

  • Check out pose running and chi running. I have always suffered from horrible shin splints, but with pose, I've done 3 weeks of c25k and haven't had one issue. It takes some practice, but I love it so far. And shoes do make a difference too. I try to keep one pair just for jogging. Good luck.
  • Was thinking this, too. I bought organic and regular strawberries recently to see if the family could tell the difference. No one could. I doubt many have tried foods they claim taste better side by side without know which is which. I think they may be surprised. The brain is a funny thing. :happy:
  • Cupcakes with Italian meringue buttercream. Luckily I have to bake them or I would eat them all day, every day.
  • It really could be nothing more than your form. When I started implementing Pose running form, my shin splints went away. they can be caused when your heel strikes the ground first. There are lots of youtube videos showing how to do it. Don't give up so easily. Funny thing, we think running should come so naturally but…
  • I love to bake cinnamon rolls from scratch but haven't baked in a while. I was surprised to see a friggin' Pilsbury cinnamon rolls ad- that kind in that exploding can. Now I have to go make a batch cuz I can almost smell them. mmmmm. I actually thought it was funny to see that ad on a diet webpage. I guess I'm easily…
  • TMT was the program we started with 2 yrs ago, at the beginning of my get fit journey, hubby was already athletic. You will get out what you put into it. It's definitely not hard core like many of the other ones out there. But if you want a harder workout, you can always double up or triple up and you still have only put…
  • Not sure how much you wanted to spend, but my daughter tried on Under Armour ones at Dìck' s Sporting goods and she said it really minimized bounce. I think they were $22, but we didn't buy it that day. We looked at the Champion ones at Target and they were too loose and not supportive for her. We are going to go back and…
  • I'm coming off my latest attempt at medicating anxiety and pmdd. Everything made me so meh about life. I am keeping klonopin as a rescue med for severe anxiety, so we'll see if that works. I would joke with people that I couldn't cry cuz of the meds I was on, but it was true. Love the ferris wheel and train analogies. It's…
  • Just finished 1st week of beta and was surprise about how well I did on core cardio on day one this week. Had to follow Tonia for speed 2.0, but that was more because I tweaked my back not because I was tired. That being said, that double up on Friday- core cardio and upper focus kicked my butt! I've done insanity twice an…
  • Any New Englanders out there might remember this ditty from the 80's......"Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh."
  • Don't you love our bodies trying to fatten us up to get pregnant? For me cravings are my body telling me I need something, either emotionally or physically. And coming off bc is a real ***** since your body is regulating itself again. So it may take a few months to calm down. That all being said, don't sweat the 5 lb swing…
  • Try spritzing with vodka and lettering air dry. Vodka's high alcohol content is antibacterial and it doesn' t have an odor. Get the cheapest stuff u can find. Bottom shelf $10 bucks for a gallon, u could never tolerate to drink it type stuff. I've used it on things that can't be washed with good results. A second set of…
  • Have to 2nd the Levi 's curvy jeans! I have them in straight, bootcut and skinny. And when I am the size the jeans are, the skinny ones look awesome! Muffin top and thigh creases do ruin the look, though. We pear shapes get to be curvy. I say show it off!
  • Wusthof! I got a set as a college graduation gift 18yrs ago and they are still great. Use them every day and have only had them professionally sharpened twice. Just like our pots and pans we don't put them in the dishwasher. But I actually, I would go to a kitchen store and try some out. Knives can be balanced differently.…
  • I've been trying to eat in a way where I don't deny myself foods that I like. Trying to have a healthy relationship with foods I guess. I can choose not to eat a food, but I try to not say that I can't have something. Why did you give up soda? One of the issues, IMO, of denying foods is that they can become an obsession.…
  • I like to add it to smoothies with banana. Gives it some extra flavor without the calories of regular pb. Not sure I would mix it with water as a substitute though. This reminds me that I was going to try to make a peanut sauce with it. Going to have to do that this week with some chicken.
  • Thx for this thread. I've been wanting to post on this too. I'm trying to increase protein cuz i realized that I'm kind of a carbovore. Getting 160 grams of protein for me is a challenge without blowing through my other macros, and I love meat. I think it's has a lot to do with convenience. My new goal is it keep poached…
  • Awesome to see the number of people doing this. Hopefully we will bump into each other wearing our "I nailed it" tees. Just did first cardio today and I was pouring sweat by the end.
  • Just did Cardio today (1st day) and omg it is not as easy as it looks. Well, it wasn't for me. Had to do some of the modifications just to keep the HR in check, it really moves fast!!! Looking forward to speed 1.0 tomorrow.
  • Insanity Rocks! I was in the best shape of my life after doing it last year and did it again this spring. Make sure you take before and after photos cuz there will be a difference maybe not is weight lost, but definitely in body shape. We just stated Focus T25 today and I am excited for it. Same Shaun T, just shorter…