 10 minutes you know what you are feeding your body.

    Load up on non starchy veggies - fresh or frozen (but not frozen with sauces/seasoning). Great for feeling full. And to avoid the hunger pains that can strike just before you next meal....SNACK OFTEN and with intention. Orange, apple, a piece of cheese, low fat yogurt (plain) mixed with fruit you add and maybe a tablespoon of walnuts. During the course of the day, I regularly eat more cummulatively from snacks than I do at any one meal.

    Pay attention to how your calories in are distributed among protein, fat, carbs. You can customize your nutrition report to show these plus many nutrients/minerals (I track sodium and calcium).

    The more you exercise the better. Strength training, cardio vascular. Get your heart rate up everyday. You'll have to research to see how high you should target your heart rate.

    Good luck. You might find that rather than a quick fix, you start to adopt more healthful practises... and if so, you'll never again feel like you are on a deprived diet.
  • amiz87
    amiz87 Posts: 10
    was surprised to read about ready meals? is this the case even for weight watchers?

    i have bought enough to last me the month so dont really have much choice of other stuff to eat now :(

    i had a sneaky weigh in this morning (was gonna wait till tomorrow, as would have been a week then) and i have lost 4lbs this week and i have started my TOM today so hoping once thats gone might be slightly more.

    I also have a quick question i think the key thing for me not feeling hungry etc is the fact im drinking 2 litres a day when before i may go all day with just 1 glass of fizz (was really bad at not drinking before) im on the understanding that this helps weight loss is that still the case if i drink squash (sugar free of course) instead of water as im not a huge fan of the taste of water?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Also, it is better for you to eat 5 small meals a day than it is just three.
    This is not true. It's perfectly fine to eat 5 small meals, but it's just as fine to eat 3, or even 1 if you're comfortable with that. As long as you stay within your calorie goals you can eat as often as you like.
    Do NOT eat three hours before you go to sleep. This way it puts your body to work while you sleep to burn fat.
    Also not true. Meal timing has no effect on weight loss. It may disturb your sleep, of course, but this varies by individual.
    They say that you should eat your breakfast within one hour of waking up.
    It's true that "they" say this all the time. But who are "they"? You can eat breakfast whenever you want, or not at all.

    This is correct.
  • kaseyAnne425
    You need way more protein
  • Shellysgonnawin
    Shellysgonnawin Posts: 1 Member
    Options i like for upper abs... youll feel it the next day
    + Cardio
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    was surprised to read about ready meals? is this the case even for weight watchers?

    i have bought enough to last me the month so dont really have much choice of other stuff to eat now :(

    i had a sneaky weigh in this morning (was gonna wait till tomorrow, as would have been a week then) and i have lost 4lbs this week and i have started my TOM today so hoping once thats gone might be slightly more.

    I also have a quick question i think the key thing for me not feeling hungry etc is the fact im drinking 2 litres a day when before i may go all day with just 1 glass of fizz (was really bad at not drinking before) im on the understanding that this helps weight loss is that still the case if i drink squash (sugar free of course) instead of water as im not a huge fan of the taste of water?

    If drinks are filling you up, then drink whatever makes you happy, sugar free squash, green & herbal teas etc are all low in calories, but even if you drink tea and coffee, just remember to account for any milk or sugar that you add.

    With regards to the ready meals, yes they probably do have more salt than fresh food, but even so, they are not the devil that some people would like to make out, and if they work for you, keep going. I find that I have to supplement them with extra veg to fill me up tho.

    4lbs is a great loss to start, but do remember that it wont continue like that so don't be discouraged if it's lower next week.

    Good luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Processed ready meals aren' the best choice, but they're OK - if that's what you have in and have planned to eat, then you can work around that, but I'd make the rest of your diet super-good.

    It looks a little high on carbs, low on protein at the minute. Have eggs for breakfast the odd day instead of always cereal. Eat more fresh salad veggies. Use cottage cheese on your baked potato instead of oil. Logging all your foods on MFP helps you to look at what you're eating, and see where you can make things better.

    Good luck!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hi there,
    I wouldn't stress about the frozen meals you've bought! I eat them all the time (approx. 4 days per week). I love them as they are calorie controlled and I have been sooo busy with school (I am a teacher) they are very convenient! I always get Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers meals and they're all approx. 300 calories each (give or take a bit). As long as it's in your daily allowance, then you'll be fine! I have lost 9.2 kg (20 lbs) in 9 weeks!
    Good luck!!
  • amiz87
    amiz87 Posts: 10
    had my first offical week 1 weigh in and I have lost a whopping 7lbs, sooooooo freaken happy right now :D:D:D:D
  • SheenaDuguid
    SheenaDuguid Posts: 33 Member
    well done you!

  • kellyjervis
    I usually have a WW meal for lunch during the week and I've started to keep a bottle of no-sugar diluting squash at work to encourage me to drink water. Well done on your loss this week :happy: