11 months??????

Well I have around 11 months to lose around 3 stone for my wedding! I cant wait! In 5 weeks I am going to look at different wedding dresses for inspiration with my mum in Cardiff! I haven't seen her for months as we live in different towns and both have hectic lives!

So 3 stone in 11 months? Do able? xxx


  • cairney4698
    cairney4698 Posts: 237
    I am sure if you put your mind to it then you will achieve your goals. Good luck
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    3 stone = 42 lbs

    11 months = 48 weeks

    About a pound a week.....perfectly do-able! You CAN do it!

    Good luck xxx

    Sue :smile: x
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    That works out to less than a pound a week, so very achievable, yes. I'd start with setting a goal weight loss of 1 lb a week, and drop it to 1/2 a pound a week when you get closer to your goal and taking that last bit off becomes more difficult. Good luck!
  • sallywag
    sallywag Posts: 26
    It's amazing what you can do when you have a white dress to fit into.
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    I believe it's possible- I have lost 50 pounds in about 8 months. This is with couple different months not actually really working out or eating properly as I was traveling. So I definitely think it's possible in 11 months.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I reckon it's doable...good luck to you :-))
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member

    Good Luck!
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    Be honest with yourself about what you are eating and your calorie burn from exercise and it is very doable.

    Log your food and exercise religiously. Measure and weigh your food portions. Maybe get a heart rate monitor that tracks calorie burn while exercising. Drink plenty of water. Exercise at least every other day but make sure you have one day a week to rest. It may sound counter-intuitive but eat back most of the calories you burn through exercise. You want to eat close to the calorie goal MFP gives you each day including eating back most of your exercise calories. Eat breakfast every day. Eat three to six meals or snacks a day.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Absolutely doable if you keep at it, not matter what. In 9 months i've lost 3 stone. Baring in mind I went through a long period of losing nothing!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    You can definitely do this and in 11 months their jaws will drop when they see you in that perfect wedding gown...cue the wedding march.
  • MissWangle
    MissWangle Posts: 29
    Oh wow you guys are so lovely and awesome!

    About to drag my bum bum into the garden to do some boxing! I am really excited about this!!! <3
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Completely doable. I would suggest setting small goals for each month. Keep in mind, weight can flucuate so don't beat yourself up if one week you don't lose a lb. Also, make sure you are eating enough and keep in mind eating less does not turn into losing more. Below is a link that will help evaluate you against MFP. Keep in mind that this site is only as good as your inputs that you provide. For me, I found this had me short by 200-300 calories. This could have been my mistake with the inputs I put in. Below is a good link that will put you in a great range for your caloric needs. Also, I would highly suggest you get a workout program that incorporates 3 days of weight training and 3 days of cardio. Programs like p90x, chalean extreme, insanity, turbo fire, etc... have all help. In fact, p90x helped me for my wedding.

    Also, keep in mind, when you are within the last 20 lbs, it will become more difficult to lose weight. At this point, i would suggest looking to turn fat into muscle (overall decresing your body fat). This approach has worked for me. I personally could care less about my weight because even at a heavier weight, I am tighter and smaller in the waistline. I have more weight in my lower body and chest/arms. I am currently at 11.75% body fat. Over the past 90 days, I only lost 5 lbs but I did lose 3% body fat. With that, I lost 6" (2" in my abs, 2" on my waist & 2" in my hips). Please check out the links below for good informaiton and good luck!


  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Yep it's do-able.

    I lost 41lbs in aprox 9 months back in 2006 (purely through healthy eating and exercise - nothing too radical)

    Best of luck and congrats on your forthcoming wedding!