mom2BandD Member


  • I am about 6 weeks into PiYo and would love to have more accountability as well as provide it to those doing the program. My fave workouts are Buns (which I did today) and Sweat.
  • I too would be happy to be an accountability partner and offer any support you may want/need.
  • I did pretty well, though I had one day where I had less liquids and I did not feel as awesome as when I was hydrated. I want to drink more water and less other stuff in the week ahead.
  • I got in 8 cups of water easy plus a shake for another 2 cups of liquid. No caffeinated beverages all week which for me is big. I will likely have some tea with honey today as I am nursing a sore throat.
  • Great job ladies. :) Keep up the good work.
  • I got 8 cups of water in today and a 2 cup shake. Day 1 went well.
  • Hi my name is Fiona. I am a mom to 2 very energetic boys. I work full time outside the home and I am a beachbody coach as well. I have a thyroid problem that messes with my energy levels. My struggles are with sugars (I am a sugar fiend) and getting moving (see energy issues).
  • I have been hypo since about October 2009 (4 yrs). My dose of Eltroxcin was 50mcg for the first 3.5 yrs and I was getting tested every 6 months as I was going through a medical clinic. I started tracking my levels now that I have a doctor (no endocrinologist unless the doctor finds she cannot manage my case). When she…
  • Talking to your doctor about it is a good idea. I only took mine at night from day 1 and was on a stable dose for about 4.5 years doing that. The dose was super low (0.05mcg - Eltroxin). Then I got an actual GP (I had been going to clinics as we have a doctor shortage in my province) and after she had me do a simple TSH +…
  • I agree its not insulting and this person is uneducated about thyroid conditions or else they would not say such things. And yes weightloss and caloric deficit do help BUT that is not it as you all know.
  • Way to go girlie! So incredibly proud of you and your commitment to making yourself healthier...and happier. :smile:
  • I love how you keep pushing play, keep posting about your progress through the program, etc. You are motivating others and likely yourself by doing this. Keep up the good work.
  • Start weight: 202 lbs Current weight: 159.5 lbs Goal weight: 150-155 Why? I want to lose weight and gain muscle to be stronger, to be lean, and I want to be more fit so I can live a long and healthy life. I am 5'7.5", I have a medium frame and I am pear shaped. In my experience I look best at 150-155. That being said, once…
  • Awesome NSV! One step closer to your goal. And I agree with the previous post, great way to start your Friday.
    in 1ST NSV Comment by mom2BandD March 2013
  • I am 5'7.5" and started my weightloss journey at 202 lb (post baby#2). I am down 40 lbs or so and now weigh 160.5 lbs. I would like to lose another 10 lbs or so. I have been at 138-143 and that is too lean for me. I have a medium size frame and am pear shaped. I would be happy with 148-150. Add me.
  • Very cool NSV indeed. I am running my first half in May. My timeline is longer than yours but it will be just as rewarding I am sure. Your new goals are pretty awesome.
  • My go to bras are Moving Comfort brand. They have bras for everyone from the flat chested to full chested. In terms of workout clothing to contain the booty I love either Lululemon and Sugoi but those brands are pretty expensive. Walmart has some affordable workout wear. Its relatively inexpensive so even if the elasticity…
  • Bump...come on peeps suggest a workout for me.
  • Chalean Extreme is great for toning, and gaining strength. I really enjoyed the fact that you can use resistance bands or hand weights and you can lift as heavy or not as you want. Chalene Johnson is a great trainer and I think that Chalean Extreme is a great follow up to TurboFire as it will tighten and tone your body…
  • TurboFire and Chalean Extreme are both great programs. TurboFire burns calories and melts away inches and pounds. Chalene Extreme is great for toning, gaining strength and melting away more inches.
  • My workouts involve: Running, my elliptical but the majority of the weight I lost was with TurboFire (DVD workout program). I am now working through Les Mills Combat on DVD to trim down and define my muscles. I have free weights, resistance bands, medicine balls and a good pair of running shoes. Good fitting shoes are…
  • Hi Nikki, My name is Fiona and I have been doing LesMills Combat since the end of December. Mixing it with half marathon training (ie. running). Love other Les Mills programs too. I have a GoodLife membership so I have tried a few other of their classes. I am starting a LesMIlls Combat challenge with bnjones in March. So…
  • Oh ya I too am losing inches around the chest. When I was breastfeeding my youngest i was a 40E(DD) and now I am a 34C (at LaSenza) really like a 34B in regular bras. Its frustrating but hell that is why we have padded bras. And if we want a fuller look those cutlet style silicone inserts work well or so I am told.
  • Great job. Thankfully I know nobody local that sells them. I am a cookie fiend though I did a treat free month in January and ever since I am not as drawn to sugary stuff.
  • Great job! Committing to a life that includes fitness and healthy eating is important. Keep up the great effort and you will achieve your goal.
  • What an awesome reward for eating healthier and losing weight. WTG! And I know you have a few more milestones to break through but losing 34 lbs is nothing to sneeze at. Keep up the amazing work.
  • Congrats on your success. You look so much healthier and so happy. Keep on doing what you are doing. A healthy lifestyle is a good thing. :)
  • Loved most of the Tolkien books, my mom started reading those to me when I was a toddler (not appropriate at that age I know). Charlotte Bronte's stuff is good. Shakespeare good. John Steinbeck good. Oh wait I am suppose to mention Classic books I hated. Cannot think of any that I hate. Books I do not like: Anything by…
  • I love my legs, my thighs are thicker and strong and in the progress of ridding themselves of the little bit of flab that is left. I like having strong legs it means I can run faster, I can cycle longer, I can keep up with my kids and my hubby LOVES them. I like the strength and tone in my shoulders and definition in my…
  • curvy/chubby I guess, though leaner than that chubby pic. I would like to maintain my curvaceousness but get stronger and more toned so i guess my goal is athletic/curvy.