30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 10 of the shred done today, On to level 2 tommorrow! I have done a couple of days on level 2 already so I am slightly scared lol. I'm sure it'll be ok once I get going.... fingers crossed anyway.

    I am going to make it the full 30 days this time.... I AM lol :laugh:
  • Aileth
    Aileth Posts: 8
    I'd love to join you! I did 4 days 2 weeks ago but i went to level 2 too soon and then I had some family visit over so it was forgotten.

    I did notice the sore muscles after the first day, I could barely sit and stand. It did improve my posture quite drastically for those days.
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    Hey! I am starting tomorrow - I know I'm a little late for when you all have started. (I'm a Kiwi girl, so that's why I'm starting tomorrow - it's 10.15pm here.) =)

    Can't WAIT to see results!!!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    So yesterday i finally managed to start. I have done it for 5 days before so new what i was in for. I was sweating and half way through i though that i can't be bothered but I did it! so day one is done. I was thinking of doing some extra cardio - running in my case. what is everybody else doing? are you doing other exercises as well and if so what and how do you feel with it?

    all the best

  • ChristineLeary
    Thanks guys and Welcome to all of you who've recently joined! We're all at different spots too, so don't worry! I'm just putting it out there that I will stop being 'whiney!' I'm experiencing some MAJOR PMS like I haven't had in a long time and now that I realize what's going on, i plan to face it head on.

    I took yesterday off due to immobilizing cramps but plan to do my day 5/level 1 in a few minutes.

    I'm also reading Jillian's Master your Metabolism book and it's pretty interesting. I haven't gotten too far, but I'm about to learn what our hormones actually do!

    I am also thinking that perhaps I need to not Shred AND walk everyday. Maybe I need to do one of these every other day? If I do them both, I'm finding that I cannot eat as much as I am supposed to to replace calories! What a nutty switch for me, although it's always been more of a lack of exercise than solely eating too much.

    It's been 10 days since I logged my measurements for real so today, after I shred and shower, I will log them.

    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Did day 4 of level 1 today. Didn't go as hard as I should have, for my legs are so stiff I can't seem to get down in lunges. lol

    I have done 3o day shred lots before but never consecutive days. I am excited to do this, an hopefully will see results.

    A little discouraged - eat good, excersise for 3-4 days straight and scale is going up. I know water etc, but I do feel good, and that is the main thing.
  • ChristineLeary
    Renae - Good job and as the girls here have help me to understand, it's not just water, it's probably muscle too! I've been a scale and emotional fluctuating mess for the last 5 days! Today I measured again and took a good hard look at myself in the mirror. Here's what I found:

    Day 5/Level 1 complete (two, non-consecutive days off - 1 for knee pain, 1 for cramps)

    Beginning Measurements (8/13/10) Today's Measurements (8/18/10)
    Bust: 42 1/2 41 1/2 - lost 1 inch!
    Bust band: 34 33 1/2 - lost 1/2 inch
    Waist: 39 38 1/4 - lost 3/4 inch
    Hip (@bone): 44 43 - lost 1 inch
    Butt/thighs (feet together): 46 45 1/2 - lost 1/2 inch
    arms: 13 can't remember if this was arm bent or straight. will have someone else do this one!
    thighs: 25 1/2 26 - gained 1 inch!

    So, I've lost a total of 3 3/4 inches!!!! And gained 1 inch in my thighs! Not that I needed that but I'm sure it's from all the quad work. I can't wait till it starts burning that flabby inner thigh part and that jiggly outer thighs!

    Lesson learned: Don't give in, don't give up, just keep giving it my all 'cuz I'm worth it!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Shredders,
    Checking in for Wed - man, what a busy day so far!! Been up since 5am and shredded from 5:10 to 5:37, L1D3. I seem to be doing better from an endurance standpoint but i'm still doing push ups on my knees and am able to keep up with their count and I am totally screaming during the last 5 of the side lunges w/ anterioir raises!! Yipes!!
    I was going to bail on the am exercise and wait til I got home from work - but that wont be til like 945 tonight and more than likely i'll be too tired. Wed is my long day....heavy sigh :laugh: I feel so much better keeping my promise to myself to shred daily plus anything else I can throw in for another 30-45min. Now I just need to do another 30 min when I get home.
    I am going to Brazil in 15 days so that will be a total of 18 days of shredding + i'll be able to get in. Maybe I can take my laptop with me..... or portable dvd player.... We'll see.

    Anyway grateful to have at least shredded for the day!!

    Hope all are happy , well and still commited to change!!

    Take care,
  • eastcoaster
    So yesterday i finally managed to start. I have done it for 5 days before so new what i was in for. I was sweating and half way through i though that i can't be bothered but I did it! so day one is done. I was thinking of doing some extra cardio - running in my case. what is everybody else doing? are you doing other exercises as well and if so what and how do you feel with it?

    all the best


    I do the elliptical every day as well. I was doing 45 minutes but upped it to 50. I love it!
  • mbracy
    mbracy Posts: 1
    I will do it with you also. I actually already have my DVD that I bought from Target a while back. I've been working on Level 1 for more than 30 days because I just can't seem to stay motivated enough to make it through 30 days straight. So far I've done it every day this month and would love additional motivation to keep me going so I can move on to level 2. I get up between 4:30 and 4:45 every morning and shred from about 4:50 - 5:15, then off to get ready for work. I'm feeling great today and am eating much healthier - one day at a time will bring me through my cravings for french fries!!! Feeling positive about good change!!
  • eastcoaster
    Tomorrow is Day 10 of Level 1!!! On to Level 2 on Friday!!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Ok day 2 is done. went ok. but those side lunges are hard. it is actually not my legs but my arms. i just can't lift the weights for all of those. but i am determined to get it done! i hope today i'll be better!

    and thanks for your reply eastcoster! i should get some extra cardio in but at the moment i don't have the energy. i was thinking to maybe to the shred twice a day. any thoughts on that ladies?

    i wish you all a nice day!

  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    Just finished Day 1 and all I can say is WOW!!! I had to make quite a few adjustments for my ability level, but I can see how you would progress as the days go on. Was totally sweaty and had to rest a couple of times (I recently pulled a muscle in my right arm and didn't want to press it), but I really liked it. Just when I thought I couldn't do much more, Jillian would start counting down the last couple reps. I'm sure I will be sore later. We'll see how day 2 goes! Have a great day everyone!
  • ChristineLeary
    Good to see you here and glad to hear you can get it done that early! I go back to teaching next week and that's my plan. Shred from 5-5:20, then shower, get the kids ready and head out by 6:35. I'll save my walks for after work as I know I'll need more stress relief!
  • ChristineLeary
    Wahoo! Way to go!
  • ChristineLeary
    Day 6/Level 1 complete!

    I still have trouble during that 4th set of jumping jacks! I think it's all in my head and it's really ticking me off! I'm finding that when I shred in the morning, I crave a good power walk in the afternoon! That's great in theory, but I'm having a really hard time eating all the calories I am supposed to because it's counter-intuitive! I'm no longer starving and craving with all the exercise!

    I started reading Jillian Michaels' "Master your Metabolism" to help figure things out and it's really interesting so far. Is anyone else reading this?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Is anyone feeling bloated after doing the shred daily?
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 3 is done! i felt great afterwards! going through it did go easier to even though i was still in sweat! I think because i have done it for a few days not too long ago my body remembers maybe. I think i might move up to level 2 after 7 days. i am just worried that i might get bored otherwise. I have to see how i feel then and also i can always move back down to level 1 if it is to hard.

    @ChristineLeary: I haven't heard of the book. not sure if it is available in the UK

    and @jdavis193: i don't feel bloated after workouts. maybe it is more something to do with something you are eating? i read somewhere else that too much fibre can have this effect...
  • eastcoaster
    Last day of Level 1 Completed! Tomorrow I am on to Level 2!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Completed Day 5 of shred - 1/2 thru level 1