Milk: Cow vs. Soy vs. Almond



  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    If you are drinking soy--try to get organic--so that you aren't consuming GM Soybeans!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    All of the milks. (Well, except soy, don't like.)

    Also, did you folks hear about all the raw milk controversies going on? I wondered how skewed (in either direction) the media is making this. Apparently it's easier to get pot these days than raw milk.

    Its easy to get both around here. They deliver door to door
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    I have tried all of them - and I think I honestly prefer almond milk, but Soy is sometimes easier to find at smaller grocery stores. Soy is a good "default" (and i think it's a little cheaper than Almond), but vanilla almond is my absolute favorite!
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 232 Member
    Its easy to get both around here. They deliver door to door

    ooh, where do you live?
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    i loove almond milk. i used to drink skim cow milk for 90 cals a cup, and it tasted like white water. now i get almond milk for 60 calories a cup and it's way creamier and deliciouser and wonderfuller and ah i love it
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    I also use unsweetened Almond Milk. I can't do cow milk, it's too rough on my stomach.
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    I go with just Almond nowadays. Soy isn't particularly recommended for men and regular milk was giving me stomach problems (mild lactose intolerance I think). Almond is all round win for me. I go with the Silk brand because it doesn't have any Carageenan in it.

    What is Carageenan?
  • the casein which is in all dairy is not very good for you :( so you might want to skip on the cow milk
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I never really liked cow's milk - so last year I decided to try Silk - and I thought I was getting the Soy Milk but I grabbed the almond milk instead. I really like the flavor. I use it in everything.

    NOW --> I have found Silk Pure Coconut Vanilla -- and I use this more than the almond milk even though it is twice the calories. I just LOVE coconut (even though I don't get overwhelmed by a coconut flavor with this milk).

    I buy either Almond Milk (unsweetened) or Coconut Milk. Never cow's milk. Never again. (well, maybe heavy whipping cream)
  • big_drake
    big_drake Posts: 78
    I love cow milk. And while I have cut back on my milk comsumption lately, I would never drink any other kind barring some health related reason. I would squirt it from the udder into my mouth if I could. Nothing like straight from the tap...
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Ultimately, I prefer almond milk (unsweetened vanilla flavor). #1. I can not drink cow's milk, it makes me ill #2. I used to drink soy milk, but it's made from beans, so it can give you gas... Not attractive. #3. I prefer the taste of almond milk of the 3. #4. It's a bit cheaper. #5. It has less calories!
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    We've been drinking almond milk (the 60 cal variety, mostly, though my wife likes the vanilla, which I find too sweet) for about two years now. I love the stuff with cereal or to make protein shakes.
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    I can't get over how many people say almond milk is "delicious". I'll use it in a protein shake but there's no way I could drink it straight cuz I think it tastes nasty. OTOH, I've only ever had the Blue Diamond vanilla almond millk, the kind that doesn't have to be refrgerated until opened. Am I missing something?
    I don't like almond milk at all. I bought a carton of vanilla and ended up dumping it down the drain. It's nasty. I do LOVE Silk light choc milk. It tastes just like reg. choc milk to me. I havent tried plain soymilk.

    The refrigerated almond mik is much better than the one off the shelf. Give it another shot? LOL
    I personally love Blue Diamond Vanilla almond milk.
  • bearxfoo
    bearxfoo Posts: 81 Member
    Cow's milk should be taken out of our diet completely, our bodies were not ever meant to have it! I can't remember everything by detail but here's a good article that I follow that helped me when I had the same question You should check out the rest of her blog (Kimberly Snyder). Her book is good too.

    While I agree that dairy products were probably never meant to be consumed by a human (who thought to suck on a cows..... you know. BOOBS), that article you linked says that counting calories doesn't work for weight loss.

    Uhm. This is myfitnesspal... the whole POINT is to count calories! I think many people would disagree with counting calories doesn't help you lose weight.

    So, anyway. I don't think cutting things from your diet is ever good, but I think things like dairy products, and milk, should be limited to a few times a week at most.

    I like the Silk Light Vanilla soy milk. I haven't tried almond milk. I think soy and almond milk are both pretty nutritious and you just try a bunch and see which one you like!
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I use plain unsweetened almond milk for cooking and baking. It doesn't change the flavor of food the way soy milk can. For straight up drinking I like Silk's lite original or vanilla soy milk, though I'm trying to get used to plain almond milk for that too.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I can't get over how many people say almond milk is "delicious". I'll use it in a protein shake but there's no way I could drink it straight cuz I think it tastes nasty. OTOH, I've only ever had the Blue Diamond vanilla almond millk, the kind that doesn't have to be refrgerated until opened. Am I missing something?

    Yes! lol. The refrigerated cartons taste so much better in my opinion! I use silk unsweeteened, but I also have used the blue diamond unsweetened, and I'm still unsure which one I prefer, I just buy whatever is on sale. I really like it. Cow's milk always left a nasty sour taste in my mouth. I would love the taste at first but the aftertaste was never "clean". Cow's milk also gave me those disgusting "tonsil stones" YUCK! If you know what those are, you know how disgusting that is! And I think I may be somewhat lactose intolerant too. Since switching to Almond milk, I have noticed a 100% improvement is ALL areas, plus much clearer skin.
    My Husband loves it too.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I go with just Almond nowadays. Soy isn't particularly recommended for men and regular milk was giving me stomach problems (mild lactose intolerance I think). Almond is all round win for me. I go with the Silk brand because it doesn't have any Carageenan in it.

    What is Carageenan?

    Carageenan is a plant based thickener derived from seaweed or algae.
  • katnohat
    katnohat Posts: 43 Member
    I do not drink cow's milk anymore, but I put almond milk in my smoothies and shakes and if I am drinking it by itself I always drink soy milk because I prefer the taste.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I literally hate cow's milk. I haven't liked the stuff even when I was a baby. I like Almond milk for recipes and cooking. I don't like the taste of drinking it straight but it makes a darn good hot cocoa. I drink coconut milk in smoothies, milk shakes, etc because I do like the taste. I'm allergic to Soy so I don't know what soy milk tastes like.
  • cheetosandburritos
    cheetosandburritos Posts: 93 Member
    I've been trying to avoid excess hormones in my diet, so I've been avoiding dairy and soy. I've been using almond milk for about a month now. Although I've never drank a glass on it's own, I've used it in recipes that call for milk with no issue, and I pour it on cereal in the morning and I think it tastes great. I get the unsweetened version. The difference in calories (as opposed to cow or soy milk) is an added bonus.