nellyett Member


  • There are many different types of Intermittent Fasting, and one of them is Warrior Style where you eat all of your calories for the day at one meal or within a 4 hour window. It truly doesn't matter when you get your calories in, but you definitely need more than 400 a day :) There's also the 5:2 cycle that works well for…
  • lifting has made a world of difference for me in regard to body composition, body image, and health. all of the programs above are a great start, and has amazing short little clips that show you how do almost any lift you can think of.,,,plus tons of articles regarding lifting and fat loss, etc. :)
  • You are getting your numbers confused....your intake should be moderate deficit from your TOTAL burn for the day. Your TDEE. This would include your BMR (which is the calories your body uses just to exist), plus your exercise calories. Here's a link to a lot of very useful information. Continuing what you are doing now is…
  • ooops....somehow missed the Vegan part of your original post. Sorry about that :)
  • As mentioned above, fats add up quickly without the bulk. I have coconut oil in my coffee every morning. Took a little getting used to, but now I love it! Butter, avocado, olive oil, cheese, a handful of nuts....I can get 300 cals in easy with a little teeny tiny bowl of beer nuts! lol Fatty meats like chicken wings, rib…
  • If the aqua zumba isn't that intense which you've stated, I would just count that as a "fun" day of movement, and in MY opinion could be counted as a "rest" day. Think of it as a couple hours walking the mall shopping or similar. Would you log that? Or consider that a day off? That being said, you need to push yourself a…
  • Try adding some frozen strawberries or banana....that makes it really thick too and you can change the flavours, etc. :)
  • I don't like to 'drink' my calories...I like to eat. lol I make a steelcut oats and quinoa oatmeal thing and I add a scoop of vanilla protein powder to that. I've tried many brands, and I've settled on the Body Fortress brand at Walmart. I get the microfiltered one so it blends easily. I have trouble hitting my protein as…
  • I've been able to deduce that my summer maintenance cals are around 2300 per day, 2100 in the winter.....have been trying to maintain a consistent 'cut' for the last little while, but I REALLY like all of those calories!! :)
  • It's really difficult to wrap your head around the concept of getting to eat more to lose than we've been led to believe in the past. I'm the same age as you and come from that old school of thought that has us restricting everything in order to lose weight. The ultimate goal is to eat as much as you can and still lose FAT…
  • Add some frozen berries....makes it thick like a strawberry milkshake. I add vanilla protein powder to my oats and banana. Seemed a little weird at first but I love it now!
  • I only have coffee with a bit of cream and coconut oil before my workout. Seems to hold me over.... my favorite protein powder to date has been the Body Fortress Whey Isolate. Chocolate and Vanilla are both good. I get the microfiltered one so it blends in completely. I mix it into my oats/quinoa. I like to "eat" my…
  • I've done the simply shredded one above, and I've done another program from which was glute focused similar to SC I think, a while ago as well. I've enjoyed them both. Now I'm on a 4 day split similar to the erin stern program. Once I lose my enthusiasm and get bored with the workout I'm doing, then I…
  • Has she tried any of those vegan protein powders? I think it's pea protein or something like that.....with banana and water might do the trick?
  • Depends on what your preferences are. If you like group classes, then Goodlife is pretty good for that. If you are looking for personal training, then I've heard Extreme hires decent trainers. My favorite gym to date and where I am a member now, is my local community centre believe it or's a new facility, has…
  • ^^ I agree with the really is simple if you have patience. I come from the old "all or nothing" school of thought as well but have truly seen the light after finding this group! Over the years I've tried everything and thought I had to suffer in order to lose weight. I had been over exercising and under eating…
  • I prep whenever I can whether it's a weeknight or weekend.....I will roast chicken thighs and sweet potatoes, then keep them in large containers in the fridge for everyone to grab from. I'll do a large-ish batch of steamed broccoli that lasts a few days. Will cut up canteloupe and watermelon and leave in big containers as…
  • Next week will be my 2 year smoke free anniversary for me :):):) I was successful going cold turkey. It really is as simple as not ever putting another one to your lips, no exceptions! NOT EASY....but simple. :) I was a 20 year smoker at a pack per day. I was a runner, and regular bootcamp attendee. However, I quit in…
  • A healthy lifestyle is much more enjoyable for me when I focus on fitness related goals. Set your calorie goal at a moderate deficit from your TDEE and have patience. (info in the link below) Download the Couch to 5km - C25K app on your phone and start running :) Trust me, I NEVER thought I could run but this app made it…
  • I'd say ditto to consider adding in some resistance training that compliments your running goals. You'll be surprised by how much of a difference it will make in running performance and body composition.
  • oh and you could start adding butter to everything.....wouldn't take much to add another few hundred cals to your day by doing that. plus everything is better with butter!!
  • I add coconut oil to my coffee in the morning with a bit of cream. Takes a little getting used to, but now I love it! Makes it rich and decadent. I only use a half tablespoon now but used to use a full one. Good fats, anti-bacterial properties, and delicious :)
  • 120-140 cals per slice??? Wow, that's a lot....I use rye bread. A fairly large piece is only 70 cals. And I've even weighed it to make sure. Perhaps find different types of bread that will be a little easier for you to fit in. :)
  • ^^ Exactly this....this is my schedule too. Matter of fact, I'm heading out to kickboxing shortly for my lunch hour and it's "that" week...actually makes me feel better. :)
  • I never eat when I wake up. I have coffee. I am usually up before 7am and I eat breakfast around 11am after I've gotten the kid to school, worked out, and gotten to my office. There are all kinds of different eating don't HAVE to eat breakfast first thing if it doesn't work for you. Have a look at the…
  • Trial and error....stick with your usual amounts of fiber, etc. and add in coconut oil, avocado, peanut butter, full fat dairy instead of lower fat versions....things like that. This will get your calories up without adding much more food overall.
  • I put a half tablespoon in my coffee with some cream in the morning. It holds me through my workout....I don't like to eat before the gym. Gives me heartburn/reflux. I'd read about the antibacterial properties, etc. and that's why I started it. Now that I'm used to it, I love it!
  • I use gloves....I don't give a $#% what other people at the gym think. :) I have tiny hands and they also get sweaty when I'm working hard. I'll even go one step further and tell everyone that I've started using straps for deadlifts and lat pulldowns. I started hurting myself with improper form because my hands were…
  • In my opinion, your calorie deficit is a little too aggressive. I've entered your information into a TDEE calculator (link below) and for a comfortable 1-2 pound per week loss you should be eating around 2000 cals per day GROSS. Could even be as high as 2200 per day. Your TDEE based on the exercise you've stated is…