

  • Holy Cow! Fantastic! You must feel great! I've not been online keeping track but have tried to keep things moving and have just the same. It's amazing how good it feels to look good again! Well Done!
  • so it's day 11. I haven't logged in here or my food and exercise in a week. My computer crashed, and you can't get to the community stuff remotely yet. That's definitely a flaw in the system. Anyway, we're working college visits, FAFSA filing, taxes and a big trip to Nashville w/my 16 year old. Plus, the 6 soccer networks…
  • I've always wanted to do a 5K. Actually, I tried running/walking last summer and that was my plan. Then I remembered why I don't run! My knees were in so much pain! I really wish I could be a runner but I'll have to stick to walking. :) Good luck with all the training folks. Oh, btw, I use my Nike+ chip and iPod to track…
  • Got everything logged in today....18 calories over. Of course I was under when I clicked done and i got that warning that I was under so I had a glass of wine! :) No exercise today as I'm seriously crampy. I think it's gotten worse lately. Anyway TMI but there it is. Tomorrow should be better and I might try to walk in the…
  • My goals: 1. Track food daily. Hopefully this leads to better planning ahead! 2. Walk at LEAST 4 days a week 3. Do an additional 2 days either on eliptical or shredding 4. More water daily
  • Hi! I'm Christine, 42, from MA. Ideally, I'd love to get back down to the 140's. That's a long way off so for now, I'll focus on losing 10lbs. and buildig muscle and endurance. It's important for me to make life style changes and not to focus on loosing weight alone.
  • Hi! I'm in a day late too. I was going to try the 30 day shred that starts today but I realize that I tend to go over board whenever I start something like this and end up hurt, take time off - which leads to months off, and begin again. So I dropped that group and found you all! This sounds perfect for me. I will most…
  • HI Laura, Thanks for sharing your story! I am so glad to hear that your transformation is about more than just the weight. You truly look like you are happier in the more recent photos (all photos appear in full). I've had a lot of life changing things happen to me over this past year and it's been all about the inside.…
  • Hi! I'd like to give this a go too if you have room for one more. SW - 173.0 (Friday Feb3) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Friday Feb 10 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Friday Feb 17) leaving for Nashville!!!!! Week 3 - xxx lbs (Friday Feb 24) day of fun in the city - flying home tomorrow :( Week 4 - xxx lbs (Friday Mar 2) Total lost - xx lbs…
  • Waiting for Tomorrow or Stronger These are my two power songs that remind me that this is no way to treat myself! I need to do better and do it now!
  • Waiting for Tomorrow and Stronger - both by Mandisa I hear them almost every day on the way into work and feel like I can tackle anything!
  • I can't wait to try this! I don't even know if I like Sesame Chicken but it looks so good! Thanks for sharing!
  • what does bump mean?
  • Got it! Watching portions! I had a physical recently and my iron's low, I have to take vitamin D daily - I bought it 2 weeks ago and haven't opened it yet, and Doc. says I need more protein in my diet.
  • Hey everyone! I've been MIA for a few days. Did Day 1/Level 2 on Thursday morning and haven't Shred since! The planks were ridiculous as I'm so uncoordinated and with my husband hovering around I felt like an idiot! I also haven't walked since in a while as it was so rainy here and we've started back at school so I had…
  • Day 1/ Level 2 complete....well, I feel a bit guilty saying that as I had to stop and watch and think "you want me to do WHAT???" I am very awkward and it was tough keeping my balance at 4:55am! Hopefully tomorrow will feel better. I did sweat it up quite a bit and really pushed with the moves I could do well. Today was…
  • Good job! And yes, it gets better as you go. For the first few days I was limping around like I was 80! My muscles were sooooooo sore. I took a few days off between 3/4, 4/5, 5/6 but I am going to try not to do that again as the endurance really suffered.
  • Brittany (britbritnola).............SW 154.6lbs/ GW 143.0lbs/ CW 151.0lbs/ PROGRESS......3.0lbs Cristina (cina04)...................SW 166 / GW 155 / CW 163 / PROGRESS....3lbs Susan (suede)......................SW 183.5 lbs/GW 175.0 lbs / CW 180 lbs PROGRESS -3.5 lbs Cathy(chipper).......................SW 235.8 lbs/ GW…
  • Are we supposed to be weighing in today?
  • Thanks for this thread! It explains a lot about why I've not lost what I thought I would with all of the daily exercise I've added into my life this month! Can't wait to see what changes this week will bring!
  • Day 10/Level 1 complete! Tomorrow I'm on to day 1/Level 2. i think I'll watch the workout today so that I know how to do the moves before I try them! I'm also going out for 5 lb. weights today. Can't find mine from the move last summer. I had to go back and look at all my posts to see what day I was really on! Can't…
  • Day 9 Level 1 done! I'm pleasantly surprised to see I did day 8 yesterday! This morning I was thinking that I was on day 8! Also did my 2.85 mile walk in the rain. Cold, wet, windy, strange! But I did it and got to hear more of my book! Here's my weekly data for Shredding.…
  • Day 8/Level 1 to do today. It's a rainy miserable day and I don't think it will let up for my walk today so I'm going to try to really push hard through this one. I went WAY over my calories last night even though I only ate 1/2 of everything I ordered for dinner at the cheesecake factory! Oh, well. Back to work today. I'm…
  • Sandy, I teach in Northeaster Connecticut. Where do you teach?
  • Ranae, how are you calculating the calorie burn from shredding? Day 7/Leve 1 completed: I have to stop letting things get in the way of this! I've had a day away from it between 4-5 and 5-6 and 6-7! NO MORE! The days I did it everyday were so much easier....okay just a tad easier....but I can't let that happen again! I'll…
  • Brit: Great job w/the biscuits! You Rock!
  • Freckles3: Don't worry about what others say and do, no matter how rude and unsupportive they are. People have all sorts of motive for such negative behaviors and it's very easy and dangerous to get caught up in them. When that happens to me (like my mom saying "you used to be so beautiful when you weren't so over weight,"…
  • Lindsay, Sounds like you're doing great! Hope your hubby's debut went well! That sounds very exciting for you both! Have a great weekend! Christine
  • Chipper: I've been in that mood/place and what works for me is that I've convinced myself it's better to think about the 'whys' while I'm walking. Thing is, I've downloaded a GREAT audio book that I can only listen to when I walk. So....I've created this cycle of now I want to walk just to hear the next part! Even if I'm…