Has anyone heard of a neighborhood where they don't want you to jog/run in it?



  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Murano243 wrote: »
    #1-you did not make him chase you(as someone said) it was his choice)
    #2-just because he's in a wheel chair doesn't make him harmless
    #3-you're doing the right thing by pitting some real estate between you and him
    Ask your boyfriend to come with you once(at a distance behind in eye sight) and when the guy does the same thing he can run up to him and ask what's going on here. I remember on the news once where a woman was raped by a guy in a wheelchair. Don't be upset with the neagitive replies, Do what I suggested and keep doing you're thing
    PS, Who in the heck is going to the mail box at that time gezzz?

    I get my mail when I get home for the day. Who are you to tell me that as an adult I stay out too late at night?!
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Murano243 wrote: »
    #1-you did not make him chase you(as someone said) it was his choice)
    #2-just because he's in a wheel chair doesn't make him harmless
    #3-you're doing the right thing by pitting some real estate between you and him
    Ask your boyfriend to come with you once(at a distance behind in eye sight) and when the guy does the same thing he can run up to him and ask what's going on here. I remember on the news once where a woman was raped by a guy in a wheelchair. Don't be upset with the neagitive replies, Do what I suggested and keep doing you're thing
    PS, Who in the heck is going to the mail box at that time gezzz?

    Holy baseless assumptions, Batman.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Yep - there's a place in my local area where they don't like "outsiders". It's a very, very posh area (roads gated off to cars, £multi-million houses) and you get a lot of disapproving and suspicious looks for running or walking through, as well as lots of signs warning about neighbourhood watch and CCTV. But the roads have a lovely surface, the terrain is just hilly enough to be a challenge, the area is beautiful, the houses are gorgeous and I'm a socialist at heart, so I take great pleasure in running through the area as much as possible :D Oh, and being super polite to everyone I meet, saying excuse me as I pass, thanking them if they move out of my way. It really riles them!!!
    Yep - there's a place in my local area where they don't like "outsiders". It's a very, very posh area (roads gated off to cars, £multi-million houses) and you get a lot of disapproving and suspicious looks for running or walking through, as well as lots of signs warning about neighbourhood watch and CCTV. But the roads have a lovely surface, the terrain is just hilly enough to be a challenge, the area is beautiful, the houses are gorgeous and I'm a socialist at heart, so I take great pleasure in running through the area as much as possible :D Oh, and being super polite to everyone I meet, saying excuse me as I pass, thanking them if they move out of my way. It really riles them!!!

    Not wanting or being suspicious of strangers in a gated community is not the same as a neighbourhood having a rule that residents in that neighborhood can't run in it.

    ^ This
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Murano243 wrote: »
    PS, Who in the heck is going to the mail box at that time gezzz?

    Yo. I often get home late and check my mail late. And I'm sure someone is equally bewildered as to "Who runs this late at night, geez?!"

    I figure there are three options.

    1. The OP and The Guy were both harmlessly doing their thing, and happened to stumble upon each other.
    2. The Guy was being shady, and The OP was right to run.
    3. The OP was (perceived by The Guy to be) being shady, and the guy was right to follow her for a moment to ascertain what was going on.

    The OP is certainly right to do things that safeguard her person. But assuming that the initial commenters on this thread were rude because they (politely but without frills) speculated anything other than #2 (which is the OP's apparent perception of the event) just makes the OP look petulant. You're both strangers to us, OP; we're not automatically going to take your side, but rather consider as many alternate possibilities as we can.

    (I assume it was #1. No one was doing anything untoward, but because we're a cautious culture, both assumed the other was up to no good.)
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Murano243 wrote: »
    #1-you did not make him chase you(as someone said) it was his choice)
    #2-just because he's in a wheel chair doesn't make him harmless
    #3-you're doing the right thing by pitting some real estate between you and him
    Ask your boyfriend to come with you once(at a distance behind in eye sight) and when the guy does the same thing he can run up to him and ask what's going on here. I remember on the news once where a woman was raped by a guy in a wheelchair. Don't be upset with the neagitive replies, Do what I suggested and keep doing you're thing
    PS, Who in the heck is going to the mail box at that time gezzz?

    Um, she knows who it is and the moon may not have been out? If he was going to harm her why get his mail first? Can we make more assumptions or are we exhausting most of them?

  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    So, a disabled person happens to be changing direction just as you're passing, and despite him not making any attempt to speak to you, you are depicting him here like some weird stalker with a hidden agenda.

    Paranoid, much?
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    How do we know they are even suspicious of strangers? This person's contains even more mind reading than the OP. "some people looked in my direction and I saw some signs that said stuff. No one ever said a word to me but because they are wealthy I know that when I smile at them they get soooooooooo mad".

    I'm sure Washington DC has a similar area to the area I was describing - one where legislators and diplomatic staff live when they are not in constituencies? And I'm sure they probably don't like strangers running round it either?

    Not wanting to give more details, as it's a well known area in the UK, but no, trust me when I say they don't like outsiders and would quite happily ban us if it were legal. As it's not, I like running round there because I can (and it's a cheap celeb spot!)

  • mean_and_lean
    mean_and_lean Posts: 164 Member
    I thought it was unusual for him to follow me because it was 1130 pm. He normally does ask questions if he sees someone. I wasn't afraid of him following me since he was in an electric wheelchair but of it was someone running or walking behind me, I would be nervous about that at night.

    You're out running at close to midnight. I could see why he would follow you. Running at that time of night is pretty suspicious.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    You should probably swat him across the face with a baseball bat and steal his wheelchair, just to be sure.

  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    This thread delivers. Even if it's only the mail. :)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Murano243 wrote: »
    #1-you did not make him chase you(as someone said) it was his choice)
    #2-just because he's in a wheel chair doesn't make him harmless
    #3-you're doing the right thing by pitting some real estate between you and him
    Ask your boyfriend to come with you once(at a distance behind in eye sight) and when the guy does the same thing he can run up to him and ask what's going on here. I remember on the news once where a woman was raped by a guy in a wheelchair. Don't be upset with the neagitive replies, Do what I suggested and keep doing you're thing
    PS, Who in the heck is going to the mail box at that time gezzz?

    Poor guy started as a slightly crazy person trying to ban running, now only 2 pages later, he is a rapist.
    Who knows, by page 10 he could be a mass murderer! Because he wanted to get him mail when OP decided to go for a run.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I know he is the association leader because he introduced himself once. I just thought it was odd he went very far from where he lives and was right behind me.

    There are some communities that say no running because it is private property. I never see anyone else run here.

    If he would have been crawling through the streets it would have been odd but there's nothing strange about using an electric wheelchair for getting more than 100 feet away from your home.

    The reason he has an electric wheelchair is for mobility. Nothing makes the "I'm tired of being locked down in one place" statement quite like an electric wheelchair. I don't think it's an oddity to find him away from where he lives. That's what the chair is for.

  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Murano243 wrote: »
    #1-you did not make him chase you(as someone said) it was his choice)
    #2-just because he's in a wheel chair doesn't make him harmless
    #3-you're doing the right thing by pitting some real estate between you and him
    Ask your boyfriend to come with you once(at a distance behind in eye sight) and when the guy does the same thing he can run up to him and ask what's going on here. I remember on the news once where a woman was raped by a guy in a wheelchair. Don't be upset with the neagitive replies, Do what I suggested and keep doing you're thing
    PS, Who in the heck is going to the mail box at that time gezzz?

    PS, Who in the heck is going to run at that time gezzz?

    Do what you suggested ... have her boyfriend confront someone in a freaking wheelchair at 11pm for also freely moving about outside. Herp de derp.

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Murano243 wrote: »
    #1-you did not make him chase you(as someone said) it was his choice)
    #2-just because he's in a wheel chair doesn't make him harmless
    #3-you're doing the right thing by pitting some real estate between you and him
    Ask your boyfriend to come with you once(at a distance behind in eye sight) and when the guy does the same thing he can run up to him and ask what's going on here. I remember on the news once where a woman was raped by a guy in a wheelchair. Don't be upset with the neagitive replies, Do what I suggested and keep doing you're thing
    PS, Who in the heck is going to the mail box at that time gezzz?

    Poor guy started as a slightly crazy person trying to ban running, now only 2 pages later, he is a rapist.
    Who knows, by page 10 he could be a mass murderer! Because he wanted to get him mail when OP decided to go for a run.

    It wouldn't be MFP if that wasn't the outcome.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    My mind is blown by how fast wheel chairs can race. That's AWESOME. Wish I had that kind of arm strength or could even run that fast.

    But that was page one. Carry on.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Poor guy started as a slightly crazy person trying to ban running, now only 2 pages later, he is a rapist.
    Who knows, by page 10 he could be a mass murderer! Because he wanted to get him mail when OP decided to go for a run.

    In all fairness, it was too late to be going to the mailbox. Or jogging.

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    what is a hoa? is it neighbourhood watch?
    have never come across not being allowed to jog in certain areas before
    am sure if jogging wasnt allowed he would have said so.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Was a golf club involved?

    now this rings a bell. was this re a post few years back re a crazy guy welding a golf club whilst riding his bike.