I need to suceed

Hi everyone,

I am hoping to post here and make a few friends to go through this journey with.

I did WW 5 years ago and was very successful but after several years of fertility drugs, Pre-Eclampsia in pregnancy and working 60+ hours a week as a restaurant manager, I have gained that weight back and some. Just, this time I need to fit it into my busier life too.

I turn 31 in Monday and plan to start right after that on this journey to get back to a better weight. I just want to feel good again.

Anyone want to be buddies and help support me? I am currently 219 lbs... Lots to go



  • kirsty176
    kirsty176 Posts: 5

    Good to hear your story. I have done ww before and lost half my 'baby weight', then with working, studying and a toddler
    I have put some of it back on. I have 1.5 stone to loose. Add me for a friend to motivate each other and see some results!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello and welcome!

    im an old ww'er who now prefers mfp! i lost loads on it but couldnt keep it off! mfp has made me a lot more active and ive lost weight in a very healthy way! the community is great for keeping people motivated! add loads of friends and you will be successful too :)
  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    feel free to add me, Im a ww as well lost weight well some and feel of the wagon, but mfp is diffinately what I needed to help suceed in my journey. Good luck with it all. x
  • missmeg1970
    missmeg1970 Posts: 25 Member
    Are you doing WW now ? I am trying the calorie restriction and while its slow its starting to come off now Good luck
  • sallywag
    sallywag Posts: 26

    I'm Sarah. I lost 40+ lbs on ww 6 years ago and have put it all back on with a little extra on top (actually round the hips). I'm 217 lbs which is terrifying to me. I have 2 friends on MFP - my husband and my sister - which sounds sad but I'm quite a shy, private person. They don't really log on that often now and I'm kinda loosing the drive.
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    I *guess* I'll be your buddy. XD

    Let's do this!