BadgerSensei Member


  • Thanks guys :) you're the best.
  • Let yourself eat fun stuff once in a while (Like once a week or so.) Don't absolutely deprive yourself or you'll hate your entire existence.
  • Y'know what I do? I let myself have a day a week where I don't watch what I'm eating. (Or at least, when I loosen the reigns considerably. No drinking pure bacon grease or eating mayo by the spoonful (I'm kidding (Mostly))) Your mileage may vary, but I find that having that one cheat day means I don't have to go, "Crap, I…
  • I'm not convinced that the p90x calorie burned calculator isn't highballing things severely =/
  • Not all. I was one of those newbies!
  • I'm sure they meant, "Muscle is denser than fat and therefore a volume of muscle will weigh more than an equivalent volume of fat."
  • Try upping your calories. Eat 1600, or even 1200. Or! Even! And I know this is going to infuriate folks, take a day or two off. Relax. Have some ice cream. Then go back into it. Above all, don't stress. It'll come off eventually.
  • I'm actually more inclined to wave off folks that play Skyrim. Skyrim's so popular it's like dipping your toe in it. Now... get down to System Shock 2, maybe, or Terranigma...
  • I play everything! Literally. Except for sports games and CoD, and most movie tie in games. But Mass Effect, Bioshock, System Shock 2 (Yay!) FFs of all stripes, Xenogears.... on and on. Spent a good portion of the beginning of Wreck it Ralph translating for the girl I took, lol.
  • This was me last summer, and more or less in January, when I started this. 441 pounds. Gack. I had no clue. (I'm on the left.) This is me, now! No body shots, yet, but I've gone down four (or is it eight? Do those sizes you can't buy pants in count? Anyways, from a 60 waist to a 54.) Halfway where I want to be, weight…
  • Whenever I'm curious. Sometimes several times a day. It lead first to insanity and then to acceptance and peace with my body's weight loss patterns. Like, for instance, I learned that my weight fluctuates 5-7 pounds on a daily basis. I also learned that, for no reason I can pin down, I always weigh less on Tuesday. (Except…
  • I think a pangalactic gargleblaster ought to cover it one way or another, Zaphod.
  • Personally? I just relax and enjoy myself most of the time at these things. It's a day for guilt free indulgence, imo-- but even, then, I find there are a lot of things, like pop, that I used to crave and now don't care about. Your mileage may vary here, but I find whatever weight I put on over one or two days of holiday…
  • The first reward was a hoody that I'd been wanting but could never fit into. 112 pounds later, it fits :) The next major one is that I'm planning to go to Belize next year if I continue to get in shape, where I will then proceed to very confidently walk around and swim for the first time in a decade or so. And then…
  • Might be a chestburster! Or clothing? Otherwise, I'm under the impression that's pretty much impossible.
  • My heaviest, which was shocking because while I wasn't exactly Mr. Active, I worked a rather physically demanding job, was 441 lbs. >.> Lightest? Good question! I remember being in my 70s when I was a kid, but since then, I always topped the scales at the doc's. Currently I'm at 336-ish, and I'm looking to lose between…
  • I think this is normal. Heck. I'm a guy (So I'm supposed to not care about this stuff) I'm developing visible muscle definition (at least, under the fat) and I've lost like 105 pounds. I feel pretty much the exact same way I did. Even though I have to cinch my belt ridiculously tight to keep my pants on.
  • Chai tea. It's my post-workout treat. 1.5 cups of 1% milk, .5 cup Tazo chai concentrate.
  • I did this running barefoot on the treadmill, because A), I hate shoes, and B), I'm an idiot. I've since stuck to the elliptical; without slamming my feet down repeatedly, the elliptical gives me a good workout without stressing my tendon.
  • Good shows. A friend decided to take me to get fitted for running shoes when I was dealing with it (and working a job with a LOT of walking) and while they were pricey, they almost single handedly cleared up the issue. Unfortunately, it seems it never goes away entirely, but I'm down to only the occasional flare up.
  • I don't know what kind of things you're into, but video games can keep me from eating until I'm just about faint with hunger if I let them. It's a lot easier to not eat if your hands and brain are occupied.
  • I suppose I could've posted my suggestion. If you need ranch, you can make a pretty passable fat-free ranch by following the directions on a packet of hidden valley and using fat-free sour cream and skim milk. It's high-ish on the calories-- about 60 per serving, I think? But it'll scratch the ranch itch. I added buffalo…
  • As I was puffing away on the elliptical one day towards the beginning of all this weight loss, some stupid kids pointed at me through the gym window and laughed. Look at the fat guy at the gym! Well... Except the fat guy's do what he can to get unfat; What's to be ashamed about that? Screw the hecklers. They've got small…
  • That actually sounds really good.
  • Your mileage may vary on this, but two of the biggest things that I do are A), I don't try to eat "healthy" versions of things I love (say, pizza, ranch dressing, whatever) because the healthy alternatives kind of taste awful to me. Instead, I eat healthy things that taste good. Boneless skinless chicken breasts instead of…
  • I do, but only because the only time I ride one is at 5 AM on my way to work. I want a minimum of existence, let alone walking, at 5 AM.
  • I know, right? It's taking more weight for me, but I noticed when I looked at my badge at work the other day that I don't look like that anymore. Weird. Grats, though! you look good!
  • You'll learn, as you go, what will keep <i>you</i> full longer. A glass of milk will keep me for several hours these days; I don't know that it works that way for everyone. But lots of water will do wonders, too. As will adjusting over time. In my case, I'm learning to differentiate between hungry hungry and bored hungry.
  • This is actually what kept me on the elliptical when I first started doing this. I did two minutes or so, and MFP said, "Now you can have another 125 calories*!" I could just about see the light bulb turning on in my head; this is back when staying under 2600 was a struggle. Stick with it. Eventually you'll wind up on the…
  • It can! It can also, however, do the total opposite and make you much more laid back about those unavoidable fluctuations. I was freaking out on my weekly weigh in; I started weighing myself every day. Then multiple times a day. Now I've learned the sort of fluctuations I can expect (I weigh the least Tuesday afternoons;…