30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • wendalin4
    wendalin4 Posts: 57 Member
    I log it as calisthenics vigorous effort....comes out to about 250 calories for the 20 minutes....depending on your weight.

    I started Monday, did it again Tuesday but could hardly walk yesterday so i skipped last night. Anybody else having extreme pain? I literally look like i am crippled trying to get out of a chair or walk up or down stairs. The front of my thighs are burning so badly!!! Any suggests on what can help with muscle recovery? I've been pushing water and eating healthy gave it a day of rest last night I really want to do it again tonight but I'm SCARED lol not sure if the pain will get worse.
  • ChristineLeary
    Thanks for the calorie help. I had a similar experience with pain when I started including 30-40 second jogging intervals in my walks. I was going to stop for a day or two but everyone told me just to keep walking through it and in two days it was gone. The walks were hard and I didn't put the runs back in but it helped! Don't know if just modifying a little and pushing through might do it?
  • wendalin4
    wendalin4 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks Christine, Thats my plan for tonight long walk and maybe some stretching then back to the shred tomorrow. Who knew such simple exercises would leave me feeling like a squashed grape lol
  • ChristineLeary
    It's pretty funny, as the day's worn on and I have been running some errands, every time I had to get out of the car, I groaned! I think tomorrow I'm going to be hurting even more but I'm going to make myself do it. I'd like to get into the habit of doing it before getting ready to teach all day, but that means getting up at 5:00am to do the 20 minutes. It also means that my husband is going to have to put up with me groaning, swearing and sweating in the living room while he gets ready for work! That will not be pretty.

    I'm going to talk to him about how he feels about that and maybe try it that early tomorrow.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I would love to join! I have started a 30 day shred on the 21st of June but fell of the waggon! I had a 2 1/2 week holiday and 2 weddings. I thought I could keep going during holidays but i just enjoyed myself to much :wink:

    But now all comittments are out of the way and I can focus on me again! I wanted to start tomorrow again and this thread just comes along perfectly. It is just easier when you keep updating online.

    So I hope it is ok to still join you!

    Happy shredding!

  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    The muscle aching stops after a day or two, trust me. Just stick with it. Maybe I'm a stinge but skipping a day kinda defeats the object of '30 Day'.

    The general accepted thing to do about level progression is 10 days at level 1, then 10 days at level 2 and 10 days at level 3. Obviously you can progress whenever you feel like it's getting too easy but to make it even, I'd rather suggest upping the weights half way through a level. Tomorrow morning will be my day 8. When I did the shred the first time round, in May/June, I was using 0.68kg (1.4lbs) dumbells the whole way through, though occassionally upping it to 1.13kg (2.4lbs) when I felt like it during level 3. The first five days of this time round, I used 1.13kg (2.4lbs) dumbells because I knew the lighter dumbells wouldn't benefit me. I then challenged myself and on day 6 (yesterday) I used mostly my heaviest weights, 2.27kg (5lb) dumbells. They're really testing me, which is good because I know I'm keeping the burn up. I can feel my arm muscles building up now just like the first time round when I was weaker.

    When I move up to level 2 on Monday (day 11) I'll be switching back to my mid weights, the 1.13kg (2.4lbs) ones then on day 16 I'll be shifting it up with my heavier weights.
  • ChristineLeary

    Thanks. I don't know what I was thinking but now 10 days at each level seems obvious! Also, you've already done this in May/June? How'd that go? Did you see the progress you hoped for?

  • dreamcatcher139
    I finished Day 2 today...omg, intense. I leave for a trip tomorrow, though, so I don't know if I can keep it up the next 2-3 days. I did notice an improvement between today and yesterday, which is really cool! I'll do my best to stick to 30 days, but I won't mind if I don't. Good luck, everyone! Let's do it! (:

    STATS- August 11:
    Bicep 15
    Chest 42.5
    Waist 37.25
    Hips 46
    Thigh 28.25
  • eastcoaster
    Day 3 done for me! I'm not planning on skipping any days either. It is such a quick workout to do. I love how it makes you sweat. That way you know you are accomplishing something!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member

    Thanks. I don't know what I was thinking but now 10 days at each level seems obvious! Also, you've already done this in May/June? How'd that go? Did you see the progress you hoped for?


    I didn't lose many pounds but I did lose quite a few inches.

    Stats last time round were:

    Weight - 196.2lbs // 193.8lbs (lost 2.4lbs)
    Waist - 35 inches // 33.5 inches (lost 0.5 inches)
    Hips - 43.5 inches // 42.5 inches (lost 1 inch)
    Bust - 40 inches // 40 inches (lost nothing, phew!)
    Neck - 13.5 inches // 13 inches (lost 0.5 inches)
    Left Arm - 14 inches // 12.6 inches (lost 1.4 inches)
    Right Arm - 14 inches // 12.6inches (lost 1.4 inches)
    Left Thigh - 27.5 inches // 27 inches (lost 0.5 inches)
    Right Thigh - 27.5 inches // 27 inches (lost 0.5 inches)
    Jeans - UK Size 16 (maintained)
    Top - UK Size 16 (maintained)
    Total inches lost: 6.8

    THIS WEEK I lost 2.6lbs (I started the shred this time round last Friday, in about half an hour I'll do Day 8). I'm already noticing a few half inches going. I'm gonna measure myself on Day 11 then Day 21 then essentially Day 31, when I've finished completely. Perhaps this time round it's a bit more effective because I'm using much heavier weights and I've been out of the loop with exercising whereas last time I was using really small weights (though it was the first time I'd EVER used weights) and I was already exercising about 3 times a week anyway, plus walking about an hour to, then from, Uni 4 times a week with the occasional 3-6hour walking day if I'd visit town. So I was already up and about and keeping up my fitness a little bit back then. This time is a bit different. 30 Day Shred is putting me back in my place.
  • ChristineLeary
    Thanks for sharing that info. I'm finding that I'm very driven at the start by the numbers of all of what I'm doing. Although the other day I found a pari of jean capris I bought at the beginning of the summer fit more loosely!

    I'm really struggling right now. It's been 10 days since I started walking everyday and 9 since I started tracking my caloric intake and preparing healthier choices. Yesterday I started the shred (burned almost 500 cals. w/that plus my walk) and this morning I discovered I'd gained a lb. back! I'm supper emotional and a bit weepy so in my head I'm attributing the weight gain to PMS! I really hope that's it or I've been putting my body through all this for nothing!

    I'm going to do my Day 2 in a few minutes. Even if it kills me! At the very least, I need a good cry and this may do the trick!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    ...and this morning I discovered I'd gained a lb. back! I'm supper emotional and a bit weepy so in my head I'm attributing the weight gain to PMS! I really hope that's it or I've been putting my body through all this for nothing!

    I'm glad you're actually looking for logical explanations for the gain. Others might just give up pointlessly. You're gaining muscle, which weighs about double (I think) the weight of fat. It's the best thing to gain muscle because it tones up the body and muscle actually burns fat - so when you're not exercising, it's slowly eating away at whatever fat you have. So what's probably happened is you've actually lost a lb or two of fat but gained a bit of muscle which obviously weighs more. Also, to put it into perspective, this is what 1lb of fat looks like:


    So whoever thought that a 1lb loss in a week is a failure, well they just don't know!

    Measuring inches seems to be a little bit more effective (but obviously the scales move a bit quicker sometimes and that's what the Dr loves)
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to join this thread! I just did day one of the shred. I am still breathing hard. I have a feeling I am going to be hurting later, but that is a great thing. I figure the pain I feel is just proof that it is working and also lets me know that I need to get into shape. Made it through 20 minutes today, so lets see if I can at least add 5 more minutes within a day or two. W
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to join this thread! I just did day one of the shred. I am still breathing hard. I have a feeling I am going to be hurting later, but that is a great thing. I figure the pain I feel is just proof that it is working and also lets me know that I need to get into shape. Made it through 20 minutes today, so lets see if I can at least add 5 more minutes within a day or two. W
  • michellestock
    I would love to do this, but can anyone explain to me exactly what it is? I have never heard of it before :S
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I am a regular with working out. I started the 30 day shred on mon. and I did two days and then I got a head cold. I am dissapointed can't wait to start back up. It's a good thing bc I couldn't take my measurements bc it's the time also. I hope it will give me results since I am a regular on working out. Anyone else who works out regularly and tried this if so did you see results to? I also remember when I first started working out many years ago. So those of you that are starting and wanting to change that is great. I am thrilled to see your results. I remember when I got down to where I wanted to be I was so excited. I am really excited for you guys. Good Luck and don't give up. Remember push through and realize how bad you want it. Determination is the key!!!
  • wendalin4
    wendalin4 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Michelle

    It is a workout DVD from Jillian Michaels.....Walmart sells it for about $9 or you can get it online. When you first watch it you might get the impression that the exercises seem relatively easy....YOUR WRONG lol You will def feel the burn and many see very good results more in inches lost & muscle gained then on the scale.

    Hope you join us!!!!
  • ChristineLeary
    Definitely! The more the merrier! Two of the teachers I work with are starting it too. Won't it be a hoot for our hs kids to see us shredding together after school once in awhile! eeeewwwwwwww!
  • ChristineLeary
    Sereney, No need to add minutes. 20 is plenty! After 10 days at level 1 you'll move to level 2 and then to level 3. I think keeping it in 20 minutes makes it less likely for us to make excuses that we don't have time.

    I'm still doing my walking everyday because I want to do more and I'm leaning to love the walking time!
  • Sarahbear83
    Sarahbear83 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm on day six and I had to stop after the warm ups. I pushed too hard on yesterdays workout and have the most awful shin splints. I looked up the stretches and stuff to get rid of them, but had to take a day off from the high impact stuff, like jumping jacks, jumping rope and the butt kicks, to let them rest. Riding the stationary bike and doing Wii Fit Plus instead.

    So far I've lost 2.5 inches in my waist and 6 lbs. =D