Question about HRM

Ok. I see a lot of posts here about them and how great they are at tracking calories. My question is what information do you put into it so that it tracks the calories of the exercise you're doing? Are you putting in age, height, weight, body fat, activity, intensity, target HR, high HR etc.? How are the readings specific to YOU and how do you know they're accurate?


  • bearxfoo
    bearxfoo Posts: 81 Member
    Good heart rate monitors come with a strap you wear across your chest with tracks your heart rate for the entire time you're wearing it and exercising (it reads your rate and sends it to the wrist watch). I'm assuming the calories you burn and based on that - how fast your heart is pumping, or ie, how "active" you're being.

    When you do get one though, you do enter your basic information, height, weight, date of birth. Once you do that, it calculates the zone in which your target heart rate is in.

    It's the same as MFP and the machines except when you're on a machine or when you're using MFP, they're assuming your heart rate was x for x amount of time, thus concluding the calories you burned. Naturally when your heart rate is lower, you aren't burning as much because you aren't working, so interval training may be difficult to calculate on MFP or on a treadmill.