shrublet Member


  • One thing to consider is that frozen waffles (probably) have a relatively high glycemic index, so if you find yourself hungry in an hour or so afterwards, you might want to consider adding or replacing them with something heartier, with a lower GI index (like eggs, etc.).
  • Will be sending you good thoughts. Please keep yourself safe- I wish the best for you and your boyfriend. We're all here for you.
  • You look awesome. :) I can TOTALLY see a big difference in your frame.
  • Yup, thirded for Dance Central. It can get your heart rate going if you put some effort in. :) In my admittedly uncoordinated experience, however, it can take a lot of work to just do the goddamn dance moves, let alone perform them all in a row in any sort of cardio-like fashion.
  • Welcome to the site. :) Looking forward to seeing you around!
  • Kiranso- thank you! You made some really valid points and I agree that the extensive food library on here is the reason that it's so effective. Gtrigg- I'm techincally on phase 2, but only loosely. By that I mean I don't go all out and eat white bread, sugary cereal, etc. and I try to cook SBD friendly recipes whenever I…
  • Wow, thank you everyone!! I didn't expect so many awesome responses. When I was thinking of doing Weightwatchers, it would mostly have just been on my own using the points thing. I have zero interest in going to meetings, since I have so many lovely friends on here already. :) But a few people made a good point that I am…
  • I just finished week five, day three- the dreaded 20 minute run that's been psyching me out for weeks now. It was challenging but more mentally than physically. If you are worrying about it, don't- the anticipation is worse than actually doing it. Stay with it, everyone.
  • Thank you SO MUCH, everyone! I am going to write down all of your suggestions and bring it with me to the restaurant. I really appreciate all of your help. :)
  • I don't know if you're a member of a gym, but I favor the elliptical machine and always make sure to have my hands as high as possible on the pole things. That means that my arms are moving for an hour at a time, and I've noticed a significant difference in my upper back. The Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred also gives your…
  • Wow, Sherri, great job!!
  • I got my bathing suit today at Swimco. I'm not sure if you have them where you are, though. They have all kinds of sizes, including 18 for sure, and they are cuuuute. (Unfortunately their website sucks, though.)
  • I just finished W4D3. It was hard today, even though yesterday was an off day. It wasn't hard physically, though- my breathing was even, my legs were ok. It was sooo hard mentally. I don't know why. I almost started crying at the end of the second 3min run and that made my hyperventilate during the 1:30 walk but when the…
  • By the way, I know that you exercise pretty intensively every day. What I find helps is protein bars- I get the ones with 0 sugar and 40+ grams of protein. They taste like crap but they're very, very filling and fill you up with protein (because eating meat can be kinda tough when you're feeling blue).
  • Hello! <3 I agree with Purple- break ups are sooo hard, especially bad ones, and some people find it hard to eat during stressful situations. It can also be hard to eat when you exercise a lot or are watching your calories, etc. (This is what I find for me.) Protein and meal drinks are a good idea, and try and get in as…
  • I learned at some point that, for evolutionary reasons, we tend to store the most stubborn fat in our torso and, for women more than men, in our thighs and bum. This is because when we were out hunting bison on the plains and what have you, leaner limbs meant faster travel- but we had to store the fat somewhere (the whole…
  • Thanks all! That's exactly what I'm looking for. :)
  • Yeah that girl sounds like a horrible shrew. For what it's worth, I think you're totally gorgeous (going by your icon)! And I've also had a week where the scale just won't budge- it happens, unfortunately. I'm not sure if you've ever watched The Biggest Loser, but they work out hours and hours every day and even they have…
  • I've heard that aspartame can make you hungrier and retain weight, etc. I've noticed that it does tend to make me hungrier if I drink too much. Try to taper off- maybe limit yourself to one a day, and then one every couple of days. Also remember that aspartame is in a lot of things (sugar free jello, syrups, puddings,…
  • Week four, day two complete. Was easier than last time and I thought that I went a lot faster on the runs but the calorie burn and distance is identical. Argh... oh well. I'd be happy about completing this if it didn't mean I'm one day closer to the 20min run. Eek! I read an article on the Couch to 5k website that said…
  • Hello there! I am currently following the South Beach diet, which is a not too drastic (in my opinion) low carb eating plan. I've seen a lot of success with it- here is the list of low-carb foods that I generally use. (And usually I go way over my protein too, sometimes double, which is nice):…
  • That's awesome. :) Thank you for sharing!
  • Hi NYIceQueen, First of all, I'm so glad to hear that your surgery sounds like it went ok. That would be a difficult ordeal for anyone, so you certainly should *not* beat yourself up over gaining any weight. Seriously. You are clearly a fighter and this is just a little kink in your progress that you'll overcome before you…
  • I dunno... those look kinda gimmicky to me. It doesn't seem like a way of eating that is sustainable for a lifetime, and the problems with those sorts of things is that when you stop it, your body can freak out from the change and start hoarding weight. For awhile, I actually followed something close to the QOD plan and I…
  • I deal with this a lot too. The thing is that I've always felt enormous... but when I look back now on pictures of me as a teenager when I was "horribly fat" and didn't do anything because I was too self conscious, I was actually a cute little thing. One of the dangers with the "it'll all be better when I'm skinny" pattern…
  • If you have an iPhone, I use the app Runkeeper which tracks your route using the phone's GPS, and also keeps track of your distance, pace and calories. It's a godsend and I love it- plus you can program the intervals into it to give you prompts when to run and walk.
  • I agree with Heidi. 10-15lbs is often enough if you lose it from your tummy first. I'm the same way in that I lose it in a distributed way across my whole body (which feels good in the mirror but not so good when buying pants since it's so slow). Just think how good it'll feel to reach for a size fourteen and visualize…
  • You look absolutely ravishing! Such a difference and so inspiring. :) Great job and thank you for sharing.
  • W4D1 finished! Good god was it hard, though. Almost 26deg outside and I was horribly dehydrated due to a stomach bug and not enough water today. I thought I was going to choke, my mouth was so dry. Might bring a water bottle along next time. First interval wasn't awesome but it wasn't bad either. The first five minute run…
  • More structure in my day always helps with me. I'm a university student and at the moment, I have a month off and have embarked on this whole fitness thing, which is going well so far. That being said, it's not easy to be at home for a good portion of the day and be disciplined enough not to snack! I always find that when…