Starting TurboFire 3/5!



  • snuffybitts
    snuffybitts Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Paige, I am one of many beachbody coaches and we have a Turbo Fire challenge group starting and would love to have you join us. Our groups are fun and we have monthly contests for free prizes.

    do you have a free beachbody account? you can log in and log your workouts, progress and have the motivational support all of us need.

    We have a ton of support in our groups and I would love to help get you in there to be part of our community.

    We have several challenge groups going.

    check out my facebook page and click "like" and send me your email and I will get you set up with a free beachbody account and get you in to our challenge group.!/DaleMartinIndependentTeamBeachbodyCoach

    Let me know if you have any questions....this goes out to anyone that wishes to join a great challenge group. I love it!!

  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    Fire 30 and stretch 10 burn 600 cals? WOOOO
  • snuffybitts
    snuffybitts Posts: 25 Member
    It is always a great motivator to take before, during, and after really helps you gauge were you were and where you are.
  • snuffybitts
    snuffybitts Posts: 25 Member
    Join one of our Turbo Fire challenge is awesome. Contact me and I will let you know how to get started. It is free and a lot of fun.
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    I'm going to do my first day after I get my kids to bed (within an hour to an hour and a half). I was thinking of trying C25K at the same time as TF. I need to overhaul my diet too, like another poster said. Hopefully the next 12 weeks will bring some serious change! The number on the scale today is giving me a real guilt trip. I'm 30# heavier than I was 3 weeks after I had my daughter (who's 15 months now!). Anyone else doing before and after pictures?

    I am right there with you on the guilt. I weigh more than I did pregnant with my 3rd child. I am hoping to do this the right way though and lose slowly and keep it off. I took before pics, but will only post them if I notice come change when I take my afters.
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    DAY 2-HIIT! How are you all logging your HIIT workouts? Trying to figure out waht to put in as calories burned but I don't have a heart monitor yet :/

    I am not sure how to log it either. I logged it as kickboxing including turbojam for 15 minutes. I need to get a heart rate monitor too.
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    I started TurboFire yesterday too! Wow, it was intense but awesome. I'm am absolutely drained today though because I didn't eat enough yesterday to make up for the 600 calories I burned last night doing Fire 30 / Stretch 10. I don't know what to expect tonight from the HITT workout, I'll shoot for going over my calories a bit but not too much. Anyone who is starting TurboFire is welcome to add me - I need accountability!!

    Do you have a HRM? I didn't know how to log it so I logged it as kickboxing including turbojam and MFP said I burned 400 and something.
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    Day 2 complete! Should we start a group and everyone can go become members?
  • snuffybitts
    snuffybitts Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone! Let's start a free challenge group with all of you as members.

    I know that i have posted several times, but I would really like to have all of you in a Turbo Fire Challenge group. It sounds as though all of you want to start one and I would love to facilitate it.

    I am a beach body coach and you can sign up for a free account, the link is below. It is free and there is absolutely no obligation to buy anything.

    Once you are a free member you can log all of your workouts and even create the workouts for the challenge group.

    I will create a Facebook page that all of you will have access to where we can post our goals and ideas, hints and tips for all of us and questions and concerns.

    Once a week we will weigh in and I have a ton of people in our community there for support, motivation and suggestions.

    If you are interested please let me know and I will get you in to the group and we can officially start once we get 10 or more members.

    This is free, just a great way to get everyone together and in a group.

    We give away monthly prizes and would welcome all of you to join.

    Let me know if you have questions.

    I would love to help all of you reach your dream weight.
  • bbcoachcory
    I think that this is awesome you girls are forming this group. Stay commtted and stay strong.
  • carriep1234
    carriep1234 Posts: 4 Member
    I signed up under another Beachbody coach challenge group as I am doing TF and Shakeology. It really is a great motivation to do and she keeps me in line. lol I am somewhat new to exercising. I completed the 30 day Body Gospel program at the beginning of the year so I chose to do the TurboFire prep schedule to work my way into the HITTS. Even with the prep I am so sore but I love it!!
  • snuffybitts
    snuffybitts Posts: 25 Member
    That is awesome. I love our coaches and our groups. Ask your coach if she offers any challenge groups and join one of them. It's such a great motivator.

    i would love to start a Turbo Fire challenge group....and if you ever choose to switch over just let me know.

    Good luck and keep pushing play!! you can do it!!
  • paigeleigh417
    So addicted to turbo fire. I am also on WW. I just started wk 5 tomorrow and lost 7 inches last month alone I love Chalene and her motivation. Let's do this guys.

    PS How can I join the group
    Hey there! So I had absolutely NO idea that you could create a group.. lol so since you mentioned this, I am creating one right now and will invite everyone on this forum to it! Thank you for the great idea!
  • paigeleigh417
    Snuffybitts, I will have to check it out ASAP! Sounds like such a great motivator and a way to keep accountability, as well as fun!! Thank you for all of the info, hopefully some of the other ladies on here will join in as well!!
  • paigeleigh417
    Alright guys, so I created the group.. it's under the same name as the message board but I sent out invites to everyone that joined in on this thread! If I forgot anyone or you are new to the thread, check it out! Search in the group section for "Starting Turbo Fire 3/5!" Let's get posting! :D
  • snuffybitts
    snuffybitts Posts: 25 Member
    It is a lot of fun and I hope to get as many as possible to do it from here as well. We can do both simultaneously and that would offer two places of encouragement.

    check it out and let me know if you have any questions.

  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    So today is a rest day on the schedule. Is everyone resting? Or are you doing something anyway? If my husband gets home while I have energy I will go to the gym and run 1-3 miles. If not then no biggie I will be rested for tomorrow!
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    I couldn't get a run in because hubby had to go into work. I did the 20 minute HIIT and one mile on my walk at home dvd.
  • paigeleigh417
    Awesome bjhadden! :D I was going to just take the day and rest, but I felt like I HAD to do something. I wanted to do my 3 miles like I do at least 5 nights a week, but my walking buddy was no where to be found.. lol so instead I went rollerblading for 30 minutes.
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    Awesome bjhadden! :D I was going to just take the day and rest, but I felt like I HAD to do something. I wanted to do my 3 miles like I do at least 5 nights a week, but my walking buddy was no where to be found.. lol so instead I went rollerblading for 30 minutes.

    Too funny! I dreamed last night that I was roller blading in the mall (Don't ask, lol) I love to roller blade!