

  • jess4fun
    jess4fun Posts: 20
    I've been trying to eat in a way where I don't deny myself foods that I like. Trying to have a healthy relationship with foods I guess. I can choose not to eat a food, but I try to not say that I can't have something.

    Why did you give up soda? One of the issues, IMO, of denying foods is that they can become an obsession. It seems that so many people give things up because they are perceived as being unhealthy and we have to eat all the right foods. We need foods to live, but we can also enjoy what we eat.

    Will you beat yourself up if you have the soda? Will you drink the whole case? What about it are you craving? Is it just because you've said you can't have it that you want it? Why do you think you have an addictive personality? There is a huge psychological component to dieting/eating that often doesn't get addressed.

    If you decide to have the soda, or add it back to you life, then enjoy it and don't feel guilty about it. Own that decision but no one else can make it for you.
  • Jarice12
    Jarice12 Posts: 135 Member
    Girl, I totally feel you on this. I will kick soda for a while and then I have one and boom, I want one everyday. Beware, if you have one, it worsens the cravings at least in my case. I say have one, but really exercise your willpower if you don't want to start drinking them everyday. Right now I've stopped again for the next 4 weeks after drinking a some soda every day for the past week. Caffeine is really addictive!
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think my problem is that if I allow myself to have a soda I will feel like a failure for giving in. I'm sure that sounds stupid, but its how I feel. I used to drink 2 44oz sodas a day from the gas station (not every day), but I would always come to work with a huge fountain soda. I started getting smaller ones every day & then I just quit one day. I'm not sure how I did it, but I did.

    I think I may just go get one of my sparkling waters or fit a starbucks into my calories today because I'm so tired.

    I just don't know if I have one I won't want more. :(
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Artificial sweeteners confuse your body and make it store fat. Have a can of regular pop if you want one. I have a can of coke every day! It makes me happy :)

    No. Artificial sweeteners do not confuse your body and make it store fat. (a calorie surplus makes a person store fat)
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Can you get your hands on a healthier version? Like a soda stream machine and make your own root beer? If I really loved soda, I wouldn't deprive myself, I would just get creative. And try to figure out a healthier alternative for special treats. Also, if you do that, you can get a homemade ice cream maker and have homemade authentic root beer floats. Ah crap, now look what you've done....off to the health foods store to figure out how to make healthy root beer in my soda stream. :ohwell:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have been trying for several years to give up my diet soda and I've settled on limiting it, instead.

    Typical for me in the past: Coffee with breakfast. Diet soda with lunch and dinner. No water.

    Typical for me now: Coffee and water with breakfast. Water with lunch 4 days a week, diet soda and water with lunch 3 days a week. Water with dinner.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Artificial sweeteners confuse your body and make it store fat. Have a can of regular pop if you want one. I have a can of coke every day! It makes me happy :)

    No. Artificial sweeteners do not confuse your body and make it store fat. (a calorie surplus makes a person store fat)

    And even though there are many articles by qualified people that state contrary opinions, you know this as a fact because....?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Artificial sweeteners confuse your body and make it store fat. Have a can of regular pop if you want one. I have a can of coke every day! It makes me happy :)

    No. Artificial sweeteners do not confuse your body and make it store fat. (a calorie surplus makes a person store fat)

    And even though there are many articles by qualified people that state contrary opinions, you know this as a fact because....?

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    If you have the calories available, I don't think it's so bad to have one can of soda.

    However, I've recently discovered that the cans of flavored sparkling water really kill the soda cravings I get. No caffeine, no calories, no artificial sweeteners, just carbonated water and citric acid. You may be able to find something like this in your grocery store: http://www.lacroixwater.com/ Give them a shot!

    La Croix is amazing. They sell it in my Target, 8 packs *and* 69 cent single cans up front near the Target cafe.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member

    If you're typing in CAPs -I WANT A SODA. Then uh, you need a soda.

  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Artificial sweeteners confuse your body and make it store fat. Have a can of regular pop if you want one. I have a can of coke every day! It makes me happy :)

    No. Artificial sweeteners do not confuse your body and make it store fat. (a calorie surplus makes a person store fat)

    And even though there are many articles by qualified people that state contrary opinions, you know this as a fact because....?


    Uh huh, I see. Well you do seem to hold very strong opinions on some things and you state those opinions as facts in an extremely large number of topics and threads I've seen. As well, your opinions (posted as facts) seem to be controversial to some, so some background on your expertise and/or reasons as to why you hold these opinions could add to (or possible detract from) your credibility.
  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
    ive struggled with a similar dilemma . I made many changes last yr and giving up soda was one of them. I ve never dieted or anything before so I don't know what is causing my success since I made the changes mostly all at once
    but I honestly think that giving up the soda is a BIG BIG part of my success

    A friend challenged me to go two weeks and that seemed like forever.. but I just kept extending it., first to impress him.. now just for myself

    there are certain times when I want one BAD..........I used to be a mountain dew guy... 2-4 cans most days

    my last soda was 8/4/12

    I am nervous about a relapse so I personally am staying away at least for the time being
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Have a soda, and quit yelling about it. :laugh:

    I rarely drink anything other than water, coffee, or tea. But sometimes I want an ice cold Coca Cola, and the Food Police can't stop me!
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I never deprive. That is one way to unravel success

    Good luck in whatever you decide
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    Trust your instincts... but if the craving wont go away, have the soda and move on. You are stronger than you think! :)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    A-If you go through the rest of your life and die without ever having had another soda, what will you have accomplished?

    And 2-
    Uh huh, I see. Well you do seem to hold very strong opinions on some things and you state those opinions as facts in an extremely large number of topics and threads I've seen. As well, your opinions (posted as facts) seem to be controversial to some, so some background on your expertise and/or reasons as to why you hold these opinions could add to (or possible detract from) your credibility.
    Sorry but whether or not artificial sweeteners cause the body to store extra fat is not a matter of opinion. There is no evidence to show that such a thing actually happens. Because science.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    In my opinion, just have a soda. Log it and move on. I've found if I deprive myself, I just binge later on other crap that is even worse for me. Chances are that soda won't even taste as good as it used to because it's been so long.

    Yep. Drink it. Unless you have a medical condition, it's not bad for you anyway.
  • ddoeren84
    Artificial sweeteners confuse your body and make it store fat. Have a can of regular pop if you want one. I have a can of coke every day! It makes me happy :)

    Just to further clarify:
    According to Swithers, the trouble with artificial sweeteners is the same thing that makes them so popular — they taste a lot like sugar and have few or zero calories. For example, the molecule for sucralose (found in products like Splenda), is extremely similar to the molecule for sugar. That is why it tastes eerily similar — it is tricking our bodies into thinking we are eating something sugary.

    But our bodies cannot metabolize sucralose. It just passes through us. This is its charm— and its potential danger. Normally, when our body detects that we have eaten something sweet, it anticipates the arrival of much needed energy and activates mechanisms to capture it. If we continuously fool the body with sweet tastes that do not bring any energy or nutrients, we risk teaching our own metabolisms to stop responding to sweet tastes entirely. We are essentially "crying wolf," and when we finally do eat something with sugar, the body ignores the signal and fails to process it properly.

    EDIT to add more from the article.
    Over time, whatever calories people think they are cutting with artificial sweeteners might just be returning to them in the form of poorly metabolized sugars from other foods.

    The data Swithers examines does not establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship between sweeteners and obesity, it simply sees a strong correlation — just as strong as we see with regular soda. There could be other explanations.

  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    I haven't had a soda since January and I've had a serious craving for one the past couple of days. I've opted for iced tea or lemonade and it helped, but the craving is still there. I thought the same thing...one won't kill me. But it's bigger than that. I'm treating this as my own personal challenge. Not gonna give in!
  • ddoeren84
    Artificial sweeteners confuse your body and make it store fat. Have a can of regular pop if you want one. I have a can of coke every day! It makes me happy :)

    No. Artificial sweeteners do not confuse your body and make it store fat. (a calorie surplus makes a person store fat)

    And even though there are many articles by qualified people that state contrary opinions, you know this as a fact because....?


    Uh huh, I see. Well you do seem to hold very strong opinions on some things and you state those opinions as facts in an extremely large number of topics and threads I've seen. As well, your opinions (posted as facts) seem to be controversial to some, so some background on your expertise and/or reasons as to why you hold these opinions could add to (or possible detract from) your credibility.
    I just posted this link in response to her original post.