Diet soda or no soda

lindakp83 Posts: 45
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I usually drink a lot of diet soda. I have convinced myself this is ok since I only drink diet. I was a mad Mountain Dew adict in High School until I became pregnant so diet sode was a big change for me. Now I am wondering whether I should give up diet soda or is it not so bad. FYI if I give up diet soda I am still drinking coffee in the morning. I only drink 1 or 2 cups in the morning if I am having a tired day so please don't tell me that's bad too!



    if can give it up, you are better off, get more water in and try some teas.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Try and limit it. In no way is it good for you. Artificial sweeteners are really bad. I never let my kids have them. I'd rather they had sugar.

    Occasionally, if I REALLY want lemonade, diet coke, etc, I'll have it, but it's never a regular feature in our house. If you're needing that fizz, try sparkling water with friut juice. That's what I do.
  • shrublet
    shrublet Posts: 42 Member
    I've heard that aspartame can make you hungrier and retain weight, etc. I've noticed that it does tend to make me hungrier if I drink too much. Try to taper off- maybe limit yourself to one a day, and then one every couple of days. Also remember that aspartame is in a lot of things (sugar free jello, syrups, puddings, Crystal Light, etc.).
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    I thought i would die without coke & Solo... but so far im feeling better than normal... (i might have half a glass occasionally but even thats rare now!!)

    I am however in love with a cordial i found called "Extra Juicy" the Apple and raspberry flavour is my fave and has 60 calories for 250mls... considering you only need a tiny amount its nice as a treat some days!!! =)
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I would suggest that if you can, limit it to as less as possible.
    I used to have like 200ml a day. Now I don't have it that much. But If I feel like it I do have it. But when I had it after a long long time last week, it gave me a headache :noway: So now I have another good reason to avoid it :laugh:
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I used to drink Diet soda everyday but ever since I have been eating healthier I haven't had the desire to drink it. I like green tea in the morning now so I drink 2 cups then water the rest of the day. I do drink about 2 glasses of diet soda when I go out to eat though. I'd say if you feel like a diet soda drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes if you still want it drink the soda. Eventually you'll want it less and less.
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I used to drink one can of diet coke a day. that was my evening treat along with a portion of something sweet. I still have my something sweet, so probably a little aspartame still, but I've cut out the soda.
    I'm drinking 1 -2 litres of water witha a little cordail in (on a good day I would only drin up to half a litre in a day before).
    I feel better for it. And also my weight loss has been steady for the last few weeks so I think it's made a difference.
  • I used to be a habitual soda drinker, and since I don't like coffee, it was my source of caffine. Working nights it was almost a nessecity(or so I thought). Since cutting out soda, I have lost almost 30lbs, and to cover the caffine I have tea, but only once in a while. I do have a soda once in a while now, but find them real sweet, and not having carbonation in a while makes them more "bubbly" if thats possible. My recent soda intake has been an occasional root beer, and just this last week tried Pepsi Max, and tho really sweet, was pretty good for a "diet" soda, and at ZERO calories was an added benefit! :) SInce I work the overnight shift, I have found I don't need all the caffine all the time, I take a multiple B vitamin and drink lots of water, usually mixed with a singles to go packet to give some flavor.
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    Cut them out completely, I stopped drinking soda cold turkey and I feel much better for it! That stuff isnt good for you at all in any way, dont even think for a second that just because your drinking the diet that its some how better, its not.
    Im a busy mom of 3 and if anyone needs a caffiene pick me up, its me! but I havent had any in quite some time, I drink water and lots of green tea but my tea has no caffiene.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Drinking soda isn't just bad for you because of the calories or the fake sugars!

    The acid in the sodas also erode your teeth and the aciification of your blood from the acid (which is put in for flavor) leeches calcium from your bones to balance out the pH. Nasty bugger in your body.

    So let's see here....extra calories or crazy blood sugar fluctuations...rotting teeth...weakened bones...

    Good bye soda! :)
  • Personally, I would prefer water if I want to drink something. I feel like when we discover that something is bad for us, we tend to replace it with something even worse. Sure sugar isn't exactly health food, but artificial sweeteners aren't even food. Its just plain not neccessary to human survival.

    In my opinion, when making a lifestyle change, the focus should be on getting back to basics first. I don't see anything wrong with a cup or two of coffee or tea. I'm drinking coffee right now. I think we should focus on more natural choices, meaning things you could find in nature, and let go of the other stuff for now.

    This may sound harsh, but I'm going to say it. If it was soda that got someone to the point of needing to lose weight, then give it up. Its like coddling a spoiled child. Little Timmy wants chocolate milkshakes everyday so mom supplements with pediasure so he can have his milkshake minus the ice cream. Little Timmy has learned nothing about changing his behaviour. And the supplement still contains sugar and artificial stuff. Not really comparing you to a spoiled child, but do you see the connection. Sometimes, we have to just let it go. Its more a mental shift that needs to be made.

    I'm just saying if you give it up all together and get healthy, then you can go back and try that moderation thing. You'll see that your body no longer craves it, you will react differently to it, and you will be in a healthier place to decide if you really need the diet soda.

    That being said, I still have a soda from time to time. I splurge on the regular stuff too. I get a quick sugar high and remember why I don't drink the stuff in the first place. And I'm still losing weight without any artificial sweeteners anywhere in my diet.
  • SUERAE99
    SUERAE99 Posts: 7 Member
    SOBE lifewater is AWESOME!!! it has zero calories and no aspartime. I have given up pop myself and it isn't so bad. it only took me about a week or so and then i was over it. good luck! :smile:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Personally, I would prefer water if I want to drink something. I feel like when we discover that something is bad for us, we tend to replace it with something even worse. Sure sugar isn't exactly health food, but artificial sweeteners aren't even food. Its just plain not neccessary to human survival.

    In my opinion, when making a lifestyle change, the focus should be on getting back to basics first. I don't see anything wrong with a cup or two of coffee or tea. I'm drinking coffee right now. I think we should focus on more natural choices, meaning things you could find in nature, and let go of the other stuff for now.

    This may sound harsh, but I'm going to say it. If it was soda that got someone to the point of needing to lose weight, then give it up. Its like coddling a spoiled child. Little Timmy wants chocolate milkshakes everyday so mom supplements with pediasure so he can have his milkshake minus the ice cream. Little Timmy has learned nothing about changing his behaviour. And the supplement still contains sugar and artificial stuff. Not really comparing you to a spoiled child, but do you see the connection. Sometimes, we have to just let it go. Its more a mental shift that needs to be made.

    I'm just saying if you give it up all together and get healthy, then you can go back and try that moderation thing. You'll see that your body no longer craves it, you will react differently to it, and you will be in a healthier place to decide if you really need the diet soda.

    That being said, I still have a soda from time to time. I splurge on the regular stuff too. I get a quick sugar high and remember why I don't drink the stuff in the first place. And I'm still losing weight without any artificial sweeteners anywhere in my diet.

    As always, very well said!!!

    Coffee is not bad for you, no reason to give it up. It is listed as one of the healthiest foods.

    I no longer drink soda unless it is Zevia and even those are in very, very small quantities now- I had one last week (diet Pepsi) when our water was turned off at work and it made me violently ill. Migraine headache, stomach ache and eventually threw up.

    Coffee, tea (all different types) and water is where its at!!!
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    When I began my Journey to healthy eating and getting physical at the beginning of the year, I decided to give up my caffeinne free diet Coke. I read a lot of articles about diet drinks and artificial sweeteners. I decided to try it. The major difference I find is that I don't have the insane cravings that I used to get. I think by eliminating soda the cravings were also eliminated. I, too, am a coffee drinker and generally have 2-3 cups in the morning ... those I am not willing to give up. I've also increased my water drinking to about a gallon a day.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Diet soda is, in my opinion, the worst thing you can put in your body for fluid. I am a coffee lover but here is the issue. YOu may be tired from TOO MUCH caffeine, yep thats right, too much can tire you out as well as dehydrate you. I found that when I drank a cup of water first thing in the morning and then had my coffee that I felt awake longer and when I am feeling pooped in the after noons I have some water and fruit and that seems to help with the sleepiness.

    Coffee is a natural dieuretic and since the caffiene in your soda is FROM coffee beans that have been processed chemically to remove the caffeine it would make sense that your soda is also causing you to lose water during the day and it is proven that even a slight hydration level difference in your body can cause tiredness, irratibility and mood swings I would say you need to cut something or add more water to your day!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Just a thought, if you *really* need help weaning yourself off soda, I drink this stuff called Izze occasionally when I feel like I need something different than water or tea. It's just basically a fruit juice spritzer - carbonated water, fruit juice, and some fruit puree. At least it's natural. I find it in my grocer's organic/natural section.
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