30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just started Level 1, Day 1 again for the 3rd time. I find the push ups, jumping jacks and the side lunges with weights extremely hard. How do you all get through it? I was surprised at the calorie burn as well, my HRM read 135 calories. I'm going to stick with it cus seeing everyone's posts does inspire me. Keep Shredding!

    I find that calorie burn low, are you taking heart rate lots. I burn between 240-260 doing level 1. I find the the side lunges hard as well. I started doing them with no weights, that helped, and I do girly pushups.
  • Thanks for responding. With my HRM, I did the summary at the end of the work out. It said I was 15 minutes in zone and only burned 135 cal. And I was working hard! Sweating like crazy! I'm dreading going at it again cus I'm sore but will give it the go for at least a week and see how it goes. Maybe I will make sure my HRM is working right....? I'm 5ft 2 in. 155 lbs and 44 y/o. How does that compare with you? I would love to learn I burn 200 cals opposed to 100!
  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    Starting tomorrow morning!

    I will go back and read the whole thread to check, but if it hasn't been covered:
    do you know of any men who have done it?

    I might be able to wrangle my sweetie into doing it with me.
    Um, doing shred with me, I mean.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Thanks for responding. With my HRM, I did the summary at the end of the work out. It said I was 15 minutes in zone and only burned 135 cal. And I was working hard! Sweating like crazy! I'm dreading going at it again cus I'm sore but will give it the go for at least a week and see how it goes. Maybe I will make sure my HRM is working right....? I'm 5ft 2 in. 155 lbs and 44 y/o. How does that compare with you? I would love to learn I burn 200 cals opposed to 100!

    I am 33, 5ft 7.5in, and 160 lbs. You must have one with a chest strap. Mine is without one, I am assuming yours is more accurate.

    Push past the soreness, I just about quit or took a break after day 3, my legs were so sore I could barely move. By day 6 it went away. I did take a 2 day break between days 7-8, just to give my body a break, felt really refreshed when I started day 8 ..
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just completed day 1 of level 2. Man what a workout. I did have to take breaks. Burned 333 cals. And feeling tired and sore.
  • Hi all! I just got my copy from the library and plan to try it this weekend. I've heard so many good things about it. This will also help me with my mini goal of reaching 200 lbs by Halloween (15 lbs to go). Please add me to your challenge.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    A quick check in from work! Happy Friday - we made it!!!
    I did level 2 day 1 this morning at 3:50 ( had to be in the office by 7am ) Wow is what i have to say - the planks are really hard for me as well as the chair squats w/ arm raises !!! my HRM gave me a cal burn of 219 for my effort and I was sweating like crazy!!
    Hurray and ouch!!!

    Hope everyone is having a super Friday - it's just gorgeous here in Texas !!

  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    I realize this thread was started weeks ago, but I'm responding anyway, since it seems others are joining in still.
    My sister gave me her copy months ago, I did it the day she gave it to me and fell in love. Then, in my usual style I stopped working out for some reason or another. In the past few weeks that I have been working out again, I went back to my old school xbox yourself fitness (or whatever it was called). Yesterday I felt like going back to Jillian, on a whim. I love it. After seeing the results of other posters, I'm convinced I should've stuck with it. Yesterday was day one for me. Today I did my Leslie Sanson 4 mile walk, but tomorrow I'm back on track with Jillian! I'd love to drop a few inches in the upcoming weeks!
    I guess i'll do level one for a week even though i was up to level 2 when I crapped out last time...
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    Had to get out the door early today for work, so I missed my normal morning shred. Ended up sitting in CPR/First Aid training for 5.5 hours. Will probably get in a walk tonight, just so I can get some blood flowing. I will get back to shredding tomorrow morning for day 8/Level 1. Have a great weekend!
  • I have my copy...have been staring at it for awhile now. I think I'm afraid to excersise. That probably sounds really stupid. I'm really trying to motivate myself and start the program, though. Does anyone want to start over from Level 1 and do it with me starting Sept 1st? Maybe setting a concrete day will help me.
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    L1D4 complete! This should've been day 5 but I skipped yesterday. After spending a day at the beach, I was just too tired, I kept nodding off all evening and just decided to stop fighting it and go to bed. My legs were thankful for the break and weren't sore today but they still burned during tonight's workout. I'm able to do more reps now than I did on day1 so this must be working.
  • Hey everyone! I've been MIA for a few days. Did Day 1/Level 2 on Thursday morning and haven't Shred since! The planks were ridiculous as I'm so uncoordinated and with my husband hovering around I felt like an idiot! I also haven't walked since in a while as it was so rainy here and we've started back at school so I had trouble finding time. ( I'll walk later today)

    Yesterday's scale check had me down 4 llbs! And today back up 1 1/2! For a total of 9 llbs lost since 8/2/10.

    I may try the level 2 again but I'm really not sure - it hurt my knees so badly the two days off have them back to normal.
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    Day 8/Level 1 is done and I didn't feel too bad after taking a break yesterday. Actually, I feel a bit better. Still had to modify that one set of jumping jacks....hate those. Two more days of level 1 and then its on to Level 2. :noway: Still haven't lost weight, but it's creeping up on TOM so I'm not going to worry about it. Will weigh in and measure on Aug. 31 to see where I am.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Push through those first 3 days and it will get better.
  • Hello everyone!!!
    I will like to try this too!!
    Im new here at my fitness pal, just started last wednesday and Im so excited!! So right now I don't have the video But will love to see how you guys do it and your progress.
    Keep it up ladies!
  • nautiluver
    nautiluver Posts: 23 Member
    Glad I found y'all! I purchased the DVD yesterday and did Day 1 Level 1 this morning - had to modify a little, and made it to the last set before having to throw up! Took care of that and went right back to finish out the cardio, abs then cool down . What a great workout. So shameful that I've let myself go sooo very far! It will be a struggle to get back down to close to what I need to be but I'm gonna do it.

    Thank you all for sharing your stories!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just finished Day 2 Level 2. Burned 277 cals. Have a lot of trouble with the chair squat with arm raises. Other then that feeling good. Might take tomorrow as a rest day, but not sure, will see how I feel tomorrow.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Beautiful Shredders,
    Just finished L2D2 - and Renae i'm right there with you w/ thoise chair squat arm raises - ouch !!! I burned 255 cals doing the shred today. I think level 2 is harder; at least it is for me. My DH came downstairs when I was doing the 2nd cardio circuit and saw me grunting and struggling and very sweetly said "why didn't you get me to work out with you?:noway: "
    He never works out - has a naturally high metabolism and can (and does) eat everything with impunity!! I still would like to see him do something good for his health and occasionally i will urge him to join me. Him offering doesn't happen often - so I took him up on it -we went for a 45 minute walk that included some hills and we had some good us time that didn't involve a tv set:laugh: !!! I got a 325 cal burn for my efforts, an added plus, then hit the pool for 20 minutes to cool off. i feel great and ready to tackle the rest of the day.
    I hope everyone takes some time to take care of themselves and stays on track this weekend.

  • Hi Dragonfly11, you are doing so great. You inspire me not to give up. Started the shred about 2weeks ago and like most people, i haven't noticed any weight loss, but my clothes fit better, and stomach is starting to flatten out. Like you, my hubby did this workout with me and found it challenging. Its funny to see him talk back at Jillian.. Lol..
    I will continue doing the shred just to see how i do. There's a rotation i found on the web that was designed by Jillian. Its called the 30day slim down. it utilizes the shred,BFBM, and NMTZ Dvds. Will start that on monday.
    Happy shredding!!! Keep up the good work everyone
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    Day 9/Level 1 is done. Only one more day to go in Level 1! Finally down 1 pound this morning. Did the Skinny Saturday Challenge yesterday (2x ex, 2x water) and muscles were a little fatigued this morning, but not as bad as I thought.


    Neck: 14.....13.75.....13
    Waist 39.....39.....38
    Hips 50.....49.....48

    Good luck all on the next week of shredding!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Taking today as a rest day, unless I get really bored later in the day. Will be on D3L2 tomorrow.
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