bearxfoo Member


  • I have faith in myself that I'm strong enough to change things that I can in my daily life. Otherwise, in terms of "religious" faith, I'm an atheist, and do not feel that any deity gives me power or strength, or insight.
  • BMR is the minimal amount of calories your body needs to sustain organs and brain function. It's what you'd be fed in a hospital if you were in a "coma". Eating below your BMR can be deterring your weight loss because you body is not getting enough calories to sustain organ function and start the breakdown of fat.
  • I haven't had any blood work to confirm, just searching cramps in general. The most comment cause is some kind of deficiency; usually vitamin D, calcium, potassium or magnesium.
  • When I go on my runs/jogs/walks whatever, I never drink. I drink before and after. The only time I carry water with me is on really long bike rides, like 15/20 miles or two hours or longer. We have camelbaks and they're really amazing. I HAVE seen people running with them too so it's totally possible. IF you really need…
  • Water poisoning is incredibly rare. You'd have to consume an obnoxious amount of water in A VERY VERY short amount of time for it to be fatal.
  • It's different for everybody. Some people can go without and still lose weight, others can go without, lose weight but feel absolutely starving. And still others can eat them all up, lose weight, and feel fine. The trick is find what works for you. It may take a few weeks of trial and error, but once you get there, you'll…
  • While I agree that dairy products were probably never meant to be consumed by a human (who thought to suck on a cows..... you know. BOOBS), that article you linked says that counting calories doesn't work for weight loss. Uhm. This is myfitnesspal... the whole POINT is to count calories! I think many people would disagree…
  • I'm 23 :) Feel free to add/PM me :D
  • Thanks so much for the replies. It really helps to see you guys' stories and how strong all of you are. Really, thank you so much for sharing.
  • Thanks! I'll try this :)
  • Natural sugar is good for you. Refined, white, processed sugar is different from fruit sugars, and your body processes it differently too (from my understanding). Fruit is VERY good for you. It's a wonderful source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and natural sugar. Unless you're eating packets of donuts, cake,…
  • Any food that under goes extra processing to make it "non-fat", "low sodium", "sugar free", "low calorie" is probably not so good for you. It's hard to remember, but just because a food may be "high" in calories doesn't mean it's bad for you, and just because a food is "low" in calories (or fat, or sugar, or whatever)…
  • Sadly no :( I work for a smaller company and we don't even have regular desks.. we have cubicles, which are all connected together, so no raising for standing. We don't have a gym or anything like that. My company is so cheap that when we have BBQ's or potlucks, they buy that cheap meat where you can't even LOOK at it…
  • I have an American Pit Bull Terrier named Dylan and he's pretty much my whole life. I don't have children, so he's pretty much my child! lol. He's a little over 3 and we adopted him from a local shelter in September of 2010.
  • My dog is an American Pit Bull Terrier :) He does a lot of sprinting around the house, (aka, zoomies!) but ends up burnt out by his 5th lap or so, lol.
  • I've given up sitting around and doing nothing useful. Also some time in WoW, and other video games. Fast food and junky processed crap (though, still a work in progress). I'm desperately working on trying to become a morning person... but I hate waking up early, I hate not getting enough sleep, I hate being tired,…
  • I lovelovelove my HRM. And running shoes are always awesome!
  • Mayo. Mustard. RANCH. Coleslaw. Plantains. Pickles. Onion's (raw, mostly). Vinegar. Celery. Minty stuff. Relish Blue Cheese. Parmesan Cheese. Fish (minus shrimp) Potato Salad and any kind of "salad" like that. Mushrooms. I have a REALLY long list of foods that utterly gross me out...
  • Thanks for all of the replies! I'm slightly confused because in the past I've taken a magnesium, potassium vitamin/supplement and saw no difference. BUT! I will try again, and try to be more hydrated stuff. Thanks again! :D
  • So, if your BMR is 1573.8, that's what you should eat to maintain your weight and basically keep you alive. Let's say you haven't eaten at all, and your allotted calories is 1573.8. Then you exercise, and burn 500 calories. Your new goal for the day is 2,073.8. Basically, I think you need to just eat a bit more, because…
  • The amount that MFP sets you up for is without exercise. When you add in exercise, you "earn" more calories to eat. I had my levels set to "sedentary" and I found I had no change either - I up it to "light" activity as I work out almost every day, and I've seen charges - 4lbs lost so far. As the other posts mentions, good…
  • Running is very high impact - I'd say shoe fit is probably the most important thing. Wearing an ill-fitting shoe, even for just walking, can have serious damaging affects on your body, like pulling muscles and causing injuries. You should always wear shoes that fit!
  • I've read that you should net at least what your minimal calorie requirement is - if its 1480, you should net 1480. I upped my calorie increase from 1200 to 1400 and I've found it's made a huge difference. TDEE is how much you burn INCLUDING your activity. Your BMR is what you'd be fed at a hospital if you were in a coma -…
  • Good heart rate monitors come with a strap you wear across your chest with tracks your heart rate for the entire time you're wearing it and exercising (it reads your rate and sends it to the wrist watch). I'm assuming the calories you burn and based on that - how fast your heart is pumping, or ie, how "active" you're…
  • I actually found that MFP was not too far off on calculating my calories burned biking then what my HRM did. My HRM put me at around 800 and MFP did somewhere in the 700's when I entered the same length of time (two hours!). I donno. I read somewhere on here that the basic formula for things like walking, jogging, etc is…
  • Going over on your protein and fiber I think is pretty okay. Almost every day I go over, I think the limits for protein on MFP are a little light. I don't track fiber at all but I recently added sugar and sodium to my list to track. However, fruit has a lot of sugar in it naturally and may cause you to go "over" if you eat…
  • Fruit and veggies! Raw is delicious. If you have a refrigerator, yogurt is good. Peanut butter is also good. I enjoy bread but for some it's too much carbs. If you have a blender, making smoothies is awesome too! I'm on a smoothie kick, I think it's great.
  • I kind of have the same problem. I love junk food (who doesn't??) but I know the adverse affects on my health, beyond just the scale. I've tried "mixing" it up by doing things with fruit, like mixing it with yogurt which can be sweet (high in sugars generally) or making smoothies! Home made smoothies are SO awesome, VERY…
  • If I'm hungry at night I'll eat some yogurt (my favorite is the Dannon Light and Fit, because it taste SO good) and some strawberries mixed in, or I'll have some Special K cereal. I also like to snack on bread and peanut butter if you have the calories available (as peanut butter tends to be high in fat, oils, calories).