Just upped my calories, scared to death...

I've read a number of threads on this already and I'm sorry for adding to them, but I'm still finding it hard to get my head around. Better to ask than not to know, right?

TDEE: 1833
BMR: 1340

So after much thought, this morning I upped my daily intake from roughly 1250 to 1480 (open diary), I can't afford to lose much more body weight BUT I'm trying to cut body fat so I need some kind of deficit. I know the best way to cut fat and define the body is lifting heavy, but my access to heavy weights is severely restricted (2 times a week, 3 at most). I'm currently also on the 30 Day Shred journey, I walk a lot and I do 30 mins cardio (ellipitcal, treadmill running) two or three times a week. What are the chances of me losing weight/gaining weight/reducing body fat by having upped my calories? I'm scared to death of gaining weight back unless its in the form of muscle. Gosh, so confused. I hope peoplle don't go all rolly-eyed because they have to explain things to another newbie who can't use the search option properly, but I've tried. I'm just a bit dense!


  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    As long as you are between your BMR and TDEE you can't gain weight, not actual fat anyway. You may gain a little the first week but it will fall right off again after.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    If your access to weights is restricted, look around your home and see what you can use instead. Don't foget that you can use your own body as a weight, push ups and pull ups are great for the upper body, squats and lunges for your legs and bum, army style sit ups for your stomach.

    I doubt you would gain by only upping 130 cals but keep an eye on it and if it does start to creep up you can bring it down a bit.
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    Bump. Stuck again. I'm stupid and undoubtedly I'll annoy people by flogging the proverbial dead horse.

    I changed my daily calorie goal on here to 1480 (above my BMR, not as much as my TDEE). Today I've burned about 420 cal exercising. Should I be netting 1480? Therefore eating these calories back (to some extent)? Or, seeing as I've already made my goal a deficit of my TDEE should I leave them alone? Am I even eating enough? What is the meaning of life?
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I would say that if you don't have weight to lose still, or very little, to not agonise so much over it...I am guilty of myself doing this sometimes, but in the grand scheme of things... I exercise daily, eat around 1800 to 2200 calories a day and I am maintaining weight, sometimes still losing, and I am not that young, and not with that speedy a metabolism. 1490 seems low to maintain. My maintenance is 1650 or thereabouts, and that is without exercise and set to sedentary.
  • bearxfoo
    bearxfoo Posts: 81 Member
    I've read that you should net at least what your minimal calorie requirement is - if its 1480, you should net 1480.

    I upped my calorie increase from 1200 to 1400 and I've found it's made a huge difference.

    TDEE is how much you burn INCLUDING your activity. Your BMR is what you'd be fed at a hospital if you were in a coma - it's your VERY basic calorie intake to keep your organs functioning and keeping you alive.

    Unless you live a COMPLETELY sedentary lifestyle - to my understanding, at least, being bed ridden and/or in a wheelchair, etc - you're burning more than your BMR most likely. That's why the TDEE number is important.

    I'm trying to eat above my BMR but below my TDEE at least. Being withing 1400 calories AND exercising, I'm having a lot of "calories open" but I'm simply not hungry sometimes.

    Also, the meaning of life is 42.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    I feel your pain!! I think I need to up my calories as well but I'm scared to do it, so paranoid that I'm going to gain weight but decided that instead of just starting to eat like 500 more a day I'm gonna work my way up 100 cal increments over a week/week and a half lol... that way maybe my metabolism (which I'm sure has dipped due to eating way to little) will have time to catch up and be where it should be!!
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks guys!

    Graelwyn - you're right, stressing about things is just making the whole process harder! I've been instructed to stop losing weight, so up they must go and up they will. I'm dreading seeing the numbers rise as my body comes out of starvation mode, but that should settle quickly - right?

    Bearxfoo - 42!!! I had a hunch! :D Just worked out I've netted 980 cals today (at least 200 under my BMR) and the day is almost over. Don't know what to do! :(

    Auzzie - you're being a smart cookie! Slowly does it! The scale will be a bit higgeldy piggeldy for a while but just keep your eyes closed for the next three weigh-ins! Better to do it now than leave it any longer and end up in more trouble. We can do it!