Best add-in arm day plan to build big sexy lady arms?

I'm currently on a four day split lifting (chest/triceps, back/biceps, legs/booty, shoulders/abs) and do varied cardio 5-6 days a week for 30-60 minutes (because I need to drop some serious baby fat) and am looking to add in a fifth day lifting focusing just on my arms. I'm carrying too much fat right now and have lost my big muscles after living in a remote area in another country + babycentric lifestyle and would love to see my arms start popping while I work on getting back to where I was. Macros are around p<150 c>100 f=whatever is left but ideally, something like 40/20/40 if it matters to you. I can add muscle pretty quickly (for a woman) but dropping fat is like pulling teeth.

If you've got experience with a specific arm program and can review, I'd love to hear it!


p.s. that's an old picture. i just started using mfp again this week :)


  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    If you want to keep your current routine, I would just do another back and bicep day. Those both work the arms and training frequency more than once a week for a beginner has been proven many times over to be beneficial.

    Rows, pull ups or inverse rows, will work your back and your biceps hard. And the more weight and more reps of those you can do, you will find that you might not even need an "arm" day at all.

    If you are looking for ways to hit your arms hard, seated incline bench db curls, db concentration curls, db hammer curls, used to be my go to for biceps.
  • marynificent
    marynificent Posts: 110 Member
    DvlDwnInGA wrote: »
    If you want to keep your current routine, I would just do another back and bicep day. Those both work the arms and training frequency more than once a week for a beginner has been proven many times over to be beneficial.

    Rows, pull ups or inverse rows, will work your back and your biceps hard. And the more weight and more reps of those you can do, you will find that you might not even need an "arm" day at all.

    If you are looking for ways to hit your arms hard, seated incline bench db curls, db concentration curls, db hammer curls, used to be my go to for biceps.

    Thanks for the input! I'm not a beginner, maybe a rebeginner though haha. I killed back and biceps today for an hour! Hammer curls and preacher curls are favorites of mine. I hate concentrations, which probably means I should do more of them, huh? I used to do a drop set of curls from 25 until I couldn't even lift two pound weights another rep at the end of my work out - any opinion on those? I never really settled on if they were better for strength or size...
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    I don't see how they would be bad. My biceps get hit hard doing all my other lifts that I honestly don't even work them directly anymore. Tendons get worn out when I decide to do any extra work on them. In my younger days I used to love drop sets.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited June 2015
    3 upper body days, 1 lower body day and you want to add another upper body day? I'm jealous of your bro-ness, I'm gonna have to step up my game.

    Have you thought about combining some work and then duplicating?

    For example:

    Day 1: Upper body push
    Day 2: Upper body pull
    Day 3: Lower body
    Day 4: Upper body push
    Day 5: Upper body pull

    Throw in a rest day in the middle and then at the end?

    Doesn't have to be all the same work, to keep it interesting. Just similar push/pull movements. Day 1 push could start with bench press but Day 4 push could start with OHP.
  • marynificent
    marynificent Posts: 110 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    3 upper body days, 1 lower body day and you want to add another upper body day? I'm jealous of your bro-ness, I'm gonna have to step up my game.

    Have you thought about combining some work and then duplicating?

    For example:

    Day 1: Upper body push
    Day 2: Upper body pull
    Day 3: Lower body
    Day 4: Upper body push
    Day 5: Upper body pull

    Throw in a rest day in the middle and then at the end?
    If only I could build muscle like a dude!! I could totally combine shoulders with my other days, never even thought of that. I always think of that as my weak day anyway because my shoulders take months to get to the point where I can lift anything of substance. And I don't really do abs too much anymore because it makes me look like a square and then I have to wear one of those stupid rubber waist trainers to pull it back in. I have been looking at those strong lifts type programs where you don't even work the secondaries and that seems totally crazy to me, but everyone who does them seems to really love their results. Thanks for responding, some good things to think about.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    3 upper body days, 1 lower body day and you want to add another upper body day? I'm jealous of your bro-ness, I'm gonna have to step up my game.

    Have you thought about combining some work and then duplicating?

    For example:

    Day 1: Upper body push
    Day 2: Upper body pull
    Day 3: Lower body
    Day 4: Upper body push
    Day 5: Upper body pull

    Throw in a rest day in the middle and then at the end?
    If only I could build muscle like a dude!! I could totally combine shoulders with my other days, never even thought of that. I always think of that as my weak day anyway because my shoulders take months to get to the point where I can lift anything of substance. And I don't really do abs too much anymore because it makes me look like a square and then I have to wear one of those stupid rubber waist trainers to pull it back in. I have been looking at those strong lifts type programs where you don't even work the secondaries and that seems totally crazy to me, but everyone who does them seems to really love their results. Thanks for responding, some good things to think about.

    It all depends on what you are looking for. I was assuming from your post that you are looking to add upper body volume for more mass. Stuff like SL is great, it's more balanced and more strength-oriented than pure size (but of course you'll gain some size with a surplus of calories). Plus it's only 3 days instead of 4-5. All depends on what your goals are and also what you enjoy doing. For example, if you don't like squatting, SL isn't gonna be fun, period.
  • marynificent
    marynificent Posts: 110 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »

    It all depends on what you are looking for. I was assuming from your post that you are looking to add upper body volume for more mass. Stuff like SL is great, it's more balanced and more strength-oriented than pure size (but of course you'll gain some size with a surplus of calories). Plus it's only 3 days instead of 4-5. All depends on what your goals are and also what you enjoy doing. For example, if you don't like squatting, SL isn't gonna be fun, period.

    Word. Mass gains > strength gains at the moment though to an extent one begets the other. If I could go to the gym twice a day, I would; not looking to lessen the number of days. Calorie surplus is definitely out until I can drop my BF% by at least 7%, but I've had some luck gaining at a slight deficit as long as I gag down like twelve chickens a week and stay far away from vodka.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Biceps seem to be everyone's go-to - overdone in my opinion... what do your delts and tris look like?
  • TrailBlazinMN
    TrailBlazinMN Posts: 209 Member
    I would do 2-3 sets of feeder sets every day or whenever your arms aren't sore...high reps...50-100 reps.
  • marynificent
    marynificent Posts: 110 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Biceps seem to be everyone's go-to - overdone in my opinion... what do your delts and tris look like?

    I will let you know once I lose 15 pounds :# I am all about building the deltiods and triceps. I need my shoulders to be well shaped to give me more of an X proportion, since I am not naturally narrow in the waist. But I also want big biceps :smiley:

    I will change my picture to the last time I added in an extra arm day to focus on bicep/tricep growth to illustrate. I am hopeful someone has a specific arm program so that I don't have to improvise haha
  • marynificent
    marynificent Posts: 110 Member
    I would do 2-3 sets of feeder sets every day or whenever your arms aren't sore...high reps...50-100 reps.

    Now THAT is something I've never tried. Thanks!