Being deficient in a particular vitamin.

bearxfoo Posts: 81 Member
I'm pretty sure I have some kind of calcium/potassium deficiency.

Today while biking I experienced the most painful toe cramp of my life. I had to come to a dead stop and sit on the side of the road while I cried, hysterically, holding my foot trying to make the cramp stop. 10, 15 minutes went by and it didn't. I was in so much pain that my fiance had to call my mother to come and get us, because biking back home was absolutely out of the question.

Muscle cramps usually mean some kind of vitamin deficiency. So my question is, how long of regularly taking whatever vitamin will you be no longer deficient? Days, weeks, months or longer?

I have supplements I plan to take and I'm going to find healthy ways to increase my intake of both of those vitamins (I don't particularly care for bananas and I do not drink milk).


  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    Have you had blood work to confirm it?

    Everyone was constantly getting feet cramps during barre warmup in ballet class and our teacher told us to eat a banana and take a swig of pickle juice before class
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,301 Member
    If it's Potassium, any fruits and veggies are good. If you get 4-6 servings a day, you're probably fine. Don't supplement Potassium unless you have had blood work that verifies your need for it. Potassium deficiency is extremely rare in developed countries.

    Google Potassium.
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    Asparagus, avocados, broccoli and cauliflower are what I typically use for potassium.

    If it turns out not to be potassium deficiency, try supplementing with taurine. It's what bodybuilders and athletes take to combat cramping.
  • bearxfoo
    bearxfoo Posts: 81 Member
    I haven't had any blood work to confirm, just searching cramps in general.

    The most comment cause is some kind of deficiency; usually vitamin D, calcium, potassium or magnesium.
  • EJand94
    EJand94 Posts: 55 Member
    I always say: Always bring a banana to a party, bananas are good. Full of potassium! The potassium in the banana will help your cramps, although i'm not entirely sure why or how potassium does that, but it works so no complaints there! As for the calcium deficiency, try adding 12 oz glass of milk to your breakfast, or start eating a bowl of healthy cereal in the morning if you don't like plain milk. Also, why not try a cheese stick as a snack throughout the day? (Just be sure to eat them right out of the refrigerator or else they taste awful)
  • babyblooeyes
    babyblooeyes Posts: 67 Member
    Try adding a glass of orange juice a day and a banana a day. Make sure you are drinking your allotted water and then some. Stay away from artificially flavored/sweetened drinks.

    Also, nearly 80% of americans are Vitamin D deficient. Until you are tested on this I would drink your whole milk and vitamin C/D fortified juices. All a person needs is 5-10 minutes of sun a day as long as you are getting your calcium in to make vitamin D.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I know you don't like bananas Bear, but they're awesome sources of potassium! Maybe try preparing them another way so you can get your daily dose of that mineral?
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    The potassium in the banana will help your cramps, although i'm not entirely sure why or how potassium does that, but it works so no complaints there!

    Potassium acts as an electrolyte in the body, which carries signal for nerve transmissions (amongst LOTS of other things) hence the cramping of the muscles :)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I actually am taking a prescription potassium supplement. My urologist discovered the issue during follow up for a kidney stone. I take 2160mg a day ( 2 pills of 1080mg a day). There are other ways to get potassium too--I believe that potatoes are a good source.
  • Jambe
    Jambe Posts: 58 Member
    Campbell's Tomato Juice and V8 Vegetable Juice both low sodium for potassium. 24 oz a day. :) I can still stay in ketosis, too. I used to take a prescription strength supplement but this- this is cheaper. And easier. And has other vitamins in it.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Milk is a good source of potassium (380 mg) For comparison small banana is about 460.
    Plus, you'd get protein and calcium
    If it's chocolate milk even better!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'm pretty sure I have some kind of calcium/potassium deficiency.

    Today while biking I experienced the most painful toe cramp of my life. I had to come to a dead stop and sit on the side of the road while I cried, hysterically, holding my foot trying to make the cramp stop. 10, 15 minutes went by and it didn't. I was in so much pain that my fiance had to call my mother to come and get us, because biking back home was absolutely out of the question.

    Muscle cramps usually mean some kind of vitamin deficiency. So my question is, how long of regularly taking whatever vitamin will you be no longer deficient? Days, weeks, months or longer?

    I have supplements I plan to take and I'm going to find healthy ways to increase my intake of both of those vitamins (I don't particularly care for bananas and I do not drink milk).

    I am willing to bet it is magnesium deficiency.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Campbell's Tomato Juice and V8 Vegetable Juice both low sodium for potassium. 24 oz a day. :) I can still stay in ketosis, too. I used to take a prescription strength supplement but this- this is cheaper. And easier. And has other vitamins in it.

    IDK...I paid about $14 for a 3 month supply of my prescription supplement. V8 is about $5 a bottle around here...
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    I know you don't like bananas Bear, but they're awesome sources of potassium! Maybe try preparing them another way so you can get your daily dose of that mineral?

    I don't believe I have ever thought of preparing a banana. Aside from peeling it and sticking it in my mouth. :smile:

    Which I haven't done in years as I am an Insulin dependent type 2 diabetic and bananas are a wee bit too sugary for me.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    Muscle cramps usually mean some kind of vitamin deficiency. So my question is, how long of regularly taking whatever vitamin will you be no longer deficient? Days, weeks, months or longer?

    you may not ever be in a position to stop your supplements. I thought it was odd that I was on such a high potassium supplement, but when I look at my diary, I am not getting anywhere near enough from food sources. You would possibly be able to stop the supplement when you are regularly getting the RDA of that particular vitamin from food sources. If it is a metabolic or absorbtion issue, you may need over the RDA due to the way you process it. Does this make any sense?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious - wouldn't this be a better question for your doctor than us Internet "experts"?
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    From glancing at your diary, it looks like you are sodium not avoid salt, it is quite essential for nerves and mental status. But again, you can't actually tell anything unless you measure levels objectively with a doctor, etc.