PrizePopple Member


  • And she's likely and exception and not the norm when it comes to managing diabetes via high carb. Since by definition it is a spike in blood sugar from the body being unable to process excess carbohydrates. My question would also be what is "high carb" for her? Because high carb for her may be normal for someone else. How…
  • Choked on my yogurt reading this. High carb curing diabetes... that's amusing.
  • *sticks toe in* I figured it's been and hour and this needs to be shoved, not bumped. *runs back to the dank cave from which she came*
  • I've started conversations with a number of people, complete strangers out and about, over Pokemon GO. At the scuba shop a bunch of us sat around talking about it too (I was waiting for my tanks to get filled). I've not gone out of my way to play it, but in looking around at the people who are playing I'm seeing a lot of…
  • I bet his junk was lumpy like matzo ball soup. I apologize to matzo ball soup, and anyone who likes it. The matzo ball soup did nothing to deserve such a comparison.
  • See I'm struggling with the lack of movement now that I'm not teaching. I was getting 10,000 steps in a day EASY, and now I have to intentionally move to even come close. Let's put it this way, I had a child home today who had a fever yesterday so there was no going out (I still adhere to the 24 hour policy for the sake of…
  • We normally eat turkey bacon here at home because my husband tries to avoid all pork products. Bacon and pepperoni are the only things that are permissible to slide by from time to time, but 75% of the time we get the turkey variety for both.
  • I'm late to this party, but ... Lies. All lies.
  • Is this real life? Seriously though, I'd choke the piss out of my husband and he knows this. Obviously since I'm married that changes things. I suppose if I were single at this age then I'd have a different view on it. I also have kids so there would be zero parading of men or women in and out of my life and my home.
  • I've been at this for over a year and a half and I still screw up. I was on target today and then I pulled out a chocolate bar and didn't limit myself to just ONE serving. I'll prepare better for tomorrow.
  • If you don't have a say in how a child is raised because they are not yours and thus not your legal responsibility it is not the same thing. This is a biological mother talking about her daughter who she does have legal rights over. You couldn't have taken your step-daughter to the doctor or other professional without…
  • You stay classy. :expressionless: At 13 she's not likely in need of weight loss unless her pediatrician is also extending concern. This is where you teach your child about food, healthy choices, and being active. /story
  • That's all subjective with a 13 year old who is still growing. My 8 year old is likely about to hit a growth spurt because she's been eating like a wild animal and getting "chubby", but once that growth spurt hits it will balance out. Save for her sudden love of Snickers bars, I'm not too concerned. She looks small to…
  • I can't like and awesome this simultaneously apparently, but if I could I would.
  • For some reason that last comment there really doesn't sit well with me. I mean, maybe I could see if you had said a healthy young lady, but equating slim with beauty in regards to your child sounds absolutely horrible. She does not have to be whatever you seem to think slim is to be beautiful. Being active and mindful of…
  • Look, you're 19. Crash dieting is not the way for anyone much less a teenager. Figure out weight loss in a sustainable manner and you'll have given yourself a tool for life. No point in making yourself miserable short term only to end up back at square one before you know it. Log your food, eat at a reasonable deficit, and…
  • I did this over the weekend, and I can say that it makes the taste a little off to me. My best friend adds gelatin to hers to thicken. I'll be trying that once I get my bulk order later in the month. I added the milk powder to the cold milk then heated the milk to 180F, then let it cool to about 110F. I then ladled out a…
  • Being fat filled out my face. Now I can see every last line I've been gifted in the last 15 years. :expressionless: The photos at work that were done recently emphasise that, and I'm not thrilled by it. Though I'll take looking my age over having insulin resistance and at an increased risk for other health issues that my…
  • Her first solo animal adoption was matched price-wise by my husband. <3 I think she's leaning towards whales a bit after looking into whaling practices, but the whole tuna and dolphin net fishing thing sketches her out hard, so it might not take much to convince her to adopt dolphins. :P
  • Don't ever mention sea otters or river otters in front of her, or she will go on quite the emotional rant about what humans have done to them. She's currently debating on what endangered animal to "adopt" next. I just saw that my Milano cookies have palm oil, as does the Rapunzel Vegetable Bouillon I used in our dinner.…
  • We are phasing out foods with palm oil because my daughter, for being only 8 years old, did quite a bit of research on it and what damage it does to animal habitats. She got to the point where she began refusing to eat things with palm oil, and it's in everydamnthing. I can't turn down a well researched ethical stance. If…
  • So uh, that soap you like to make ... it's going to be vegan as well, right? And your crocheting is going to be strictly acrylic yarn?