New to this... Any and all tips welcome!

Hey there everyone. I'm new to this site, but I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I just recently turned 20, and I'm at an extremely unhealthy weight. About two years back, I had lost 70 pounds, and was feeling good at 200 pounds. Still about 30 pounds from my goal, but definitely better than where I was. Then my little sister passed away in a car accident and I moved away to college...and with the stress of everything going on in my life, I have since managed to put on 100 pounds. I started recently at a new school, so I am a busy college kid who works about 20 hours a week, and I'm trying to make small changes to my diet and walk at least 3 times a week. I had knee surgery in March so I'm somewhat limited on what I can do, but any tips or encouragement is greatly appreciated :) good luck to all of you too!


  • BadgerSensei
    BadgerSensei Posts: 45 Member
    Your mileage may vary on this, but two of the biggest things that I do are A), I don't try to eat "healthy" versions of things I love (say, pizza, ranch dressing, whatever) because the healthy alternatives kind of taste awful to me. Instead, I eat healthy things that taste good. Boneless skinless chicken breasts instead of fried chicken or what have you. And B), once a week, I eat normally. I can handle all the unsatisfying diet food in the world if I know all you can eat wings and some ice cream are coming soon.

    Overtime your tastes will change, and it'll get easier. Fast food taste like sand to me now, and pop's flat out gross (Well, the expensive stuff is still good.) But stick with it! And work out when you can; you'll be surprised how many more calories that frees you up to eat.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You will get different answers from everyone on here. We all know what works for us, but you are you so you will have to find what works for you..don't let people scare you into eating more than you feel you want to eat and take what tips you want from here and the ones you don't want just leave alone. Do your research on your own and then if your still confused ask but remember your going to get hundreds of answers and arguments for why they are right and everyone else is wrong. Eating more may work for you and eating less may not hurt you as some will imply. You don't have to exercise to lose but you will need it to help you feel better. Stop eating processed foods (really that's the best advice).