30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 6/Level 1 complete!

    I still have trouble during that 4th set of jumping jacks! I think it's all in my head and it's really ticking me off! I'm finding that when I shred in the morning, I crave a good power walk in the afternoon! That's great in theory, but I'm having a really hard time eating all the calories I am supposed to because it's counter-intuitive! I'm no longer starving and craving with all the exercise!

    I started reading Jillian Michaels' "Master your Metabolism" to help figure things out and it's really interesting so far. Is anyone else reading this?

    Have a great day everyone!

    I had a day off between day 11 and 12. Day 12 hurt so baaaaaaaaaaaaad as a result. I was all achy like when I first started. I am definately not having another day off lol
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Way to go fellow shredders at whatever stage you are =D

    Keep up the good work, we can do this xx
  • claygal123
    claygal123 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm in day 20 of it, and have lost a couple of belt notches. Need some inspiration to keep going, I want to get to level 3!
  • Katy213
    Katy213 Posts: 45
    I have just done day 1 of level 1 of this and can't believe how intense it is! Will stick with it, hoping to see some results fairly quickly. Good luck everyone! :smile:
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    Day 4/Level 1 is done. Walked for 3 1/2 hrs yesterday at an art fair, so my right knee was a bit tender today. Hopefully it will work itself out. Weighed in at 194.5 this morning, which is a gain of 1 lb. I am hoping it is water from the high sodium foods yesterday at the art fair. The anterial arm raises were burning my shoulders today, too. However, I can really feel the difference in my stamina from day 1 already. I'm not nearly as winded. Still sweaty, but it's good! LOL. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Great job! Keep it up!
  • Day 8/Level 1 to do today. It's a rainy miserable day and I don't think it will let up for my walk today so I'm going to try to really push hard through this one. I went WAY over my calories last night even though I only ate 1/2 of everything I ordered for dinner at the cheesecake factory! Oh, well. Back to work today. I'm worried that I'm getting tired of all of this counting!
  • I don't know about this. I am new and also new to trying to lose weight in a long time. Can u tell me about it? Also is it doable for someone who needs double knee replacements?


    My knees are starting to hurt me a lot, and I am not someone that needs knee replacements. I don't have the best knees though. The exercises are hard impact. My knees have been really bothering me these last couple days. Today I am on Level 2, Day 3.
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I can imagine if you have bad knees that they would hurt. My hurt a little too. And I'm only on the 1st level. Just finished Level 1, Day 2. A long way to go, but it will be worth it if I get results. Thanks to all you who have posted ahead of me.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Suppose to do Day 8 of level 1 today, but considering taking the day off. Did the 7 days in a row. Just cant decide whether to jump in and do it, or just do day 8 tomorrow.
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I had another cheeky day off yesterday, so frustrating since I only said yesterday I wasnt having any more days off... :blushing:

    I did do 10 minutes of my blast off belly fat dvd, but only managed to get halfway through the shred :grumble:

    but today i've done level 1 & level 2 to make up for my lame attempt yesterday. Its amazing how much more I can get done when I get up early and dont have the kids coming in every 5 seconds to ask ''are you done yet'' :laugh:
  • Tiwi
    Tiwi Posts: 3 Member
    OMG!!! OMG!!! Day 1 just finished level 1 session for the day for the first time ever. I thought I was gonna pass out and die right on the mat. My goodness am I out of shape. It must working because right now every bit of me hurts. I ache in places I never knew could ache.
    I keep telling myself it's worth it. It was only 20 minutes but wow. Ok I sound crazy right now but I'm actually happy. Does anyone know how to enter the exercise into the calculator bit. You know the actual breakdowns. I know it's cardio, strength and abs but it's the calculations bit that's got me. How are you all inputting yours?

    I feel so proud of myself because I managed to put that dvd on and I just did it (I did stop here and there) but hey I did it. Just that alone has given me strength to remind myself that I can do this. That WE can do this ladies. Will let you know how day 2, 3, 4 -30 go
  • I was told to do 22 minutes of Circuit Training, General
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Level 1, Day 3 - FINISHED. I don't want to say its getting easier, but just maybe.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi you all

    Great to see how great evryone is doing. me mysef haven't. I dedcided to stop the shred for now. I just got really bored of it and find it really hard to motivate myself. As i have heard it so many times I can speak a long with the dvd. I just want something a bit more fun.
    i will order Turbo Jam today. I think it is more my cup of tea.

    I wish you all the good luck and hopefully meet you again on another thread!

    keep up the good wrok ladies!
  • I was actually thinking about starting it again. I have done it in the past and it is a killer, but the results are awesome! When do we start? :smile:
  • ehwilson30
    ehwilson30 Posts: 21 Member
    I'll do it! I have the dvd but can't seem to get motivated to do it! Maybe this is the jolt I need! Count me in!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    For those of you who says it gets boring. Why don't you do it every other day and mix up the levels. Do cardio on the other days. I
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Have you guys done any other videos with her like the cardio ones?
  • Day 9 Level 1 done! I'm pleasantly surprised to see I did day 8 yesterday! This morning I was thinking that I was on day 8!

    Also did my 2.85 mile walk in the rain. Cold, wet, windy, sweaty...how strange! But I did it and got to hear more of my book!

    Here's my weekly data for Shredding.

    Starting........................today (8/23)

    Bust 42 1/2 ....................... 41 1/2
    Waist 39 .............................37
    Hips 44 .............................42 1/2
    Butt & Thighs 46 ............................ 45 1/4
    Arms 13..............................12 1/2
    Thighs 25 1/2....................... 25

    Unfortunately my weight keeps fluctuating. I'd lost 8 since August 2, and then put 4 back, then lost the 4 again and this morning I'm back up 3. Clothes starting to feel better but really need to focus on the food I think. I am consistently below calorie intake but only because I'm shredding and walking. I can't seem to eat the extra 500+ calories and it feels counter intuitive!
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