New to running, how to keep going without constant water?



    TAMMYCLARK62 Posts: 98 Member
    I also find wearing some kind of chap stick on my lips helps my mouth from getting too dry....I also drink alot of water all day
  • grubester
    grubester Posts: 8
    I agree that running on a track can be boring. Try a fuelbelt if you need to have water accessible. They are available online and at most specialty running stores.
  • Hi guys! I'm really trying to build on my running, and I've been running on a track that's about 1/4 a mile around, I do this until I hit 3 miles, alternating walking and running, but I also take a sip of water each time I do a lap. I got bored of the same constant laps, and began running on a trail that's 2 miles all the way around. But the trouble is that I can't take a sip of water as often, unless I carry a bottle with me, which seems like such a pain! I really notice the difference, my mouth gets so dry and I have a much harder time without the constant sips of water!

    So I'm wondering if anyone out there has any tips? Is this struggle just because I'm not a conditioned runner? I try to drink a ton before I start to run, but then I feel like I just have to pee the whole time, haha. Thanks in advance!! :-)

    Sounds like you are starting out already dehydrated...remember to hydrate every day and that should help, I get dry mouth but that is because I have to breathe through my mouth because my nose plugs up when I I try to keep a fruity mento or three in my reach while running, they keep my mouth moist!

    p.s. your body doesn't need water after every lap!
  • bearxfoo
    bearxfoo Posts: 81 Member
    When I go on my runs/jogs/walks whatever, I never drink. I drink before and after.

    The only time I carry water with me is on really long bike rides, like 15/20 miles or two hours or longer. We have camelbaks and they're really amazing. I HAVE seen people running with them too so it's totally possible. IF you really need the water, but for such a short run I don't think you do.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    Have a large glass 2 hours before. Half a small half glass 15 minutes before.

    Me too. This is what i do. Especially, since I don't run over 3 miles. If it's a hot windy day, I just tough it out since it's only going to be a 40 min run- max anyway. I chug water when i get home. A lot of people carry water, I just don't like stuff on me when I run. I figure i can survive the 40 min.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Water "need" over that short of a distance is psychological. That said, I carry a water bottle because I like a drink after. 30 min and every 15 min after that. My water bottle only holds 12 ounces, so it is close to the weight of my iPhone, so I hold one in each hand. The bottle also straps to my hand. You can get a fuel belt if you want water and don't want to hold it.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I can usually go 3-6 miles without worrying about water if I'm hydrated enough prior to my run; but on those hot & humid days I carry a bottle in a hand carrier and take a sip every 15 minutes. For my longer runs beyond 6 miles I will always carry a water bottle and use my fuel belt for the really long ones over 10 miles.

    ^^ Me too! I drink plenty of water the day before a run and several hours before a long run, but anything over 6 miles, I need water. I tend to dehydrate quickly (a lesson I learned early on), so I take a small water bottle with me on run 6 to 9 miles, and my Camelback on anything over 9 miles.

    Everyone is different, so just be sure to listen to you body. If you feel you need water (even small sips) during your runs, then have it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I do the gum thing too. Pop a new piece in right before i go outside. that will last me for a good 5-8kms. I don't really "chew" and have yet to choke on it.

    I was afraid there might be someone out there who couldn't run and chew gum at the same time. :smile:
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Everyone is different, so just be sure to listen to you body. If you feel you need water (even small sips) during your runs, then have it.

    This. I chew gum too but I don't drink water during the run yet. I'm only at 9 miles though so maybe on longer runs. I hydrate a couple hours before too. Hydrate after too obviously.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Just tell your body to shut the *kitten* up and do it's job and run. Tell it that it will get water after it does it's job for you. That should motivate it to finish.

    Best reply! Sipping the water every lap has become a running tick, you don't need the water. Hydrate earlier and have a drink after.
  • Lora0626
    Lora0626 Posts: 54 Member
    Gum and/or cough drops (helps clear your nasal passages) or candy. This helps me out so much! :smile:
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,340 Member
    Two pages or responses and no one has asked how hot/ humid the weather is where you run??? That answer can make a big difference on water drinking frequency.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Just tell your body to shut the *kitten* up and do it's job and run. Tell it that it will get water after it does it's job for you. That should motivate it to finish.

    Best reply! Sipping the water every lap has become a running tick, you don't need the water. Hydrate earlier and have a drink after.

    I have to agree.

    I see people running 5Ks with a 70 oz. Camelback, yet I routinely run 10 -12 miles without a drink of water, go figure. Why do they drink so much? Because they think they have/need to.

    As an early morning runner, I do all my hydration the night before. If you wait until morning to hydrate, you've waited too long.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Two pages or responses and no one has asked how hot/ humid the weather is where you run??? That answer can make a big difference on water drinking frequency.

    True that!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    For the question of when you "need" water, you need to test your sweat rate. Weigh yourself before and after a run to determine how much fluid you have lost. You can safely lose up to 5% of your body weight. More than that, you need to hydrate during the activity.

    You will obviously need to do this under several different types of conditions so get a baseline and then work from that.
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I chew Wrigley's Extra peppermint gum. The flavor lasts over an hour before it gets gross. Or you could run through some lawns as they're being watered.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Assuming you are properly hydrating, I had this same issue when I started running. I've been running for 2 years now, and I don't need water on a run anymore that is 6 miles and under. I'm not as winded and Im conditioned for running. I only stash water or running with a hydration pack 6+ miles, but even that is only in the summer.

    Keep at it, you are doing great!!
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone has suggested it yet but I use a small Camelbak hydration pack. It doesn't add that much weight and it's extremely convenient. Personally, my mouth gets too parched to go without water too long on a run.
  • angbunny22
    angbunny22 Posts: 54 Member
    tip i learned is to chew gum while running, keeps your mouth moist and less feeling like cotton mouth :) drink plenty of water before and after!
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    I like the camelbak water bottles. I carry it with me. you can also get a fanny pack type of thing that straps it to your waist.