30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • ChristineLeary
    Good job! And yes, it gets better as you go. For the first few days I was limping around like I was 80! My muscles were sooooooo sore. I took a few days off between 3/4, 4/5, 5/6 but I am going to try not to do that again as the endurance really suffered.
  • smilingslatka
    Hi everybody!

    I've started the Shred a week ago and since then I've put on 1 pound. I feel like I've toned up, but I was hoping to loose weight too. I am afraid to bulk up, that's not what I am after. Before the shred I was doing lost of cardio and loosing weight every week 3-4 pounds, now it seams like I'm going the opposite way. It's very discouraging.(((

    Has anybody else has this problem?
  • ChristineLeary
    Day 1/ Level 2 complete....well, I feel a bit guilty saying that as I had to stop and watch and think "you want me to do WHAT???" I am very awkward and it was tough keeping my balance at 4:55am! Hopefully tomorrow will feel better. I did sweat it up quite a bit and really pushed with the moves I could do well.

    Today was the kiddos first day of school and tomorrow I go back. Getting it done in the am is going to be tough but I'm going to try! The last two days have been complete wash-outs and I'm really missing my daily walks. Hoping to get a good one in later today.

    Janet~ Great job going for that walk and flushing the ciggies! You must be so proud of yourself! I am so impressed by that! I too, am up and down with the sam 2-4 lbs and it's driving me crazy! I am stronger and losing inches though so I'm trying to be patient.

    Vicki~ Way to go! That shopping trip must have felt great! Keep up the good work as you're certainly motivating me! :)

    Michelle ~ the am workout is really tough, but I think if I don't do it before I get going, I'll make excuses not to fit it in later!

    Everyone have a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm taking the day off from shredding today! I just wanted to see how everyone was doing.

    Dragonfly-- great job on the inches lost. that's very encouraging. I'm so proud of you for doing the shred everyday. I can only do it 3 times a week if I still want to be fully functional throughout the week.

    Getting ready to get my little one on the bus and then I'm headed to Zumba. I am shredding tomorrow, so until next time, keep shredding.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I just finished Day 2/Level 1 (I've never done the shred before)
    My whole body hurts. Got up this morning and could barely get dressed for the workout but I did it. My thighs, arms all hurt. :sad:
    I wasn't as breathless when I finished though I did stop a few times.
    Please someone tell me this will get better. I know it's worth it but will it get better?

    I just about quit after day 2, I was so so sore. It does get better, by day 4 the stiffness went away. So it will get better.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Finished day 9 of level 1. One more day to go. Somewhat glad I will be moving on to level 2. Getting bored with the same exercise over and over. Finally my weight was done 2 pounds today from Sunday, So def must have been water, Hope everyone is having a good day. Will check in tom, after day 10, and will do measurements. I don't think I lost much though, if any.
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    smilingslatka--I too have not lost weight since starting and have actually gained. I am hoping it is water retention. Someone posted on another link that after intense cardio, your muscles hold on to water.:embarassed: I don't know if that's true, but I hope it stops soon.:happy:

    Finished Day 6/Level 1 this morning and timed it so that I can shower and get out the door on time for work (starting next week). So now I have no excuse to not do this in the morning. Christine, I agree....if I don't do it first thing, I probably won't do it in the afternoon or evening. So more than half way through level 1 and still doing "girl" push ups and I don't make it through the 2nd set. My arms and shoulders have never been truly strong, but I think this is still pretty good since I am really focusing on correct form. Here's to another day of shredding!
  • Tiwi
    Tiwi Posts: 3 Member
    Level 1 Day 3
    I have to say, it didn't hurt as much but I'm still sore. You are right, it will get better just need to hang in there.
    Janet - Well done for standing up to those ciggies. Wooooo hooooo.
    Thanks Renae, Leela, Christine, Michele and everybody else
    I have never been able to go to anyone and get so much support. You are all pretty awesome. Thanks :flowerforyou:

    Just keep shredding Just keep shredding Just keep shredding (sounds better with the Finding Nemo tune) :smile:
  • smilingslatka
    smilingslatka--I too have not lost weight since starting and have actually gained. I am hoping it is water retention. Someone posted on another link that after intense cardio, your muscles hold on to water.:embarassed: I don't know if that's true, but I hope it stops soon.:happy:
    Thanks for the answer! I've heard about the water retention, but was not sure that it isn't just me. Other people seam to loose weight.

    I prefer to do the shred in the evening, actually it is the only time I can do it. My baby wake up at 5 in the morning and my day starts. I am on my feel with her all day and when she goes for a nap, I do the housework. Only when she goes to bed at 8-9 in the evening, I get the chance to do the shred. I kind of like ti that way, because I burn the kcl that I consumed at dinner.

    Today could not do the shred, because I've got a severe allergic reaction and my whole face is stinging. If I sweat it hurts even more. I am going to the doctors tomorrow, so hopefully back on track with training.
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Day 0:
    Weight (lbs) 194.8 (although I'd just come back from my boyfriend's place and the weight hadn't stopped creeping up.. it stopped at about 195.4lbs the day after)
    Height (inches) 67
    BMI 30.51
    Neck 13.5
    R Arm 13.0
    L Arm 13.0
    Bust Band 36.0
    Bust 40.0
    Under Bust 36.0
    Waist 33.0
    Belly 43.0
    Hips 45.5
    L Thigh 27.0
    R Thigh 27.0
    L Calf 16.4
    R Calf 16.4

    Morning after Day 20 (level 1 and 2 complete):
    Weight (lbs) 190.4lbs (lost 4.4lbs in shred so far)
    Height (inches) 67
    BMI 29.82 (was obese, now overweight)
    Neck 13 (lost 0.5 inches in shred so far)
    R Arm 12.4 (lost 0.6 inches in shred so far)
    L Arm 12.4 (lost 0.6 inches in shred so far)
    Bust Band 36.0
    Bust 40.0
    Under Bust 34 (lost 2 inches in shred so far)
    Waist 32.0 (lost 1 inch in shred so far)
    Belly 42 (lost 1 inch in shred so far)
    Hips 44 (lost 1.5 inches in shred so far)
    L Thigh 26.25 (lost 0.75 inches in shred so far)
    R Thigh 26.25 (lost 0.75 inches in shred so far)
    L Calf 16 (lost 0.4 inches in shred so far... but should've gained because the calf is just muscle)
    R Calf 16 (lost 0.4 inches in shred so far... but should've gained because the calf is just muscle)
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    Hey Everyone,

    I too am doing the shred (and new to the community) and I have a question about substituting the jumping jacks. Jillian says she doesn't have a modified jumping jack because she has 400lb people who can do them... but I'd be willing to bet she doesn't have a boob size K breastfeeding lady doing them!

    I've tried everything: multiple sports bras, regular bras with a sport bra overlay, etc. And short of jumping up and down whilst holding my boobs, I cant do them. The impact really hurts due to the heaviness of my breasts.

    At the moment, whenever it reaches jumping jacks I've been doing the squat and box cardio move she uses in the DVD. Opinions? Is this on par with the jumping jacks and serving as adequate cardio?
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    Day 7/level 1 is done. I am finding that I have a really hard time with jumping jacks and jumping rope if I do a brisk walk the night before. Really hate to groan through those today.

    Navie: Welcome! I think doing the squat/box is a great modification. This morning, I modified the second set by alternating putting each leg out and still moving my arms. I don't jump, but just flex my knees. It still gets your heart rate up, just not as much as a jumping jack. This may still give you too much bounce, though.

    ikiness: WOW! Done with level 2...good luck in the final round. I'm afraid to look at level 2 yet, even though I will be there in 3 days.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just finished day3/level 2. I'm getting better at completing all the moves. I didn't modify any of it until the very end. The second set of plank jacks killed me. Glad that everyone is doing well.
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 9 Level 1 done! I'm pleasantly surprised to see I did day 8 yesterday! This morning I was thinking that I was on day 8!

    Also did my 2.85 mile walk in the rain. Cold, wet, windy, sweaty...how strange! But I did it and got to hear more of my book!

    Here's my weekly data for Shredding.

    Starting........................today (8/23)

    Bust 42 1/2 ....................... 41 1/2
    Waist 39 .............................37
    Hips 44 .............................42 1/2
    Butt & Thighs 46 ............................ 45 1/4
    Arms 13..............................12 1/2
    Thighs 25 1/2....................... 25

    Unfortunately my weight keeps fluctuating. I'd lost 8 since August 2, and then put 4 back, then lost the 4 again and this morning I'm back up 3. Clothes starting to feel better but really need to focus on the food I think. I am consistently below calorie intake but only because I'm shredding and walking. I can't seem to eat the extra 500+ calories and it feels counter intuitive!

    I cant seem to eat my extra calories either... the only days i seem to even come close to meeting them is on my 'night off' when I have a few drinks!!

    Well done on the inch loss that awesome :) xx
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    oooops double post!!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Hey Everyone,

    I too am doing the shred (and new to the community) and I have a question about substituting the jumping jacks. Jillian says she doesn't have a modified jumping jack because she has 400lb people who can do them... but I'd be willing to bet she doesn't have a boob size K breastfeeding lady doing them!

    I've tried everything: multiple sports bras, regular bras with a sport bra overlay, etc. And short of jumping up and down whilst holding my boobs, I cant do them. The impact really hurts due to the heaviness of my breasts.

    At the moment, whenever it reaches jumping jacks I've been doing the squat and box cardio move she uses in the DVD. Opinions? Is this on par with the jumping jacks and serving as adequate cardio?

    I think as long as you are keeping your heart rate up then I dont think it really matters. I find the kick your bum cardio bit in level one is the one that hurts my boobs and I find myself holding them lol xx
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Yah Just completed day 10 of level 1. Can't say I really lost any inches, maybe 1/2 an inch on hips. Still have a huge baby bulge that didnt move. Hopefully will see some inches shred after the next 10 days. Did lose 2 pounds since Sunday, so that is an improvement. Somedays I feel like taking that baby bulge (2 years old baby bulge) and hacking it off. Its so giggly and discusting. Well enough of the complaining. Level 1 down, onto level 2 tomorrow.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just keep shredding Just keep shredding Just keep shredding (sounds better with the Finding Nemo tune) :smile:

    I love this mantra. I will keep chanting it the next day I do the shred! How funny!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    A quick check in everyone ~ L1D10 in the bag !! WOO HOO!!!

    L2 starts tomorrow!! Yipes!!

    We can do this !!

    Make it a great day,
    Janet :heart:
  • Stephslo
    Just started Level 1, Day 1 again for the 3rd time. I find the push ups, jumping jacks and the side lunges with weights extremely hard. How do you all get through it? I was surprised at the calorie burn as well, my HRM read 135 calories. I'm going to stick with it cus seeing everyone's posts does inspire me. Keep Shredding!