marynificent Member


  • Also, Nordstrom carries the panache bra and offers free sizing if there is one in your area. Totally worth stopping by.
  • They are both pretty tight. If you aren't accustomed to wearing European sizing, I would go up a band size. U.S. sizing favors a looser band and a smaller cup size, European sizing and high end bras here are more of the tight band, large cup style. For instance, a 38C, 36D, 34DD/E, 32DDD/F all hold the same volume of…
  • Totally agree. Panache is my favorite hands down. I am. 32G/34F. Second favorite for me is shock absorber. This to be honest, when I ran a marathon, I opted for a wireless Nike compression bra in like a size medium as to avoid any movement or chafing. It was a bit constricting but served its purpose.
  • I think your diet looks amazing when you stick to it! Same problem here, everything is so much more delicious on the weekend ;) When you go out, order the salad with grilled chicken and the dressing on the side. Or lean steak with dry sweet potato. Abs are all about diet. I am lucky to be leaner in front and can have some…
  • I I added everyone who responded! Thrilled by how many strong women are here to support one another!
  • Higdon plans are awesome! I suffered an injury a month out from mine and had to scale back to recuperate, but still managed to run for 16 miles straight before having to take my first walking break! It was an incredible and invigorating experience and one I would love to repeat someday. Good luck!
  • Hey stef! Thanks for the information. I'm actually a very experienced lifter - I started when I was 14 and have done it on and off for 20 years! I usually go for isolation over total body and strong lifts type stuff, but I can appreciate the value of both approaches! Before my pregnancy, I was squatting and deadlifting…
  • Really looking forward to getting to know you all!!
  • Appreciate the advice- haven't actually read the book yet so no opinion either way but good to hear from others.
  • omg i do this too. the only way i've ever beat it is to eliminate alcohol completely, but who wants to do that!
  • Now THAT is something I've never tried. Thanks!
  • I will let you know once I lose 15 pounds :# I am all about building the deltiods and triceps. I need my shoulders to be well shaped to give me more of an X proportion, since I am not naturally narrow in the waist. But I also want big biceps :smiley: I will change my picture to the last time I added in an extra arm day to…
  • Word. Mass gains > strength gains at the moment though to an extent one begets the other. If I could go to the gym twice a day, I would; not looking to lessen the number of days. Calorie surplus is definitely out until I can drop my BF% by at least 7%, but I've had some luck gaining at a slight deficit as long as I gag…
  • If only I could build muscle like a dude!! I could totally combine shoulders with my other days, never even thought of that. I always think of that as my weak day anyway because my shoulders take months to get to the point where I can lift anything of substance. And I don't really do abs too much anymore because it makes…
  • Thanks for the input! I'm not a beginner, maybe a rebeginner though haha. I killed back and biceps today for an hour! Hammer curls and preacher curls are favorites of mine. I hate concentrations, which probably means I should do more of them, huh? I used to do a drop set of curls from 25 until I couldn't even lift two…
  • Lifelong struggle over here, last year was pregnant and dealt with crushing antenatal and postnatal depression. Exercise, sunshine and a good physical lifestyle/positive body outlook are absolutely the best antidepressants I have ever experienced. Sometimes you can't get there until you feel better though - in that case, I…
  • I ran, lifted weights, carried heavy things and moved to another country at 36 weeks before delivering a healthy baby girl at home, completely naturally, a week late. Then I was pregnant again and did nothing of the sort (back in the US and busy with aforementioned baby) and lost the baby (who was genetically perfect and…
  • I've been stuck at the same weight forever. i lift six days a week, 30 minutes (minimum) of high intensity cardio, run four days a week (including one long tempo run) and walk three miles a day. I finally cracked down on the calories and lower them to 1200, with at least 160 grams of protein a day. everything else is…
  • Your mom confirmed it already. Anecdotal experience, like a boss!
  • haha! that is the funniest thing i have heard all day!
  • just an addendum - i am supremely healthy (doctor approved!) and selling nothing other than staying current on science and being wise to motivations of corporations on our food supply and the longterm impact on our bodies. I never said clean, i said "garbage, crap and genetically altered chemical filled puff" and I stand…
  • p.s. be as angry as you want to be about it, but science will always trump anecdotal experience. p.p.s. heavy smokers are also thinner than non-smokers - if weight is the most important indicator of health, perhaps we should all look into smoking! p.p.p.s. j.k. about the smoking! terrible habit!
  • New studies have been coming out that show that people who are a little bit over weight are generally healthier and have a lower mortality rate than those who are lifelong skinny bishes. Reasons as to why, perhaps unknown, perhaps a bit of fat protects us in our old age. Or perhaps those of us who are less genetically…
  • It's not just about how much you weigh, people. Fill your body with garbage and eventually you will suffer for it. I don't eat crap and I'm still not "thin" but that doesn't justify to me any reason to eat crap. I mean come on. That genetically altered chemical filled puff isn't going to do you OR your body any justice in…
  • oh an it is critical to get fitted properly btw. NOT AT VICTORIA'S SECRET. This isn't a problem for women in the UK as they already size bras properly, but here in the US, they smash your boobs into a smaller cup and wider band to avoid manufacturing costs. Victoria's Secret would love to put me into something like a 38C…
  • i lost them so i paid big bucks to have them perked up and returned for a second show. mine started out big (always a DD+ from 14 onward, even when i was thinner) and didn't start the vanishing act until my 30s and long distance running. would do it again in a heartbeat, worth every hot penny!
  • lol i am an eternal dieter AND a food pusher. not intentionally though; i just love food and always want to share. but in my defense, i cook most of what i share and it is both delicious and nutritious! even for us fatties!