30 Day Shred - Anyone want to join me ?



  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi you all

    Great to see how great evryone is doing. me mysef haven't. I dedcided to stop the shred for now. I just got really bored of it and find it really hard to motivate myself. As i have heard it so many times I can speak a long with the dvd. I just want something a bit more fun.
    i will order Turbo Jam today. I think it is more my cup of tea.

    I wish you all the good luck and hopefully meet you again on another thread!

    keep up the good wrok ladies!
    Hi Daisy,
    I love TJ - it is a total blast and burns a bunch of calories. I am doing it along w/ the shred because you are accomplishing different things. After doing TJ and thinking i was really strong - the strength training in Shred showed me otherwise and helped me lose inches more than pounds. TJ helped me lose pounds - shred helped me to get strong and change my body.
    Now I am back on the bandwagon combining both - SHred daily and a TJ rotation + walking so I can get the pounds down.

    I hope you find what you're looking for and keep us posted on your progress!

    Good Luck,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    :laugh: Happy Monday Shredders,
    I took yesterday as a rest day - from exercise and food. I didn't log but probably should have; I was over my cals I just know it.
    But back at it this morning Shredded befor work - L1D7 in the bag. Power walk and TJ on for later - not sure which one; possibly Cardio Party mix 2 or Fat Blaster. It's Monday so that might be a little ambitious:laugh: the walk will be done for sure!

    Take care and keep workin it!

  • sasmll6577
    I'm new L1/D3 and am a bit sore. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, the time goes by really fast. It was nice to read how much success everyone has had so far. It really has me motivated to finish. Now if I could just get my eating on track :( I plan on measuring myself tonight and then re-measuring at the end of each 10 day period. I really hope this works. I'll be going ot the gym after work also to get about 45-1 hour of cardio in.

    Thanks Ladies!!! Sara
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have done day 1/level 1 and tbh I thought how can 20 mins even everyday make any difference. How wrong I was, I felt like dying half way through. Heres to it getting easier :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi Daisy,
    I love TJ - it is a total blast and burns a bunch of calories. I am doing it along w/ the shred because you are accomplishing different things. After doing TJ and thinking i was really strong - the strength training in Shred showed me otherwise and helped me lose inches more than pounds. TJ helped me lose pounds - shred helped me to get strong and change my body.
    Now I am back on the bandwagon combining both - SHred daily and a TJ rotation + walking so I can get the pounds down.

    I hope you find what you're looking for and keep us posted on your progress!

    Good Luck,

    Hi Janet

    Thank you for your reply! I definitely want to keep the shred in my routine as i do generally like it. It seem like i am doing the opposite to you - mainly Turbo Jam and the odd shred in between. And thanks for letting me know what sort of results you had. I do actually just want to drop pounds at the moment and then later in the year or early next year focusing on toning etc.

    Keep in touch and all the best to you!

    Take care!

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well missed today again - was out shopping all day, and got back way later then antisipated. Will definately get back to day 8 of level 1 tomorrow.
  • jayz_gal2004
    jayz_gal2004 Posts: 18 Member
    I will do it with you!!! I have had the DVD for about a year and have never completed a full 30 days. I need someone to hold me accountable. My legs hurt so bad after day 1 I skip and day.....a day turns to a week.....and so on :0(
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    Just in from a 200 cal pm walk - ugh Monday - time to rest and catch some tube before my eyes close!! Early shredding in the AM and boy does it come fast!!

    Have a great nite everyone,
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    Day 6/Level 1 is done. Really had to convince myself to do it this morning b/c I had to work late last night. Glad I did. I was finally able to up the jumping rope to an actual jump...I was doing a shuffling skip before. Endurance is improving and really felt it today. Have a great day!

  • ChristineLeary
    Day 10/Level 1 complete! Tomorrow I'm on to day 1/Level 2. i think I'll watch the workout today so that I know how to do the moves before I try them! I'm also going out for 5 lb. weights today. Can't find mine from the move last summer. I had to go back and look at all my posts to see what day I was really on! Can't believe I did 10 days of this!

    Today I tried to eat a little before and after the work out. Reading that working out on a hungry belly signals the body to burn up muscle instead of fat. Hopefully this will work.

    On the Master Your Metabolism front, if I throw out everything Jillian says is bad for my success, I will have no food left to serve my family. :( Still reading though....not sure I value this as much as I do the workouts.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Michelle~ great job! Good for you for making yourself do it today. Tomorrow will be my first attempt at a 5:00am workout before waking the kids for school! early bed tonight!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 4/Level 1 done! YEA! It's getting easier. I did a lot more of the workout today.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    After talking a 2 a 2 day break, I got back at is and did Day 8 level 1. I am glad I took the break, my legs have really loosened up and was able to do the lunges alot easier. Burned 249 cals doing it today,
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi everyone, I'm day 2/level 2. I did level 1 for 8 days. Eastcoaster told me about this thread so I decided to pop on to get some extra motivation for completing the 30 days. I stopped for over a week because I only had part one from exercisetv. I broke down and bought the dvd the other day.

    I plan to shred on Mon, Tues, and Thurs. I got to Zumba on Sunday and Wed and then usually spend about 30 minutes in the cardio room. I play basketball on Friday and Saturday. Sometimes I go in the cardio room after bball, but those days, I usually take it easy.
    I don't do any other strength training besides the shred.

    So how many days do you all do shred? What else do you do to stay active? I look forward to shredding together.

  • Tiwi
    Tiwi Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished Day 2/Level 1 (I've never done the shred before)
    My whole body hurts. Got up this morning and could barely get dressed for the workout but I did it. My thighs, arms all hurt. :sad:
    I wasn't as breathless when I finished though I did stop a few times.
    Please someone tell me this will get better. I know it's worth it but will it get better?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Tiwi, before I started "shredding" someone gave me a good tip to stretch a few extra minutes before and after the workout. It really seems to help. Also because I am still recovering from my knee surgery, I have to ice my knee afterwards so it wont be stiff or sore in the morning. Hope that helps. Don't give up, it does get easier.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Tuesday Shredders
    L1D8 in the bag at 450 this am!!! I never seem to really want to do the w/o but i sure do feel good afterwards!! Welcome to all the new faces!!
    Hi Tiwi and Leela - welcome , welcome This thread really helps and it's keeping me accountable. I have been shredding daily except for Sunday, so far, - that's my rest day. I feel strong but havent lost any weight really. I seem to have been gaining and losing this same 2 lbs for the last 8 days. I also work in extra cardio - usually power walking or Turbo Jam - so my deal looks like Shred before work and 35-45 minutes of something else when I get home from work.
    Had a little scare tonight on a non work out related note - I quit smoking on St Patricks day of this year. I was tired of smoking and am no longer able to get my brand in the U.S. so I decided to quit. I have been a smoker since I was 16. I'm 47. I've never even wanted to not be a smoker. Anyway, when I was looking for batteries in my night stand I found just under half a pack of MY BRAND!!
    I did not smoke them. I flushed them , threw on my sneaks and took a long walk. I am not a smoker any more and faith without works is dead!!

    Thank God for smart feet tonight............and I'm watching ROCKY!!!

    Thanks for letting me vent and have a great night everybody,

  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    I just finished Day 2/Level 1 (I've never done the shred before)
    My whole body hurts. Got up this morning and could barely get dressed for the workout but I did it. My thighs, arms all hurt. :sad:
    I wasn't as breathless when I finished though I did stop a few times.
    Please someone tell me this will get better. I know it's worth it but will it get better?

    Hi, Tiwi! Tomorrow I do Day 6/level 1 and it is getting better. Jillian says on the DVD "...for those of you on day 5 or 6, I bet you are starting to notice a difference." and I did. I agree with Leela about stretching before you do the DVD. I stretched out on Day 4 & 5 and really noticed a difference with the pain around my knee. Welcome and good luck!:flowerforyou:

    Christine & Janet: Wow! Up and moving at/before 5 a.m.....I am impressed! I have been trying a dry run this week of shredding between the two different times the kids leave for school (they already started) to see if I have enough time to shower and get off to work at my preschool. It's close.

    Renae: WTG getting back on that horse after your break.

  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    Excellent willpower Dragonfly!

    Like some other members, I just started the videos and today was day 2 of L1. It's around 3am. I did it around the same time yesterday too. It's not that I'm trying to get an early start like Dragonfly but I'm putting it off until as late as possible because I'm not looking forward to my legs burning like a 3 alarm fire. :) However, its only 27 minutes so I push through it. I tried p90x and it was just waayyy too long for me. I was so sore after "Chest and Back" I could barely move my upper body without whincing. These are so much better, still tough, still sore but doable. I stopped a few times for air and water and I couldn't use any weights for the second round of the side lounge/shoulder raise ( my shoulders have always been so weak) I'm also going to supplement with a few days in the gym. They have Zumba 2x's a week and I'd like to try it. It's seems like it would be fun. Has anyone else tried it? Are the moves really complicated cuz I'm not that coordinated lol. I'm going to try to take my measurements and pictures tomorrow to compare with the ending results since some say they don't lose weight, atleast maybe I'll lose inches. Good luck to everyone and good night or morning. Happy Shredding!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Shredders,
    I have lost -0- weight ( probably because I need to plean my pm meals better ....I stink at eating when i'm at home. any dinner and snack suggestions would be helpful!!) I feel better but needed some encouragement: I look my measurements and her are the results after 10 days (9 out of 10 shredding):
    SW 190
    Neck 13
    Rt Arm 13.5 Rt Arm 13
    Lft Arm 13.5 Lft Arm 13
    Bust - 40 Bust 39.5
    Under Bust - 36 Under Bust 34
    Waist - 36 Waist 34.5
    Below Waist (navel) -42 Below Waist (navel) 39
    Hip - 47.25 Hip 47
    Saddlebag - 46.5 Saddlebag 46
    Rt Thigh - 28.5 Rt Thigh 28
    Lft Thigh - 28.5 Lft thigh 28
    Rt Calf - 16.5 Rt Calf 16.25
    Lft Calf - 16.5 Lft Calf 16.25

    Overall no weight lost but down 10 inchesoverall?? This doesn't make sense to me but ...okay. Hope evveryone has a great day and keep moving. Off to Shred L1D9 here I come.

    Make it a great day everybody,
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Day 20 done so that's Level 2 over for me.
    I'll measure up tomorrow morning and post my inch and weight progress.

    10 days left for me! Yay!

    I've gone down a top size (though that's not just due to the shred... just boosted by it) because I went shopping with my mum, who's visiting me this week, and we bought things a size smaller just because I thought there was no point getting more stuff of the size I already have everything in. I'm getting smaller anyway, even if I couldn't fit in the new clothes I would do eventually. I tried on the tops and voila, it fits! They look pretty good, too. *smug*

    Keep at it everyone :D