Need friends! Where's the gamer geeks!?



  • DrFlave
    DrFlave Posts: 59 Member
    xbox 360 gamer here, but really, my LOVE is for the MAME and the old arcade classics...350,000+ on Defender :-)

    welcome all gamer adds!

    Awesome, I'm also a fan of the classics. I have a hobby collecting and restoring early 80's dedicated arcade games. (Joust, Pac-Man, Dig Dug, etc.) Lately I've become hopelessly addicted to Left 4 Dead on the PC though. New here, so anyone feel free to add me!
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    Nerd from the Silicon Valley here! I'm also on 1200 a day and log every day, so feel free to add me.
  • NickDHussin
    I think what I love about Baldur's Gate I & II and Dragon Age I & II is the interaction between your party members. There's something really brilliant about that.

    I find Skyrim pales in comparison when it comes to wanting to actually HEAR what NPCs have to say. :P

    I agree so much! I love being able to control the group as a whole on quests and the lot as apposed to hoping my follower stops running in to the wall and shoots the giant in or around the knee.
  • GamerGurl729
    GamerGurl729 Posts: 286 Member
    You forgot the Mass Effect series.

    As for Dragon Age, I thought that Origins had the better overall story, but the gameplay in II was much better.

    Oblivion and Skyrim were also great games, but Bethesda needs to get better about their PS3 programming ... way too many glitches in their games. I'm currently playing Fallout New Vegas again.

    I think what I love about Baldur's Gate I & II and Dragon Age I & II is the interaction between your party members. There's something really brilliant about that.

    I find Skyrim pales in comparison when it comes to wanting to actually HEAR what NPCs have to say. :P

    Agreed. If you could build parties in those games they'd be my favorites. But I'm a Bioware fan to the core. My husband and I argue about who makes the best games and I'm always rooting for Bioware, their storylines and character interactions are always amazing.
  • christinekry
    christinekry Posts: 86 Member
    Gamer here. Started at a young age with the gameboy - moved on to sega, pc. etc.

    I now have the wii, ps2 and an xbox - share the ds3d with my kiddo.

    Quit WoW about a year ago - and now really just play the xbox. (Mostly any COD - especially zombies)

    Let me know if you'd like to add me.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I think what I love about Baldur's Gate I & II and Dragon Age I & II is the interaction between your party members. There's something really brilliant about that.

    I find Skyrim pales in comparison when it comes to wanting to actually HEAR what NPCs have to say. :P

    I agree so much! I love being able to control the group as a whole on quests and the lot as apposed to hoping my follower stops running in to the wall and shoots the giant in or around the knee.

    Yes! The companions in these game is really the driving force that makes me love them so much. They're intelligent, I can control them if I so choose, and when they bicker I die from laughter. It's win/win/win.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    You forgot the Mass Effect series.

    As for Dragon Age, I thought that Origins had the better overall story, but the gameplay in II was much better.

    Oblivion and Skyrim were also great games, but Bethesda needs to get better about their PS3 programming ... way too many glitches in their games. I'm currently playing Fallout New Vegas again.

    I think what I love about Baldur's Gate I & II and Dragon Age I & II is the interaction between your party members. There's something really brilliant about that.

    I find Skyrim pales in comparison when it comes to wanting to actually HEAR what NPCs have to say. :P

    Agreed. If you could build parties in those games they'd be my favorites. But I'm a Bioware fan to the core. My husband and I argue about who makes the best games and I'm always rooting for Bioware, their storylines and character interactions are always amazing.

    Couldn't you create your own party from scratch in Baldur's Gate? I seem to remember spending long hours making the Harry Potter crew as my group. Haha. Oh good times... goood times.
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I've met a lot of people who think that if you don't play FPS games or games like Skyrim, Dragon Age, etc. then your not a real gamer. I mostly play RPGs because I can't play first person perspective without getting sick. (camera angles bluh :sick:)
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    Anyone have a N64 and 007 so I can pwn you? :heart:
    i have a nintendo nes
  • BadgerSensei
    BadgerSensei Posts: 45 Member
    I play everything! Literally. Except for sports games and CoD, and most movie tie in games.

    But Mass Effect, Bioshock, System Shock 2 (Yay!) FFs of all stripes, Xenogears.... on and on.

    Spent a good portion of the beginning of Wreck it Ralph translating for the girl I took, lol.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    You forgot the Mass Effect series.

    As for Dragon Age, I thought that Origins had the better overall story, but the gameplay in II was much better.

    Oblivion and Skyrim were also great games, but Bethesda needs to get better about their PS3 programming ... way too many glitches in their games. I'm currently playing Fallout New Vegas again.

    I think what I love about Baldur's Gate I & II and Dragon Age I & II is the interaction between your party members. There's something really brilliant about that.

    I find Skyrim pales in comparison when it comes to wanting to actually HEAR what NPCs have to say. :P

    Agreed. If you could build parties in those games they'd be my favorites. But I'm a Bioware fan to the core. My husband and I argue about who makes the best games and I'm always rooting for Bioware, their storylines and character interactions are always amazing.

    This is really what got me into obessively playing games.

    Playing multi-player games was fun, was never intrigued by the idea of single player until I was watching my husband play Metal Gear games and I found out that 'Yes! Some games actually come with a storyline!"
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I've met a lot of people who think that if you don't play FPS games or games like Skyrim, Dragon Age, etc. then your not a real gamer. I mostly play RPGs because I can't play first person perspective without getting sick. (camera angles bluh :sick:)

    I used to have that problem. I'm gradually getting over it. It can be really dizzying and disorienting though.
  • BadgerSensei
    BadgerSensei Posts: 45 Member
    I've met a lot of people who think that if you don't play FPS games or games like Skyrim, Dragon Age, etc. then your not a real gamer. I mostly play RPGs because I can't play first person perspective without getting sick. (camera angles bluh :sick:)

    I'm actually more inclined to wave off folks that play Skyrim. Skyrim's so popular it's like dipping your toe in it. Now... get down to System Shock 2, maybe, or Terranigma...
  • Peps131
    Wow my first post and some how this one drew me in. ive been on this site now for over 2 months and am finding it areal help. but im also addicted to battle pirates on face book. which helps keep my mine of food most the time so happy days.

    Only issue is i sometimes have to drag myself away to go to the gym or for a cycle. but the will powers still there just.

    So any other Battle pirates out there give us a shout. if youve not played it ...then dont far too bloody addictive lol

  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    Anyone have a N64 and 007 so I can pwn you? :heart:
    i have a nintendo nes

    "Did we just become best friends?" :bigsmile:
  • PlaysLikeAGirl
    PlaysLikeAGirl Posts: 22 Member
    I like console (PS3) and PC games. I love love love the Fallout series. Playing Metal Gear Solid right now, and I like MMO on the PC. Not into WoW, but I liked Fallen Earth but all my time goes into Eve Online now!

    Would love another gamer friend!
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    both PS3 and 360 here......Madden on PS3 and Halo4 on 360 currently....I like to play
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Oh, forgot to add I was obessive about a phone game, last year, had to finally give it up.
    Wish I could remember the name, it was two sides in teams, battling for the center of the gameboard, Dragons vs Phoenix.
  • LCSoulkat
    LCSoulkat Posts: 89 Member
    EVERQUEST FTW!!! Still Kicking it and new expansion coming out next week.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    Anyone have a N64 and 007 so I can pwn you? :heart:
    i have a nintendo nes

    "Did we just become best friends?" :bigsmile:

    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad: