nellyett Member


  • ^^ I eventually stall out with weight loss when I eat too body freaks and holds onto every little thing it can. Even when I was only netting 1000 cals per day (waaaay back when). Was starving, frustrated, and not losing a thing! As soon as I upped my NET to 1500, the scale started moving immediately! Hit goal…
  • After a very long "bulk" and a few months in maintenance, I am currently "cutting" to reduce my bf %. I was at maintenance for so long because I had a hard time staying consistent on less calories. lol I am basically aiming to keep my gross calories between 1900-2000 per day. So far I've been relatively consistent for the…
  • I would hazard a guess that your are burning a MINIMUM of 300 cals per workout, therefore NETTING a max of 1400 cals per day. This would be under your BMR. I'm 5'5" and have a similar circuit to you minus all of the extra HIIT....I lift heavy and for strength M,T,T,F....Kickboxing or run for cardio on Wednesday and just…
  • I have an old knee injury and "crunchy" knees that hurt....some days more than others. Squatting really aggravates it, however not so much when I do wide stance (plie) squats. Go figure?!? There are lots of different variations you can do, in addition to progressing on your regular squats if it is just a form issue. I do…
  • jump squats, walking lunges, skipping, dancing....anything that gets your heart rate up :)
  • OMG I had no idea! What a douche!
  • I do what a few others on here do. I tell myself just to go and commit to 10 minutes. Plus I remind myself that if I don't go then, I will feel worse later. 10 minutes of anything is better than nothing, right??? Once I get there, I usually get my full work out in. Some a half a$$ed, but some end up being some of my best!…
  • I eat a cup of cottage cheese with hot salsa in it almost everyday. Filling, lots of protein, and low cal. I usually have it with apple slices or something else for fibre. lol
  • I think that's Abercrombie.....they had some backlash where the CEO said they didn't make clothes for heavy or unattractive people. AND he's not an attractive man. What an a-hole! I'm in Canada and they've been around here for quite a while....I see people of ALL sizes wearing lulu's if that's any help?
  • YES! They fit me better than any other brand and I've tried a lot of different ones. I have a jacket that I wear more than any other and I've had it for 10 years.....several bottoms that have lasted me just as long. Absolutely worth it in my personal opinion! :)
  • Don't be discouraged....when I started C25k I actually WAS a seasoned smoker! lol I've since quit, but I would repeat the days that I didn't quite make it through. It took me longer than the 9 weeks to get up to a 5km, but I did. And you will too! I don't run as much anymore as my focus has shifted to primarily lifting the…
  • I think you'd be surprised by what your maintenance calories could really be. Not sure how long you've been in a deficit for, but there's a really great group on here called Eat More 2 Weigh Less (EM2WL), and it talks about metabolism repression due to long periods of low cal dieting, etc. It's really interesting. If…
  • I spent the better part of this past year bulking and then doing a bit of a recomp. Mostly because I couldn't stick to my cutting cals consistently. lol My advice is to ramp up your calories to a slight surplus until you get the feel of that amount of food without getting stressed about it. Shouldn't take you long :) Then,…
  • Based on the scoobysworkshop calculator at a moderate activity level (which could be inaccurate as I'm not sure exactly what your daily exercise looks like) your TDEE is over 1900 cals per day. It sounds like you should focus more on a body recomp than weight loss per se.... you'd have more success eating at a slight…
  • I think that is a little too low. The goal is to keep your intake as high as you can while still creating the necessary deficit to lose fat. Setting a really steep deficit will only make you miserable and set you up for failure. I have found Scoobysworkshop to be pretty accurate. I've been able to support their findings…
  • Lots of fantastic information here...
  • I'm 5'5" and 42 yo.... My advice would be to set yourself at a moderate deficit. I'd guess that your BMR is close to 1450 cals per day, so I would make that your absolute minimum NET. Through lots of trial and error, I've discovered that my TDEE is around 2300 cals per day. I too am looking to preserve all of the muscle…
  • sorry....just realized you said "aside from protein powder" in the Egg whites with chicken/turkey taco meat are pretty yummy too...
  • For lunch almost everyday I have a full cup of 2% cottage cheese with salsa in it. I choose 2% just because I like it better than the lower fat versions, but even then it's only 5g of fat, and a whopping 30g of protein! That and a serving of fruit will tide me over for a couple of hours and it's easy to pack for the…
  • We ALWAYS have a batch of steelcut oats and quinoa in the fridge..... 1 cup quinoa (rinsed) 1/2 cup steelcut oats 1/4 cup maple syrup (or honey) 1-2 tsp of vanilla cinnamon to taste 3 cups water Throw it in the slow cooker on high for 3 hours and voila! when serving add whatever you like....nothing, milk, banana, nuts,…
  • I don't know if this works in the opposite direction, but the stronger I get, and the heavier I can lift, the less I focus on what my body looks like. Not that I'm not aiming for a shape, size, whatever, but it just isn't my main focus anymore. It's been quite liberating to shift from what I see in the mirror to the amount…
  • I don't gain weight on cruises either....we take the stairs as much as possible, hit the weights in the gym for 30 min in the morning, walk the track after dinner, do active excursions, and are mindful of our portion sizes. Nothing extreme in either direction, just an all round balance. I actually find it easier to…
  • I've had the same issue for as long as I can remember. Cause? Low blood pressure. What helps? Try not to be so still when sitting for long periods of time. A few seconds before you have to get up, tap your toes or something to get some blood flowing. The dizziness and blacking out/roaring in your ears sensations are the…
  • You're doing a great job recognizing that changes are needed. Perhaps make HEALTHY LIVING (not dieting) a family affair by learning how to cook together, having everyone choose a relatively healthy recipe (doesn't have to be only lean meats and veggies, and can be something fun), and then try and make it together on the…
  • I've had some setbacks due to various injuries and am working my way back up. lol Bench 95 Deadlift 155 (not sure what my 1RM is and am working on grip strength as I know I can pull heavier than I can hold) Squats - I don't do because of a bum knee and it really kills me even after various positions, etc. :( Incline leg…
  • A trainer isn't necessary....there are all kinds of strength training routines available online that you can print and follow. In addition to Nia Shanks, NROLFW, Stonglifts, etc., below is a pretty good starting point with tons of simplified info. Don't over…
  • My personal experience when I eat too many carbs is that I find it makes me sluggish, tired, and I feel like I'm dragging it by mid afternoon. I really "crash" hard. What's helped for me is to up my protein and fat a little to an approximate 40% (c) 30% (p), 30% (f) ratio.....more importantly for me though is to ensure…
  • 42 here.....:) The last year or so I've really focused on building muscle over anything else, and it's made all the difference for me in body composition. A typical week for me looks like: M - Leg day 60 minutes (could be all lifting, or if my old lady knee is acting up then will finish the last 15 min with sprints or…
  • Do you have access to a rope trainer or something similar? You can get in some serious HIIT workouts with those....I am DYING by the end of it. You can get a killer cardio workout in with just that and it's all upper body. Pullups, pushups, dips, and core work all done at a rapid pace or tabata style with keep your heart…
  • From personal experience, I would suggest that you are not eating enough.... I'm assuming that your total caloric intake is a max of 1300 cals? On exercise days you are netting around 1000 cals at most. Non exercise days, you are still netting below your BMR. I made the mistake of under eating years ago too. I'd lose for a…