

  • If you can, log on to MFP and log the calories before you eat it. If you are still happy to eat the food you are craving when you have logged it then go ahead, you are a grown up. If it makes you rethink your choice you can delete it off the list and be smug about your excellent will-power and rational decision-making…
  • I lost you all for a while there. School is back on Monday in Scotland. I've been in this week to get stuff set up. Not going to be a good week. It will be birthday number 34 (eep) on Tuesday so family will be round on Sunday. It was my parents' wedding anniversary yesterday and its the last official day of the holidays.…
  • Try drinking more water? It helped me.
  • Please can someone give me small abs. I will exchange them for my flabby ones:laugh:.
  • Most of the time the challenges are posted on the message boards. Keep an eye on them if you are interested. You may be able to find some recent ones that haven't started yet by searching the boards. Good luck.
  • I'm going to say 4 days. I think I'll do the same this week but try to do the C2 5k at least 3 times as well. I hope you are recovering well. Good luck this week with your goals. I believe these things will soon become habit for us if we just keep going.
  • Just wondering how everyone was doing? I have not been good with the water this week and have switched to wine instead :laugh: . Must try harder.
  • I know how you are felling Faith.:sick: I wish I had alternated last night with some soft drinks. I've lost half the day to a hangover. I thought that I was doing OK this week (for the hols). Mon - 0 Tues - 1 G&T Wed - a bottle of Prosecco Thurs - 0 Fri - 0 Saturday - too much wine Mrs Jax - enjoy your last day of freedom.…
  • Even though you feel that you are starting afresh every day, you are still doing it. If you weren't logging all of your calories you would not be as mindful of what you had eaten and could eat much more as a result. Keep logging and feeling pleased with yourself when you make the right choices. That will encourage you and…
  • It's amazing what you can do when you have a white dress to fit into.
  • Celery soup is good for water retention.
  • My brother-in-law has been diagnosed as coeliac. He has an intolerance to all gluten and manages it really well. There are lots of alternative products available widely in the UK. If he does eat gluten he does refer to it as a wheat hangover, interesting you used the same term.
  • It does say in the article "However, the study findings don't mean that all diets are a waste of time. Some, which promote eating healthier foods and increasing physical activity, can still make a positive impact on a person's health." For the majority of people on this site it reflects the type of lifestyle change that we…
  • Drank a litre and a half of water today... which is quite good for me. Topped this up with other drinks. All in all a good start as I usually don't drink half as much.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend. I too find the evening a difficult time. I am trying to use more of my calories earlier in the day so that I am not as hungry at night. It has been tough but every day is a new day.
  • Hey All. I love this board:heart: :heart: :heart: I'm a bit of a wine/gin drinker from Scotland, where drinking is a national sport. I'm on holiday right now so weekday drinking is a bit mad. Was going to say that it has not been too bad this week but it is only Monday.:laugh: Here's to the rest of the week being a good…
  • Good idea, This week I'll be drinking enough water.
  • I did yoga. It was quite expensive for classes but they did do a student rate.
  • You might find classes in the local paper? I'm in Scotland, most of the council's run cheap fitness programmes.
  • Does your uni run any fitness classes? Are there other students that you could exercise with to keep you motivated?
  • I've tried this the last couple of days. It's been difficult to eat more than normal during the day. I usually eat light meals until dinner time. I've been a little bit hungry at bed time but I'm sticking with it for a week or to to see the results.
  • Good luck on your journey. Most people here have good advice to give on how they are achieving success. For me, I'm trying to move as much as I can, anywhere that I can take a few more steps.
  • I was at a wedding this weekend so I know what you mean about not being able to control what is in your food. For everyday meals I like to plan as much as I can what I will eat for the day so that I'm not tempted to go over. If its not on the plan and I still have cals to play with then I can eat it, if not I find it more…
  • I tried it for a while. It is really restrictive and was difficult for me to maintain as it doesn't fit with my life style. Think non-fat Atkins. If you want to give it a go then go for it! Some people need really rigid rules and it works for them. Made me a little tired though.
  • Hi I'm Sarah. I lost 40+ lbs on ww 6 years ago and have put it all back on with a little extra on top (actually round the hips). I'm 217 lbs which is terrifying to me. I have 2 friends on MFP - my husband and my sister - which sounds sad but I'm quite a shy, private person. They don't really log on that often now and I'm…