which food just grosses you out?



  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Shepard's pie, yucky kentucky
    A kindred spirit. Shepherd's Pie is the pinnacle of bleurgh.
    I hear ya brother
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    I hate ketchup and peanut butter!! Can't stand the smell of either and especially don't like the taste!

    wow wish i had your taste buds!!!!!!!!!!

    i hate any greasy fried foods. dont you DARE put me next to a box of french fries or fried chicken!! feel like crap eating it and feeling like death itself after!
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    Peppers. Raw, cooked, whatever...roasted red peppers are the WORST though.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Cucumber Melon Brownies *barf* I ate one once, threw it in the ditch. And threw up afterwards it was so gross.

    Cold cookies. Or soggy, cold cookies.

    Hot dogs. Have you even seen them made? It's disgusting. Stupid Wood Shop class. Stupid substitute.

    Pomegranates. It's like they have a little million eyes inside of the fruit.
  • Resacup78
    Resacup78 Posts: 9 Member
    cooked carrots..I'm okay with the raw carrots if they are sliced in a salad ,
    cauliflower is so pointless and gross,
    MAYO is the nastiest creation on earth although I will tolerate it in a chicken/tuna salad,
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Head cheese. I like them seperate but not together. :laugh:
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Anything that resembles something that should be in a nose, belly button, or butt! :bigsmile:
  • _Shelley_
    _Shelley_ Posts: 206
  • Liver,,,,,,,,,,oddly enough I like the smell of it cooking, but eat it.......ummmmmmmmm nope never! Not since I was forced when I was a kid! Never made my kids eat it either!
  • spa9177
    spa9177 Posts: 327 Member
    I can't stand liver...looks like a blood clot, and it's just gross. Corned beef hash...looks like dog food. Soy milk, mole. :tongue:
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Mayo - can have a thin layer n a sandwich or be in something but it looks gross & if it gets on me when I am making a sandwich ewwww.

    Butter / margarine - ewwww.


    Sushi. Oysters.
  • bearxfoo
    bearxfoo Posts: 81 Member
    Onion's (raw, mostly).
    Minty stuff.
    Blue Cheese.
    Parmesan Cheese.
    Fish (minus shrimp)
    Potato Salad and any kind of "salad" like that.

    I have a REALLY long list of foods that utterly gross me out...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Anything that resembles something that should be in a nose, belly button, or butt! :bigsmile:

    So, fingers then? :laugh:
  • emmamcblain
    emmamcblain Posts: 342
    Cucumbers. The smell, feel, taste, thought and sight of them makes me bug out and squirmy.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Olives. I really don't like them. At all.

    And pepper on eggs. Well, pepper on most things, really. Pepper isn't healthy, per se, but it isn't unhealthy. Either way, I can't stand it.
  • Cow tongue and snails.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    Brussels Sprouts. ACK!
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    fish - smell
    eggs - texture
  • I am a very picky eater, I have gotten better since getting on the healthy lifestyle change but there are just some foods that are NOT passing these lips lol
    Hummus, most cheeses, pickels in any form or relishes, most fish, yogurt(nasty), any and all salad dressings, onions in any shape or form, most veggies(most offending is cauliflower-looks like brains to me yuck, all seafood except salad shrimp,
    runny egg whites---looks like snot!
    lamb, pork (love ham though)
    anything spicey or hot tasting.
    detest steak with a passion- its just wrong
    all beans except fresh green beans(love them fresh(raw) or steamed)
    any kind of peppers-hot mild sweet-not going there
    oatmeal? why was that even classified as a food?
    choc and mint together
    list can go on and on
  • BANANAS are disgusting

    EVERYONE thinks I'm crazy when I say I don't like bananas! My aunt used to force feed them to me when I was little and I would cry I hated it so much :P Thank you for making me not a loner!

    Any bleeding meat
    Cranberries (Recently getting used to them, but I associate them with UTIs Yikes!)