Starting TurboFire 3/5!

Hey guys! So I have TurboFire and completed 4 weeks of it back in January, but fell off the wagon with my eating habits.. :/ I'm planning on starting again next week on Monday, March 5th! I figured I would just start Monday because it's easier for me to follow the schedule that's already made and it's a brand new week to leave all bad habits behind! If anyone is interested in joining me on this 12 week journey, let's go! :)


  • RunTLS
    RunTLS Posts: 55 Member
    I'll do it :) I'm getting my copy on Sunday I think so it'd be nice to have someone to follow along with.
  • Awesome! So excited to have a TurboFire buddy :) Hopefully more people will join in soon!
  • carriep1234
    carriep1234 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting the 5th as well!!
  • Great, Carriep1234! I figured a group would be nice so that everyone can be accountable for their workouts and compare results since we are all doing this at the same time :) So excited to start!!! Feel free to post whatever you'd like on this board! I love reading about new ideas, recipes, workouts, goals, motivations, etc.!
  • RunTLS
    RunTLS Posts: 55 Member
    Along with TurboFire I'll be doing Shakeology and totally turning around my eating...again. I did it once a couple of years ago and then got pregnant again and that changed everything. Now I have to start all over. Anyone else using Shakeology or eating whole food?

    Also, I'm starting with the 5-Day Inferno plan I think. From what I gather from the info in the box, that's supposed to be some sort of kickoff? Anyone else doing this?
  • I would so try Shakeology if it wasn't so expensive! I'm working on my nutrition and incorporating more fruits and vegetables in so I am starting to plan out my meals for next week, week 1! My nutrition is always the downfall for me. We'll see how it goes. I would do the inferno but the diet plan is too strict for me to follow as I don't have any of the foods required around the house!
  • So is anyone else in for starting TF tomorrow!? It's only a few hours awayyyy :)
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    I am going to start tomorrow too...I have tried to do it a couple times in the past and have hurt my knee twice, so I am going to do it as long as my knee is okay. I won't be completing the full 12 weeks though because I am having a breast reduction on May 17th, so that gives me like 10 & 1/2 weeks.
  • Welcome bjhadden! Glad to have another person joining in :) 10 1/2 weeks should still get you great results!
  • sjflowers
    sjflowers Posts: 148
    I am finishing Insanity tomorrow (final fit test) and then starting TF next monday 12th (if we are back from a boat delivery, then it'll be tuesday)

    I can't wait. I've already done one of them.. IT'S SO FUN...
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    I JUST STARTED TODAY! I am also trying to completely revamp my diet. Feel free to add me, I can use all the support I can get from myfitness pals and love to encourage others. I did my first turbo workout today, I enjoyed it, though it was difficult following some of the moves. How did you all do?
  • I just finished Fire 30 and Stretch 10!! I am definitely full of energy right now after that!! Feeling goooood :D
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    I did day one and defintely sweated! I was full of energy afterwards too :)
  • RunTLS
    RunTLS Posts: 55 Member
    I'm going to do my first day after I get my kids to bed (within an hour to an hour and a half). I was thinking of trying C25K at the same time as TF. I need to overhaul my diet too, like another poster said. Hopefully the next 12 weeks will bring some serious change! The number on the scale today is giving me a real guilt trip. I'm 30# heavier than I was 3 weeks after I had my daughter (who's 15 months now!). Anyone else doing before and after pictures?
  • So addicted to turbo fire. I am also on WW. I just started wk 5 tomorrow and lost 7 inches last month alone I love Chalene and her motivation. Let's do this guys.

    PS How can I join the group
  • sonshinersmama
    sonshinersmama Posts: 14 Member
    Got Turbo Fire last year and did it a little and then broke my leg about a year ago doing Roller Derby. Just started tonight and did the first it's like Turbo Jam on speed..gotta love it. So do we just keep writing here on this Topic to keep us as a group. I need some encouragement to keep going and Turbo buddies would be great!
  • lynz8212
    lynz8212 Posts: 5 Member
    Can I join you guys? I was going to start yesterday too, but never happened. Now that I found you guys maybe I can start today, to help me stay motivated! I use Turbo Fire as a workout throughout the week but have never followed the plan. I may have to skip Thursdays since I have bootcamp at the gym every week.
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    DAY 2-HIIT! How are you all logging your HIIT workouts? Trying to figure out waht to put in as calories burned but I don't have a heart monitor yet :/
  • I started TurboFire yesterday too! Wow, it was intense but awesome. I'm am absolutely drained today though because I didn't eat enough yesterday to make up for the 600 calories I burned last night doing Fire 30 / Stretch 10. I don't know what to expect tonight from the HITT workout, I'll shoot for going over my calories a bit but not too much. Anyone who is starting TurboFire is welcome to add me - I need accountability!!
  • chodgi06
    chodgi06 Posts: 26 Member
    i'm considering purchasing TF. i'll keep an eye on how much this group enjoys it :-)